Key binding in new build.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by davedontmind, May 22, 2014.

  1. totalannihilation

    totalannihilation Active Member

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    I really hated this new keybind map, specially because you can't unbind some hotkeys
    I use the hotbuild mod and the new keybinds start conflicting and causing pain, and I have tried many times to unbind, but the "save settings" seems to not do anything about some unbinded hotkeys, they always come back
    You can change a hotkey, but some can not be left blank, as the game will automatically bind it its default hotkey
    @masterdigital , can you fix that?
  2. sookrispy

    sookrispy Active Member

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    Guys, is there a way to go back to the old UI, i hate the new one and it just makes me suck even more at 1v1
  3. twigifire

    twigifire New Member

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    Give me the old one back! Hotbuild2 worked amazing for me but now I can't even use it :(
    stuart98 likes this.
  4. midspark

    midspark Member

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    I do not mind having to press 2 keys to build a structure. That's the default in Starcraft. What I do not like is the poor (read: large and cumbersome) UI ingame and which structures are in the individual groups.

    I do not agree with having to press three times to make a unit however. It should just be hotkey # for factories and then hotkey for unit production, not hotkey #, start build unit, unit production. I understand why it was done as it's obvious that it's to be used with select all idle factories but really, there should never be idle factories to begin with.
  5. corwin1

    corwin1 Member

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    Agreed with OP. Except I doubt the new system is good for the 'majority'. Requiring multiple keypresses, and keys meaning multiple things, makes it too hard to learn for anyone who doesn't play a lot. And I can't really be bothered to try even if I play a lot. I know it's nice and generic from technical point of view, and some power user can learn to hit the combination for anti-nuke instinctively, but I don't think it's good choice for a built-in default system.

    What I've been using is this:
    x - meX
    e - Energy
    z - laser defence (Zap)
    d - missile Defence
    w- Wall

    Pressing the keys twice toggles between T1 and T2 versions.

    Easy to learn and remember, fast to use. Could add some more bindings, I but didn't bother so far. What's used most often, or needed most urgently, is enough.
  6. elonshadow

    elonshadow Active Member

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    Aight I'll play the devils advocate and go against concensus.

    I personally like what they did with it. Obviously there's still work required, but it's a nice concept and one I believe could work.

    The fact that you don't need to move your hand and can pretty much build anything is kind of awesome.
    I does somewhat bug me that for moving the planet I either have to use the middle mouse button, arrow keys or WASD, but those are things that could be fixed later).

    It would also be nice if command for units/factories get their own default keybinds, rather than having to set those myself.

    But the whole three division thing, big fan!
  7. sebovzeoueb

    sebovzeoueb Active Member

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    I dunno, I think many Starcraft 2 pros would disagree. Unless I'm missing something, this is pretty similar to the Starcraft 2 hotkey system in which you select a category, and then the building you want to build. The only thing I don't currently like is the way you have to press the keys quite fast otherwise it unselects the category and you have to start again. Maybe have it more like the Starcraft system in which your category stays selected until you have built something.
  8. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Sc2 is by default essentially closer to a one keypress hotkey system because there are only two tabs that don't deselect everytime you build something. And they have only done it this way so that the UI isn't massively big by showing every single possible building option.

    So you see, not only has PA decided to go with two keypresses as a default to do anything (including building units) but they've also forgone the entire benefit of going with that system in the first place. Which is to save UI space.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    stuart98 likes this.
  9. sebovzeoueb

    sebovzeoueb Active Member

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    Yeah, after trying it a bit more, I do agree that it isn't optimal as currently implemented, but I think the overall idea can be good if perfected somewhat. I do think that if they stop it from deselecting like it currently does, and generally tighten it up, it can be a good system, much like Starcraft 2. That said, I do quite like the way Hotbuild does things too. And yeah, the visual element of it is too intrusive currently.
  10. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Probably a problem with settingsmanager... Disable mods with that requirement and try again.
  11. totalannihilation

    totalannihilation Active Member

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    close enough!
    The SettingsManager is having some issues with save settings, but I disabled all mods and tried to change some stuff. Some critical keys, when unbided, went back to the its previous configuration (not to the default)
    Like I said, even with all mods disabled, you can not unbind some keys, the only option left is to change them to some "derp" hotkeys (-- ++ or // or any double character)

    You are saying this because you were not using any hotkey mod before the update
    All hotbuild users really disliked this change, as it causes conflict and block some of hotbuild features
  12. SikkeSakke

    SikkeSakke Member

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    Allright, it's Sikkes Judgement time!

    Played few games with default keybinding settings and suprisingly, it's pretty decent after all. So my first "judgement" and impression of it was a bit too hasty.

    Biggest problem for default keymapping is that it's too slow in situations where you have to build multiple categories. Example: If you want to build first defence before you start build your mexes, after building defences (AA, lasers), you have to wait a second before you can start building your mexes. This is because category keys (z,x,c,v...) are overlapping actual build keys and when you select one category, you have to wait a moment before you can select another one. I resolved this by mapping my actual build keys so that they don't overlap category keys. And after that, eventhought it break nice logic of mapping, it felt better than default and was quite handy. And it was faster.

    Another problem is that there's (still) no hotkey to select single type of unit in selection of multiple units. When I want to put my infernos in front, I had to go all the way to the left corner with my mouse to click there the freaking inferno icon.

    ps. Forget this: When you click for example bot factory, you have to press 'x' before you can start building bots. Bot factory can't build nothing but bots so that one category key pressing is unnessessary.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014

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