Killing people instead of winning.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by V A L K 3 N, November 4, 2010.

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  1. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Just because it's fun, doesn't mean you should do it. Crack is probably pretty fun. Plus, it's griefing. Putting other players through constantly getting juiced, just because they're not as good, because it's more fun? That's not cool. Also, you could just play for a longer time to get your protags. Sacrifice griefing for more time. Also, there really aren't that many protags in this game for kills and they max out quickly.
  2. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Every class except Support has an easy way to hit the moneyball. And the point isn't to only shoot the ball. It's to put priority on the ball. There's a fine line between not shooting the ball because you were attacked by an overwhelming force, and not shooting the ball because it's fun to not give other people a chance. It's griefing. And that's not cool. Don't force people to quit just because they want to fight someone on even ground. This game does enough bad matchmaking and stuff for you to add to it.
  3. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Ways to make it more difficult:

    Not party with a bunch of good people.

    Promote bot killing and game winning over pro killing. It's extremely difficult for great players to take down a moneyball if the other team simply tries there best to kill the bots. It will at least last till overtime if they focus hard enough.

    By going for kills over wins your teaching people to focus on that and not learn how to play correctly.

    You can make friends with not-so-good players and party with them and teach them. That's fun. Why not do that? Oh wait... It doesn't prove how cool you are, right?
  4. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Because its actually fun shooting people, I know this is hard to understand but this game is a shooter
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    We routinely play 5-7 min games even with our spawn camping. I'll kindly refuse your request to play how you want. I play to have fun much more than I'll ever play to prove how good I am/how bad I suck.
  6. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Spoken like the person who is getting this done to themselves often. Stop complaining, don't like how the game is played, go play another one.
  7. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    You play to have fun more than you'll ever care about whether or not anyone else is having fun. We're nowhere near the topic of how good anybody is.

    The point is that this community is filled with rude and unsportsmanlike players.
    Last edited: November 5, 2010
  8. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Hmmm. Play 2 minute long games where you kill 10 people, shoot down turrets, then empty the moneyball... Yea.. That sounds like fun.
  9. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Oh don't allow this to happen to me. I accept that I've been beaten and leave. If you want me around for the win, then win.

    And it's not how the game is played. It's how most of the people play this game. And that's only because the people that play it the most play it that way.

    Why do you play this game over any other game? If you want to just go for kills, then why not play a game with the main focus on killing and only killing? Is it because it's so easy to get a lot of kills in this game if you set up a few prerequisite? Like building a big team of people willing to push the other team to their spawn and then prolonging it to get the most kills from these weaklings and know that if they leave others will join with a dissadvantage? Is that it?
  10. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Let's see...

    Good pro-killing players send friend requests to other ones. They then party up all the time and have the audacity to say that the game isn't fun because it's too easy.

    Like I said, this community is like a highschool. You guys are like the football team. That's some funny stuff.
  11. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    [quote="V A L K 3 N"

    Oh don't allow this to happen to me. I accept that I've been beaten and leave. If you want me around for the win, then win.

    And it's not how the game is played. It's how most of the people play this game. And that's only because the people that play it the most play it that way.

    Why do you play this game over any other game? If you want to just go for kills, then why not play a game with the main focus on killing and only killing? Is it because it's so easy to get a lot of kills in this game if you set up a few prerequisite? Like building a big team of people willing to push the other team to their spawn and then prolonging it to get the most kills from these weaklings and know that if they leave others will join with a dissadvantage? Is that it?[/quote]

    This game is a shooter, I cannot be more clear about that. A Shooter is where you shoot at people.
  12. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    And you're in the band, or the goth group. I can't figure out which one.
  13. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    This game is a shooter, I cannot be more clear about that. A Shooter is where you shoot at people.[/quote]

    It's not a shooter. It's a shooter/dota hybrid. A shooter/dota hybrid is where you shoot people that get in your way of winning.
  14. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    You're not denying that you play with the style of a bullying football team beating up nerds for no good reason?

    That's messed up.

    Is this really the community of monday night combat? If I made this game, I can't say I'd be happy with that.
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I've made so many posts about how the current attitude/playstyle of the more regular players of this game are stunting the growth of the community.

    Then the regular players get on and say "Get better. Also, I play this way because its fun for me. If they don't like it they can leave."

    Well, eventually they will leave. Permanently. Then the community will be so small you won't be able to find any public games. Which means less money for Uber, which means no sequel.

    If you love this game and want more of it: Be good to each other. I'm talking to you, Pros, and I am talking about how you treat the "randy tryhards". No reason to absolutely crush pub teams and then rub their faces into their loss by forcing them to respawn and respawn into your guns. Just finish the game, give them tips, and hope they give you a tougher game the next time.
    Last edited: November 5, 2010
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Please don't judge the community based on 2 or 3 people.
  17. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Unfortunately, we have to judge the community based on the people that play this game the most. They are a huge problem to this game. Parasites.
  18. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Valk3n; your crying is extremely amusing. I play by myself and get stuck playing against stacked teams and parties all the time. Learn to carry your team or except the loss like a man. BTW, i'm loving these football analogies. Being #1 in kills makes me feel like i'm a class 5A quarterback and banging the hottest girls while you guys are complaining about how unfair it is because the size of my ****.
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    You brought up the whole "it does not make you good/cool" point, which is the only reason I commented on it.

    Yeah, I prioritize my fun over others in a game I payed money for, shocking.

    When you routinely leave our lobby 10 seconds into the match, do you consider the impact it has on our fun?

    No. You don't. And that is fine. Anyone who does not want to play with us can back out of the game. I get hate mail for spawn camping. If not that, I get hate mail for pushing too fast. If not that, I get messages praising our group for kicking their *** because it inspires them to be better players.

    Protip: I'm going to play the game for FUN. If you don't have FUN playing with me, play with someone else. If I don't have FUN playing with you, I won't play with you.

    I'm not going to have less fun so other people that I have never met can have more, not in online gaming. If you view this as greedy or selfish I am fine with that. It is what I choose to do with my money spent on monday night combat and XBL. If this dissatisfies you, there are thousands of other people to play with.

    As "selfish" as I am, I won't ask other people to play a certain way to accommodate my world view of online gaming.
  20. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    If you don't like the way others play Crossfire, go back to Blitz.

    Oh, and now that I think about it, I could spawn camp you in a single game for 15 minutes like I do now, or I could spread it out over five 3 minute games like you seem to want. Either way, you don't have a chance. I'm sorry for playing with my friends in a team based shooter. Oh wait, no I'm not.
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