Killing people instead of winning.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by V A L K 3 N, November 4, 2010.

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  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Don't be so dense. That has nothing to do with spawn camping.
  2. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Don't be so stubborn. They are both griefing. This topic is about griefing in general. Not just spawn camping. The point is that it's not sportmanlike conduct. This is a game. Good sportsmanship is suppose to something people strive for. Not the other way around.

    XENONOX New Member

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    I'm not the one bragging about 7.0 k/d and bad-mouthing others and when someone else posted a higher k/d, you start writing a poem on the forum. To clear up any misunderstanding, I came to play. You refused. Simple as that. So think about it.

    Also, I understand the OP, along with other players, who are frustrated with this "spawn killing" issue, but no matter which game you play, it will exist. It's not the game's mechanic issue but the skill level between the players.

    People will spawn camp when there's a huge skill camp and it'll be difficult to stop.

    Although heat-vent and above-spawn "ejectors" does sound interesting, but it won't fully stop the players from getting killed right out of spawn as there are other places to be, such as the glass shields that surrounds the base.

    Personally, at that point, you might as well just leave or stay in the spawn spot until the game is over.

  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Did you even READ the entire post? They are preventing you from putting a firebase on a jump pad, presumably because you could block YOUR OWN TEAMMATES from using it and cause them to fly off the map. It has NOTHING to do with spawn camping, and you are really stretching at this point.

    Yeah, that is a much more realistic way of approaching it than writing one guide on the one class I am good at and making it available to each and every person who gives a damn enough to read it. I'm sure you go out of your way to invite anyone you come across that is struggling in crossfire or blitz and teach them how to be a competent player in a day or twos time.

    I write them to feel cool? No. I got better by reading and modifying what I had read into a playstyle that works for me. I wrote it to give back, and I wrote it to help the community, and I wrote it because I wanted to see more people play a competent tank. Its IS nice to get messages from people on XBL thanking me, but its hardly a case of me jizzing my pants every-time someone says thank you.
  5. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    You take a lot of time to write a lot of nonsense.

    I already explained that it's not about spawncamping. It's about griefing in general. This is a game and players of games are supposed to exibit sportsmanlike conduct. That's common knowledge.

    Look, as far as this topic goes, you have nothing else to say. Please stop bringing personal vendettas into forum topics. Why don't you go make a topic about yourself and go post in it. You can title it: "I like mirrors. I'm hudson's guide to loving yourself too much."
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    (The sound of my post going completely over your head, or your swing-and-a-miss attempt at a burn, your choice.)

    Edit: Just for you: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3848
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    no wonder the whoosh was so loud...
  8. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    The problem is pub-stomping. Spawn camping is not an issue, or much less of an issue without it. Because the devs have not already addressed it or may not address it as an issue in the future, the easiest solution would be for playlists. Oh wait, Hudson doesn't want to play against teams that aren't his friends. Well, they could try private matches...oh wait, they think that is too much work. Oh well.

    Lets all just admit spawn camping is d-bag behavior. I'll admit I have done it to a certain degree(well, more like pulling back and letting them come back out of the spawn), so I am sort of a douche bag.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I'd totally be up for playlists actually, but the devs have already posted about why we don't have them.

    We do play private matches, and it is an absolute pain in the *** to randomize teams every game by closing a lobby, re-inviting all the people who may or may not be your friends, getting everyone in and out of party chat at the same time, etc, and then doing it all over again every 5-15 mins.
  10. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    If there are any new players to this game, I highly suggest you take note of the names in this topic. These are the names you should avoid if you want to have a good time playing this game. My goal was to fish out exactly who encourages this bad behavior, in hopes of helping people find fun matches.

    It's difficult to find a nice even fun match when your by yourself. It helps alot if you know the names of some of the people you should avoid.

    XENONOX New Member

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    No offense, but the majority (if not all) of your audience will not come to and read this topic.

    But the best of luck to you and your endeavors.

  12. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I think something that might go a long way to helping may be to highlight players who are partied up in the lobby. So for example, if a party of 6 is on one team, they would be highlighted in one big block that is the same color. If there was more than one party in the lobby, it could use a different color to highlight the second party, and so forth. This way, people are free to leave beforehand if they see a party of 6 going up against randoms, or can stay if they think it will be fun and challenging.
  13. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    PeachyPony was called upon to bring peace to the thread. Your internet friend's disrespect towards the great PeachyPony was his demise. PeachyPony is the messiah of gaming. PeachyPony understands why you would challenge him to play a party of you and 2 of your try hard buddies. Only fair right? PeachyPony has to respectfully decline though, he has nothing to prove to online video game nerds who get upset over losing at a video game. PeachyPony now understands the references drawn between him and garlic. He makes the "retired" video game nerds cry all over the forums and XBOX Live.

    Pray harder, my try hard friend.
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Oh no, I'm going to stop getting friend requests every day from people I've never met that want to play with me because I've been outed as a terrible person by someone who has never spoken to me in game who came on here with the very reasonable request that I change my play style to accommodate him.

    Find the sarcasm in the post and I'll let you on my friends list for only 1600 MS Points!
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I play Solo 90% of the time and maybe 1 out of 20 matches are not "fun."
  16. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    If it's a party of six that doesn't grief, it will be over quickly enough to quit after it's over. Big parties are only a problem if the players play rudely.

    However, I dig this idea. I would prefer a mercenary playlist, but that's asking for the moon.
  17. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Good for you! I'm being 100% serious. I'm glad that at your skill level you can play by yourself and still have fun 99% of the time. That's something to be proud about. Unfortunately, a large amount of players don't get the same results you do.

    Personally, my "bad games" are games in which I get angry at my team for not killing bots or shooting the moneyball. But there's a learning curve and I accept that. However, it certainly would be easier for kids to learn if that had better examples.
  18. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Amen to that last sentence. It needs to get out there that TDM is not cool and none of the cool kids will like you if you do it. Also drugs are bad for you.
  19. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Actually that's an interesting point in the first paragraph. Pub stomping is all the craze now. I know this because I do it on occasion with the other 99's on my friends list. I think a good way to avoid this is to start separating people out by skill level. Think about it. You wouldn't want to introduce a fresh pink-faced newb to say PU5H's crew their first game ever. He'd get trampled and **** on and he probably wouldn't want to play the game ever again. So either have a separate game-finder for people who think they are SUPERL33TOMGLOLKTHANKXBYEBBQ or a separate game-finder for Randy McTryhard. This is also a great boost for people who are more experienced and want to go up against experienced players ALONGSIDE experienced players.
  20. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Here is the general synopsis of this thread. Valk3n complains about the aspects of a shooter and doesn't want people to shoot back at him.

    The community LOLZ, and wonders why the hell someone would post something so stupid, followed by funny flaming comments. I have enjoyed these last few pages. Keep them coming.

    BTW Valken stop crying, its a video game, and everyone else but you is having fun on MNC. No one but yourself is responsible to make the game more fun for you. We as a community are not going to waste our leisure time to explain and teach you the game. Figure it out for yourself. Just like we did
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