Large-scale Units Discussion (backer's lounge edition)

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by whiskeyninja, January 27, 2013.

  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Gotcha, sorta like a T3 unit in the T2 factory then?
  2. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    What's really amusing is SupCom 2 tried this, and most people hated it and claimed experimentals were useless in that version. =/

    The thing is, in air units you can't really apply the techniques you can on land or sea to cost tradeoffs - things like turn rate, speed, acceleration, barrel slew and elevation rate, firing cone, etc have little to no meaning on an ASF or gunship. If your battleship is fantastic DPS and long range but hideously slow weapons tracking then faster destroyers/gunboats/cruisers can flank and/or bumrush the battleship to get to a point where they kite the guns while killing it.
  3. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    Eh, you're right - but you can't satisfy everyone. Thing is that compared to their all singing all dancing predecessors they were useless. Personally, I will be satisfied when there are no so called experimentals at all. By the very definition of the word they don't fit in with the game.

    That said, I would like to see larger units in the game. What their role could be might vary - but they should be refined and perfectly suited to that specific role and nothing else. Whether they be damage soakers, mobile staging platforms, artillery pieces (land, naval or orbital) etc..

    I agree with everything I read from bobucles about what these units should be. I generally believe that the more powerful a unit is, the more niche it should be. Making it necessary to give it support for it to perform effectively. This forces users to master their army instead of being focused on one unit. I also feel that their specialist ability should cost more.
  4. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    A lot of Supcom2 experimentals tried to be larger versions of classic units. The airnomo was a large and inferior flak. The AC-1000 was a larger gunship. Experimental transports were just large transports. Artillery was still artillery. I can see why they got such negative reviews. There is nothing interesting about taping 10 units together and calling it an experimental.

    No unit had the monkeylord doom laser (heavy, short range, ridiculous overkill) in Supcom2. The closest match is the C-rex flame breath, or the GC eye laser. Both weapons were pretty standard rather than insane overkill guns.


    I'd like to hear some opinions about the more unique experimental units. There was a flying factory, a gigantic capture beam, a submersible transport, and a pacman tractor chomper. There was a strategic shield that got more expensive with damage, and the forums did go crazy about the bomb bouncer for a while. No one seems to hate the unit cannon. I mean it's a frickin' gun that shoots frickin' units! :D
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    You know.....other then the Monkeylord that was in the games DLC expansion. lol

    Love the bombouncer for it's ability more then the actual shield, as it really makes the units an extreamly effective assualt unit, walk on up protected from artillery, and blow them up while ignoring shields.

    Really, really fun unit.

    I just wish the pull'n smash was a little faster on the attack and could attack planes, as it would make the best defence experimental ever.
  6. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    I think that experimental units should be managed like the krogoth. Very long time to build, not cost effective vs. smaller units, and needed quite a bit of support, and some cannon fodder to distract the berthas.
    They were designed for a specific role... to surprise the enemy.
  7. blocky22

    blocky22 Member

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    Going about implementing these 'feature intensive' game pieces should be carefully thought out.

    For Backers Only: Megabot Experiment. There are other post that support your opinion about the Krogoth in there.

    Also see the above link.
    Things similar to Stargates (from the Stargate Movie and series's) have been suggested multiple times.

    That's a terrible idea. Why would you make a large unit if it can't invade? If anything, the whole point of a large unit is to spearhead an invasion!
    I dont like the idea of having a player invest big on a planet then have there massive and expensive unit just sitting around on a boring planet.

    Also see the above link.

    Super units just come along and destroy everything:
    I've played a game where I had 4 Krogoths destroyed by a buzzsaw and the other 4 caused lots of damage then where destroyed by jets after 50% or less surviving a artillery bombardment. And the game was still far from over.

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