Let's Discuss the Assault

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, April 2, 2011.

  1. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    ^ that gunner hovering on the highest walls in your base in LazeRazor is SOOOO annoying :lol:

    I can usually displace him with a bomb, but the headcrab is hard for me to pull off there. So basically by the time I get up there to kill him he's on that wall again after quickly being overhealed by his tagalong support. If only this team based game was played by team players :roll:

    The assault's 1v1 skills are really only OP when he has the advantage positioning wise (firing from above, wall cover, etc...) and he of course has to be in the hands of the right player. He's almost as bad off as a sniper/assassin when he's close-mid range in a gunner's face or in within a few feet of a tank. Awareness is everything in this game, no matter class you play.

    You can argue OP all day long for any class but the truth is often that you're not as good as the person you played against. Plenty of people here believe the game is very well balanced just the way it is, me included.

    Now juicing...that just needs some very minor tweaks, but that's always for another thread.

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