Let's Get Ready to CEVO!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by CEVOCelone, March 16, 2011.

  1. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Demo recording has never worked properly on UE3 and I don't know how much manpower Uber is willing to put into it.
  2. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Default rules with class limit set to 2 max (all classes, no stupid exceptions like one assassin only). Default rules are pretty much as balanced as can be. Even though Overtime shifts gameplay dramatically, that's literally all it is: a change of pace and focus. There's not a problem with overtime being present in tournament level play.

    I still agree with Grim that some sort of demo or spectator system needs to be put into play first. There are serious problems without these options available that could quickly eliminate interest in tournament level matches.
  3. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    personally i'd prefer highlander rules. but it seems like the majority prefers class limit 2
  4. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    It's really restrictive, There's only so much you can do with 1 of every class.
  5. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    just a personal preference, so each one has to know their class absolutely well.

    i'm also fine with 2 class limits, no problems :D
  6. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    In our competitive scrims, the only rules we had were a max of 2 per class. We had no problems, the games were intense, and very fun.
  7. Solipcyst

    Solipcyst New Member

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    Wow, I thought CEVO was more "professional" than this. Shouldn't you wait until a game has been out at least a few months before you even consider investing so much effort in setting up and maintaining a competitive system like ladders and tournaments?

    The vast majority of games that you mentioned supporting in your original post are well established and more importantly community supported games. When I say community supported, I mean that the community was given the tools to support the continued interest and development of the games. That hasn't happened with MNC. It's debatable whether or not it will happen, but I really don't think this game even warrants consideration until it does. The only other games that don't have such tools are blockbuster franchises with invariably built-in audiences.

    This game is great for what it is: a way to kill half an hour to an hour. Nothing wrong with that at all. There's a reason why it was $15. A truly engaging game with a long shelf life and community support it is not.

    TL;DR: If the community is not give the tools to support this game, the community will die. It has not been given such tools, and signs point to them not coming. Don't waste your time.
  8. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Comp gaming (as it exists in the States) and CEVO in particular is more or less a scam to bilk clueless sponsers out of money. The audience is slightly larger than elementary school play level but the the fuddy duddys that are desperately trying to sell their products don't always realize that.
  9. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    ^What tools are these?

    Mods have been confirmed as being actively working on.
  10. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    I was just angry because the competitive mania filled the server browser with passworded servers full (well, more like half empty, but anyway) of people who deemed themselves good enough to train for a competitive scene of a 10bucks game, thus limiting the already low number of servers and the already limited number of players...
    So, yes, I want the competitive scene of this game to die before being born, being that it killed pubs (and the starred servers didn't help, but this is not the place to talk about it).
  11. corducken

    corducken Member

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    I'm not sure who this impersonator is, but MNC hasn't even been considered for an organized competitive scene.

    The game is in a state of decline. Right now, if you were to organize a tournament of some sort you'd probably be able to scrounge up about 3 teams if you're lucky. All the "serious" groups that organize competitive games and matches at this point in time know this and stay away.

    Anyone with one eye can see that the clans and tourneys subforum is practically dead. So who is this person trying to toy with the community?
  12. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Your understanding of competitive play has no basis in reality. The players that want to attempt competitive play are the such that they (eventually) become the best in the game because they play against others that want to be the best in the game as well.

    Pubs do not provide anywhere near that level of competition to develop skill.

    The reality is that competitive players consist of maybe 1% of a player base. Hardly something worth fretting over. But it is likely never going to appear in MNC without significant increases in player counts (like 30-40x or more of current). IF that happens an actual league or two would probably start up and see how things go.

    In short, stop projecting everything bad in any game on competitive players. You really are doing yourself a disservice by thinking that way. The only goal for competitive players is to improve their skill and win against other people that think similarly.

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