lets order the class's Top to Bottom

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by tinygod, February 17, 2011.

  1. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    Can you PM me? I honestly don't want to know to cheat at all, I just want to know about it. I play dedicated support, anyhow.
  2. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    GOOGLE is your friend if u really have to know it.. let it go for the sake of the thread please..
  3. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I always go solo. I have to admit that even a bad Gunner can be a pain when followed by his personal Support though.
  4. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I dont mean to say you have to be in a group, but more that if your team is kicking ***, a gunner can capitolize more than any other class.. hes a beast if hes not pressured, but once pressured he has so little mobility.. not even the charge that tanks have.. hes a sitting duck if he gets attacked by multiples.. leading to alot of deaths when he has no teamates to fight the mob with him..

    but yeah with a support on him, if hes good.. OMG.. its like cheating.. ive never raged in game, accept one time.. this gunner had a little hip pocket support following him around.. and he was unkillable.. our sniper couldnt hit him (his fault not the gunners, but still) and when ever I had him close to death..
    bam 3 air strikes covering their reatreat. lol
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    haha, i suppose you're talking about me

    I didn't know that support or talk to him or anything.. from my perspective he was just being a good combat medic!
  6. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    lol I think that was you, and I dont think he was being a good combat medic..

    from my perspective he was being a little bastard lol

    Kidding, it was amazingly hard to counter, anytime I had you, he would toss 3 airstrikes and back u up..

    after a while I wasnt sure who was using who, he seemed to use you like a walking turret, more than you used him like a medic :)

    Good times though..
  7. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    I have been having a problem playing gunner lately. I find it so fun to grapple terrible assassins to death that I've been going out of my way to snatch them up and manhandle them a bit. Tends to get me killed more than I should be dying!
  8. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    Some kind of counting poll would be nice to see a trend, if any.

    1) Assault : most versatile class, it does everything quite good and allows the best adaptation depending on what's going on. If Assault is paper, there is no scissors for it yet, there are only better players. In PUB's that's what counts.

    2) Tank : The best line pusher. Face melter at close range. If you manage to get up close, you have a real advantage.

    3) Support : The best tactical unit. Like Assault, adaptation defence/offence is key. Probably the hardest to exploit to maximum. The longer the game is out there however, the better the future for Support. Perfect setup cannot go without it. You have to be smart to be good.

    4) Gunner : Straight forward class, firepower compensates slow movement and huge "shoot me" body. Very balanced overall. Don't need to know much to play right.

    5) Assassin : Typical kid's class (not necessarily in a bad sense). I don't like it, because cloak pushes many to pvp only. It gives a mental advantage of being the one to do the opener. Stalker, but thank god it still is balanced with other classes.

    6) Sniper : The class, which if played well pulls the game unpleasantly out of the FUN zone and ruins an otherwise great experience. The only class that can be played with one finger. The only class that doesn't actually fight or sweat. And the only class that can be really efficient not by hard complex work, but by mastering only the point and press technique. It is then the worse for me.
  9. Fevered

    Fevered New Member

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    1. Assault: Awesome mobility, harassment, and pro killing options. Out of all the classes the assault has my favorite skill set. I <3 the bomb the most.

    However, you really have to learn when to pick your fights.

    2. Gunner: Killing machine/siege destroyer! It's crazy how fast you can drop a pro.

    The big downside is his mobility (particularly when trying to escape).

    3 (tie). Support: A well placed firebase can decide games. Air strikes are an absolute blast to use. Oh, and who doesn't love a good shotty kill? Not counting the person on the receiving end of course. :D

    He's the most dependent on how good the team is. Playing support for a crappy team is a lesson in frustration.

    3 (tie). Tank: Excellent bot destroyer. The rail gun is very versatile and death blossoms are lethal (especially to unwise face stabbing assassins).

    His general lack of mobility (excluding charge) is a bit of a bummer at times though.

    4. Sniper: Rarely play sniper. I've actually felt guilty playing it!

    He's the ultimate buzzkill. When I play assault I get warm fuzzies stomping a sniper.

    5. Assassin: I've played this game 73 hours and have yet to play assassin in MP. All my assassin smashing via other classes made me biased. ;)

    ...But I will say that there are some pretty awesome assassin players out there.
  10. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    1. Assassin - Because dat ***.

    2. Assault - Because he's the strongest like Cirno, but unfortunately lacks dat ***.

    3. ???

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