Let's have a mature discussion about the Sniper and Balance.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Goose, February 20, 2011.

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  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    That would be my gunner. Actually, I want the devs to mess with the sniper script to make it unselectable, or someone to make a no-sniper server, so I can go around inducing rage with my gunner. I need more people to post in my "gunner is overpowered" thread.
  2. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    This is avoiding the argument completely. Many really believe that this game would be much more balanced without Sniper. Many people also have intelligent arguments to defend their points. Assault isn't the next class in line for the OP title because he doesn't have destroy any particular class. Sniper has the ability to destroy every class in the game. This is inarguable, a Sniper with perfect accuracy would break this game. Luckily nobody has perfect aim with a sniper but that doesn't stop people from being extremely useful with one. He can easily kill Gunners and Tanks and can put ridiculous pressure on any other class. While it is winnable due to human limitations, somebody certainly can pull off some questionable things with him. Like I've been saying for a while, I do not think the Sniper is game breaking but I do feel he can be tweaked to make him not so useful. This game is very balanced but I can't shake the feeling that Snipers have too many tools.

    Also, I do not appreciate the sarcasm from some of these posters. It's unwarranted and unnecessary.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    You can argue that the assault doesn't NEED to face any class directly. He can go around them, attacking bots, jumping around and avoid other classes, attacking turrets like a pack of wolves from a mess of angles and running off after dropping one, getting bots in the moneyball, and juicing it and killing it in 3 seconds (someone actually try this, get 6 default assaults, juice, attack a moneyball from full health, time it to see how long it takes)

    Same with assassin, all she has to do is be a ellusive worm that digs into the core (in this case, the powercore, lol)

    And the gunner, what class can beat a double-healed gunner. Would 4 sniper bullets actually kill him?
  4. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I fail to see how that has anything to do with the Sniper. Are you comparing the Assaults map control to the Sniper's? They aren't even similar. The assault has to actually be put into harms way just to do what he is supposed to do, he can die in the normal fashion. Sniper's on the other had don't need to die a lot of the time and an Assault or a Sin actually needs to put out the effort to kill the Sniper each spawn. He is just too efficient and does his role too well.
  5. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    This times 1000. Really Bro, you're either trolling, or a complete idiot. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that you're trolling.
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    No, the assault does NOT get put in harm's way too greatly. He can charge away, the same as an assassin can smokebomb away, and a tank has charge too. Gunners have all the tools to fight their way out of a problem, supports should be behind a gunner and out of danger, and sniper should ALSO be behind a gunner and out of harm's way. Saying the sniper has too little danger is like saying the support does. All he needs to do is have his heavies keep field control, while he himself hides in his own territory handing out free overheals, building offencive and defencive turrets, and gapshot spamming.

    Snipers and supports are in as much danger as each other, depending on map control for each. Support even has more health, and a reliable method to get more health. Snipers get caught, it doesn't take much to kill them. It takes even less to force them behind cover at a range (which means they aren't killing bots or pros, and are losing territory), so they don't die.

    Ok, now obvious troll is obvious. Can you please not reply if your going to try to troll-classify, thank you epsiodude2.
  7. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Lmao, seriously. Gunner can get overwhelmed so, so very easily, and his only mobility is his jetpack, seriously.

    And also, hypocrisy is great in this one.
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    epsiodude2 the title of the tread involves the word "mature". Not to say that I agree with Bro on this.

    Bro, a Support has no means of healing everyone on the team at once and is extremely limited in offensive options. I am not going to lie and claim that camping a Firebase is inefficient, but it isn't so much of a threat as Sniper fire from across the entire map. A firebase and a Support can be overwhelmed whereas a Sniper is much safer. Especially if he uses his spare money on turrets. It can be hard to touch him.
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Having the opinion that the sniper is a balanced part of this game, one put in by the developers to keep other classes in line, and put in to be kept in line by other classes, isn't trolling. It's simply having a different opinion. Herpa-derpa-doo.

    Seriously, don't accuse someone with a different opinion of trolling, and you won't be called a troll.

