KS Backer Upgrades With Alpha?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mcmookerson, June 6, 2013.

  1. mcmookerson

    mcmookerson New Member

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    Hey folks,

    So it looks like they wrapped up the first wave of Alpha keys. Gratz to all who are in already, and I look forward to joining you in the great bughunt soon!

    My question is simply this: has anyone who upgraded their Kickstarter backing level to a higher tier (no matter which tier) gotten into the Alpha yet?

    I know the devs have posted saying that no matter what, if you were a Kickstarter backer, then whatever tier you upgrade to you're still a Kickstarter backer at that tier.

    However, I'm a bit of a fatalist - and since I upgraded my Kickstarter backing to include Alpha a few months ago, and it still doesn't reflect that on the frontpage when I log into the store... I'm going to be incredibly nervous until I actually receive my key - I know, I know. I trust that Uber and the Devs are doing their damndest to deliver on everything they've promised us, and I believe it! It's just.. my personal quirk that I'm gonna worry about it until it's in my hands.

    So, if anyone that is in the same boat as me, that upgraded their original Kickstarter pledge at a later date to include Alpha and has received their key... please respond so that I'll know the system is indeed working as planned.

    Thanks guys!

    And to any of the devs/mods who read this: you guys are rock stars in my book. I can't wait to help shape this game for the next few months until you're satisfied with the finished product. :)
  2. nschar

    nschar New Member

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    Yes, I started off at 15 USD tier and ended up upping my pledge to the 500 USD tier close to the end of the campaign. I got the alpha invite this batch.
  3. mcmookerson

    mcmookerson New Member

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    WOOT! Thanks for the followup. I can rest easy now. :D

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