Absolutely, however I tend to be short with people who don't want to further educate themselves before jumping into a vastly complicated topic with such strong opinions. It's not just me though, I find that plenty of people can relate.
Wow I was gonna post a thread like this but I see it has made it into the deepest crevices of the internet already. Just people knowing about it is good. Is there a Steam group yet? Also, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -MLK We've got a lot of work to do besides this Kony thing, but hey, baby steps grow into runs.
No but I did frequent the MLG forums from 05-08. I just have such a low tolerance for people who don't look at all the facts before making such bold conclusions. I'd honestly say, I'm not a very intelligent person. I make frequent grammar mistakes and am absolutely horrible at any type of math. The least I can do is educate myself on a modern issue.
Also Teapot, the fact that 50,000 people know about it gives a greater chance of someone in that 50,000 doing something about it. But yes, I have little patience for those who sympathize for a cause and speak out against it and don't do anything. */--not directed at Teapot--/* A few bucks can help if 50,000 people give at least a dollar, people. What are you doing in addition to spreading it?
it's true that the more people who see it, the more likely there is for someone to step up. at the same time there is an unfortunate sense that the movement is so large now, that just spreading the message is good enough.. "someone else will see it and donate so I don't have to"... chances are the majority will spread the message, and nothing more. We could be 10,000,000 strong, but only 1,000 actually contribute. I think we can all agree that 1,000 people contributing is great, but it could obviously be better.
Maybe this comment was misinterpreted. Good and Evil will always be at war, ALWAYS. This naturally creates a certain order in the world. Anyone who thinks that stepping in to help this cause will change the way things operate within the human species is absolutely ignorant. For every leader that falls, good or bad, another will step in to take his/her place. If it isn't a single person that replaces the "fallen" it will be a following or a set of ideals. Don't get me wrong, taking action for something you believe in is definitely admirable. You just can't expect to shift the balance of a battle that occurs naturally within humanity. I'm definitely not trying to take away from this cause, I just think some people think they can solve the worlds problems by merely erasing the symptoms. tl;dr I agree with what Pyre was TRYING to say.
In the simplest, rawest form the world is balanced. Also, balance ? happiness, in case you were confused.
Nope, not confused at all. I said that the world is balanced in a raw sense. An equality that is created naturally. Just because injustices occur within humanity doesn't mean the world isn't balanced. It means quite the opposite actually. If you think of humans as part of an environment or ecosystem instead of just people above everything else, then Pyre is right. It is creating equilibrium on a level that many people don't care to understand, and many religious people just don't believe. If you disagree with what I believe that's fine, I was just offering clarification for what Pyre was chastised for saying. Edit: just because Google says balance and equal are synonyms doesn't mean they are exactly the same thing and are indiscriminately interchangeable.
Wank, the U.S have barely 100 ADVISERS (Not troops) there to train the Ugandan millitary to locate and fight off the rebels. This is a classic example of people who undermine anything they slightly disagree with, "IT'S THE GOVERNMENT MAHN".
dear OP: can you tell me what you know about this conflict that you DIDNT learn from that video? if youre entire knowledge came from a 30 minute youtube video, i dont feel inclined to want to listen to much of anything on the subject that you have to say. i admittedly dont know anything outside of what was said on the video myself, but i am not trying to make anyone take action against anything. edit: not trying to be a troll, i am just being blunt.