    Besides, a troll gives up NO ground in an arguement. I don't care if they nerf sniper's aim. Whatever. I simply threatened that if they make the class useless, then the gunner sounds like it will be the best class afterwards, so that will be the class I exploit. That is just common sense to me, and that's what I will do, too.

    So, do something, IDC... I just wouldn't recommend making the class useless. If you do, tomorrow my defeated enemies shall come here, gather their tears into one giant chain of threads, and harness its magic to undo their previous mistakes.

    @Goose, I think a sniper and a lvl3.3 firebase can be overwhelmed about the same, with about the same zoning capabilities. A sniper is basically a firebase with long range as armor, open areas as zone, and a larger damage coupled with a slower rate of fire, if you compare it that way.
  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    As much as I wish it did, my firebase can't OHK from the entire map and is completely stationary. I just really isn't fair to compare them IMO.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    As much as HE wishes he COULD, I bet grimbar couldn't shoot any enemy flying through the air nearby like a firebase could (firebases never miss, in case you didn't notice).

    Not saying that some people would lose to a firebase, I'm just saying that I do know a few people to have a worse K/D in a game than my firebase. My firebase had a bigger streak than my whole team a few games too.

    Snipers are very fragile, and prone to miss headshots a lot. They aren't easily able to pull it off. Making it harder, like requiring a scope time for it, or making scoping in take longer, wouldn't be such a bad idea.
  12. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    A well qualified team can take down a firebase easily. A well qualified team would have a much harder time taking out a Sniper doing his job correctly. This argument is pretty pointless now :|
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    A firebase shouldn't be ALL of a support's tricks. Sniping pretty much IS all of a sniper's tricks.

    Support's firebase holds ground with heavies around for a heal, so they can use that as a refueling station to push forward. Snipers can also hold ground, but mainly only for an escape.

    Also, a well qualified team of assault should either deal with snipers by focus firing grenades, or lose their MNC liscense.
  14. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    A team of Assaults would have big holes open where other classes are supposed to be. I don't understand why you bring that up when it is never going to happen in a competitive or non-competitive environment. An all Assault team does no win games against good players. Yes they sure would rape a sniper though :roll:
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I believe I have fixed that for you.

    You see what I did there?

    EDIT: I withdrawl my arguement at this point. Your next point was very valid, but this isn't getting anywhere. It's up to everyone I supposed, whatever happens happens. Lol, amazingly, I have one message to a mod saying I was stopping the arguing, and another "board warning issued" message not 8 minutes later. That didn't matter at all, I wasn't going to continue this, and I still won't. Let everyone else be heard instead of me now, it's not worth a forum ban to fight this battle anymore, for a class I don't even play.
    Last edited: February 21, 2011
  16. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Wow bro, honestly? I really can't tell if you are serious anymore...

    Why should balance only be a matter in an all 1 class situation?
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You say yourself that you don't even play the PC version anymore. So I can only come to one conclusion: You are just posting in this threads to stir up the already heated discussion. That's the last thing we need right now.
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Not as reliably as a Firebase yes.
  19. Arth

    Arth New Member

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    i hardly ever see a sniper own hard enough to make a serious impact towards how a match ends

    the reall classes of influence are to my opinion assassin, support, assault, gunner ( if he knows what he's doing, but that goes for all )

    why not tank ? idk, never see them doing enough to give them a "combat efficiency pin" sort of speak

    so yea idk if were talking about the few very good ppl that can do something,
    but besides them i don't think the sniper is that OP

    so its more focussed on skill then on the sniper class itself i must say
  20. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Every single class in this game has the potential to destroy, and be destroyed by, every other class in this game. In the right hands, every class in this game is devastating. In the wrong hands, every class is ****. Which is what you people seem unable to understand. Sniper isn't inherently more useful or stronger than any other class in this game. We've explained this several dozen times now... I honestly don't know how else to tell you, or how to explain it.

    Either you simply do not get it, or refuse to get it. Either ways, why go in circles?
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