Every Evelynn I've seen in Dominion has been horrible. Not saying you're wrong, but I always smile when I see her on the other team.
Dom is for troll building and stomping the awful people who play it. I've been a top scorer with full tank twitch.
Aye guys I still jump on LoL from time to time. I suck at everything but Soraka, but I can play heal/support pretty well.
Ight guys, me and subz got a decent LoL team going so far. We need a AD carry if anybody is good at one. So far we have: Support - Zilean (me) AP Carry/Mid - Morgana (mrsubguy) Jungle - Shaco Tank - Singed AD Carry - ? I guess ideally a range carry would be best, but really anything AD with lots of attack speed and crits and stuff would be perdy good.
I play a pretty decent Shyvana My name on LoL is the same here, Saint Mudknot send me a friend request sometime.
I just started playing this more last week and have really been enjoying it. Still suck pretty bad but if people here are still playing this and dont mind giving me a few pointers or who to play first, I'd love to hear it. I've been playing Kayle, Tristana, Poppy and Leona the most so far. I have Master Yi but I don't like him. My name on LoL is Azulvandes, add me!
Knave, I don't play it anymore bc I don't have time, but add Subberz and DiabolicalD...Subberz is Mrsubguy, and he's one of the dirtiest AP carry Morganas I've ever seen. DiabolicalD plays tank Singed and is also a beast.
hi, i play league of legends too summoner name is the same name i use here. also i'm on the NA servers.