Limit Range of Deep Space Radar

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sguy, November 24, 2013.


How should Deep Space Radar be changed?

  1. Not at all

  2. Radius around planet

  3. Planets + their satellites

  4. Other?

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Step one of making orbital invasions more practical is stopping DSR giving away everything you are doing. The issue is there's no real way to deny the enemy that intel. They lock down a moon with a DSR, WTF are you doing to do about it?

    Moving it to tier 2 won't change a thing because it's not until tier 2 that heavy orbital play occurs anyway.
  2. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Here is an other idea for the DSR.
    You link a DSR with an orther celestial body and it will only watch that body. That way, you'd need more than one DSR to cover the entire solar system.
    The DSR has the ability to :
    • see unit icons or radar blips on the planet it is built
    • see unit icons or radar blips on the planet it is watching
    • see unit icons or radar blips for orbital units going or leaving that planet.
    How to use it : Select your DSR, unfold the planet list on the top right, right click on the body you want to watch. Or, go to orbital view with the DSR selected and right click on the body itself.

    On the top right planet list, you'd have a feedback for the watching status for each body.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    absolute heresy.

    How about this: the above applies only to t2 radar if you're playing on a 800 radius planet or below.

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