lag in the new patch

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by greysuit, January 21, 2014.

  1. greysuit

    greysuit New Member

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    I don't like to revive a dead thread, but I just wanted to follow up and say that, for the past five days or so, I am no longer experiencing the horrible lag that was consistently present for me after this patch was released. I haven't changed anything, and I assume it must be something that Uber did on the server side. So I just wanted to say, thanks for fixing whatever you guys fixed.
  2. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Same issues here.

    I kept suggesting that a way to fix this problem is to sum up great numbers of small units into some sort of placeholder (we can call it Super Unit), that the player can spend around (like a Transport) until he needs to deploy the units, send them to battle and destroyment.

    Dropship, Transporters, etc. Super Units that costs a fortune, and alleviates the CPU.

    In my vision, Dropships are in fact Factories. If units can be produced directly inside the Dropship there will be no need to overload the CPU in rendering units that moves from factories into a transporters. All those little things add CPU time exponentially.

    Anyway, right now, with the current patch, on a single planet with four players I soon have like 15 frames per MINUTE.

    It is seriously that bad.

    ps. I've a top notch Retina MBP, with 16 Gb ram and all the blah blah included. It may be a problem related to the connection. But in that case how do you fix it?

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