Let's have a mature discussion about the Sniper and Balance.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Goose, February 20, 2011.

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  1. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    Did you read what I wrote about our yesterdays common game ?

    I was trying to play that Assault. Did you read how bad it sucks to try to be that Assault ? How it's not fun to spend the whole game looking for that Sniper ? And how come the Sniper is the ONLY class which requires such focused attention ? Why is it the only class that requires the whole team in front to coordinate specifically around him ? not fun, not fun, not fun.

    For recall - I wrote that to you yesterday :
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Same goes for that one assassin that juices every odd second, same goes for that etc. etc. etc.

    I'm not looking for fun, you should know that by now. Instead of gimping the Sniper for players who have no problem with him you people should rather start servers with a sniper limit of 0, that'd solve all of your problems and it doesn't even require any work from the devs because the functionality is already given but I guess that bit of effort is already too much for some.
  3. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    No, it doesn't. You can't designate someone to follow an Assassin, who spends half the game almost invisible. You can however fight him off on individual level. That's balance. Sniper however, according to you requires team coordination to counter. Not comparable.

    Sorry, till now I tought we were talking about a computer game.

    computer game.

  4. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    The aspect of coordination I talked about requires designated people for all roles, I never stated that it takes more than one person to bring the sniper down, cheers for misreading.

    One single assault (for example) is enough to lock me down all game, ask OD he knows.
  5. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Football is also a game but for some reason i doubt the players in the world cup consider their games, just for "Fun", but hey maybe thats just me.

    And what your saying is complete bollocks, it dosent require team coordination, a win may require that but to take out a sniper requires 1 player to concentrate on him, if that, as long as hes under pressure when he hops onto the lanes, the whole idea of the sniper being able to dominate the map from his spawn is massively exagerated its ridiculous, the only map where this is possible is steel peel.

    What part of "Sin takes bots" is team coordination to take down a sniper?

    As long as theirs pressure on the sniper from 1 player, that would be 1 player cancelling another player, then it allows your team to press forewards up the lanes, also the 1 to 1 cancelling dosent really work either does it, because a skilled assault will be able to put absolutely crazy massive amounts of pressure on a sniper, he wont be a sniping position for more than 15-20 seconds before hes getting slammed with grenades or the beeping of the bomb forces him to run for cover, and once that sniper is covering or dead then what, the assault just chills for a while? Hardly... he can harrass the other players, take shots at bots or turrets, build juice and wreck the enemy base.

    Edit: Troo dat, OD got dah snipin annoying skillz.
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    You apparently don't get the "fun" part here.

    You play because it's fun, right? And you keep playing because of that, right? You wouldn't play a game if it isn't fun, right? That's what is meant.
    God, I really have to hurt myself for those "right"'s.

    Sure sometimes you have to lock the "fun" part into a chest and throw it down a cliff because you want to achieve something you really want, ( which in your example would be the world cup.) but that's for just a short time compared to the overall experience.

    Playing a video game because you are looking for something other than fun ( keep in mind, fun can take the form of many things) is just wrong IMO. If grimbar is not playing because it's fun, well, that's sad.
  7. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    But I understood just fine. And reply to that, that I don't want to suggest random people every 15 mins that they should pick this class over that, or to focus on that or something else. Random pub should remain random, with fun.

    So if OD can do that its all fine.
  8. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    You didn't fall for that, did you ? Professionnal fooballers are getting paid to play. Even in a glorious event as world cup, by their respective federations. So it's kind of normal since its their job. I too perform in mine and am getting paid for it. When I play tough, i'd rather just have fun. But hey maybe thats just me.
  9. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    No, that does not make the class overpowered.
    I have a post about Hammers which kinda debunks this idea a few pages back.

    I'm on your side, I'm just pointing out that your post contains faulty logic :)
  10. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Man you and OD need to get a room, I haven't seen such love for a strawman since Dorothy Gale
  11. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I prefer you when you're my healing slave :p
  12. nSmoothCritical

    nSmoothCritical New Member

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    If I wanted to spend fifteen minutes on letting my teammates have fun, even I would be able to do it. ******* get it already.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    This statement is correct.
  14. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Congrats on taking 1 point and pouncing on it, Grimbar is only giving OD as an example of an assault who has such talent.

    Whats the point of an arguement (Like you guys so many times) that say "YEA ANYBODY CAN DO THAT, ANY SNIPER CAN INSTA-QUICKSCOPE-HEADSHOT ANYBODY ON WHOLE MAP EVERYTIME!" If you then do not have an example of a player who is actually able to pull off such a feat?

    We claim that a decent assault can completely counter a sniper, and we supply a small example of such a player who has many times pulled this off and could easily demonstrate doing so again.
  15. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    This is where the "mature" part from the thread title comes in. We cannot enter an "example" competition here, because its stupid. It's stupid, because examples true or false cannot convince us of anything. I don't know who that guy is and if I start pushing dozens of nicknames too, you wont either. The whole idea is to have a little trust in what people observe and think.

    I feel, observe and conclude that :
    1) The Devil is in the details - I don't say "ANY SNIPER" I say "MANY SNIPERS". There isn't a percentage of Assaults who do what you say. I don't say its mathematically impossible, so exceptions confirm the rule.

    2) That there will never be as many Assaults doing that later, because ITS NOT FUN to try to be that guy. And you can of course continue to ignore that argument, ok ?

    3) An Assault example, probably rather hard gamer can pull that off. Cool, what about Tank, Gunner, Support ???? Do you want to throw at me a few names of each that consistently shut down a good Sniper other than a couple of your buddies ? Don't be absurd trying, it just does not exist in PUBs. This is where the game is played.
  16. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Thats right, gunners, tanks and supports, the short range classes cannot consistantly shut down a sniper... well done...
  17. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    Yet he has the skills and inherent mechanism to shut everyone down consistently.
    Well done.

    I wouldn't respond to the Headshot nerf + stun posts either tbh, because it does nothing except eliminate your hand of god, lone wolf, non battle bullsh** and replace it with making you an extremely strong team player.

    For shame.
  18. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Thats good, you keep ignoring the "Assault kicks snipers face in" posts and we can call it even.
  19. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    When does he do this?
    When the sniper goes to the same spot over and over again with no team mates to help.
    So, a stupid sniper.

    Here's something exciting to think about, any time an Assault is dangerous to a sniper it's close range, he isn't sniping him anyway, so what you have brought up has no relevance what so ever to nerfing sniper headshot damage and buffing it with a stun.

    Scintillating, your supposed witty retort has in fact turned out to be worthless.

    He has an extremely exploitable mechanic built in which the game isn't balanced accordingly for when its ease of use is extremely high on PC with a mouse, a one shot kill.

    So while he may not be classed as OP overall for every situation, for a fair few, he is and the mechanic should be looked at.

    Case closed.
    Last edited: February 22, 2011
  20. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    Lol. Tempted saying it "how it is". Good on ya mate. I agree 100% with what you say.

    I played some sniper last night to try it out. I suck at headshots and kills, but that's obvious because I never play it. Though my ability to hold off enemies with ice traps and flaks was incredible. He really has such an awesome defense and his close range firepower is not to be laughed at. If I had the patience to learn quickscoping and the class as a whole then I can see how powerful he would be.

    Any other class and I have to put myself into a real danger zone.
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