Good Annies and Warwicks make me mad as well as players that don't realize I am trying to Tank for them.
So I finally caved and decided to give this game a try. Completed the first (out of the two) tutorial and I'm hooked already. I think what I like about it is that it's (at the root) MNC on a (seemingly) much larger scale (as far as map size and character selection). (Obligatory parenthetical statement.)
Unfortunately for LoL, I'll be playing Borderlands all night with some friends so I won't really have the opportunity to really dig into and better get to know it. Oh well! I'll have free time sometime soon, I imagine.
I played with him and a few others earlier today. I don't think I would make a bad Annie as long as I stop accidentally clicking myself into enemy fire. Bahaha~
How to play Annie: GET YO BEAR TIBBARZ, wait until pyromania is charged, unleash team stun on enemy team, use other spells on squishies, use shield, run away. Recieve triple kill.
This I know, haha. It's all fine and dandy in theory, it's learning to actually execute it effectively that's the trick.
Screw Annie. I cannot play as her because her dialogue is SOOO ANNOYING! "You wanna play with my bear tibbers? It'll be fun!" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! No I do not!
It's not even cute. When I hear "HUT, TWO, THWEE, FOUR!" from Teemo, I at least kind of go "D'AWWWWWWWWWWW".
I usually go Rod of Ages and Cooldown boots as a core build for annie. You already have high base damage for the first part of the game, so getting survivability is my #1 priority. After that, I usually get either zhonya's/deathcap if they have no real MR or get an abyssal sceptre or something if they do. I don't think I've ever gone negative since trying her.
Haha, you mixed up two of her lines into one big summary. I love when she laughs after killing something. Because I do the same thing (as people who've played MNC with me know). Buhaha~
Nasus's voice sounds like God is talking to you. "The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die."
Nocturne has by far the best voice actor. Or maybe I'm just a sucker because I get flashbacks to C'thun whenever I hear him.
Anyone who still plays this, add me (IGN is F5in) Been level 30 for a while so maybe I can teach you some things.
yes but seriously add me if you still play this. don't just read and go "oh i'll add him", actually add me :|