K/D farming forumers.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lagoon7, December 31, 2010.

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  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I don't mind farming kills. If my team pushed the bots we already took control of the mad. The only thing to do is hit the ball or wreck you. I hate playing with a team game ends to well. I love playing with a decent struggle . Sometimes i lose objective and just focus on spreading death all over the map. The spawn kill can't be avoided if they have the turrets bots your in spawn go out and get teamed on. Stay inside have a nice taunt fest. You can try pushing them back but the classes they choose may stop that. Assault will leave bomb. Gunner might be deployed or ready to jump pad you. Tank tackle you and if volume up you just might hear an assassin. Sniper with his freeze trap. The other day i got stuck in spawn and when the time was right i threw a bomb and killed a couple enemy pros without dying got right back into spawn. Everyone being support with air strike and fire base might help and hacking and building rokit turrets to level 2 hacked might help but ig they destoryed your base then they can do it again via juice.
  2. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    I think I hurt myself reading that.

    However I do agree with the first sentence.
  3. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    People know from previous threads that I hate, hate, hate spawn camping, but I don't consider dealing out death by the moneyball counts. I only get annoyed if they're consistently setting up on the upper ring and killing people as they come out of the exits.

    I also don't have a problem if people want to ignore the moneyball and kill people, but for the love of PETE stop yelling over the microphones at your teammates when they go for the moneyball. You want to kill farm, they want to play objective based. It's both of your perogatives to do so. Get over yourself.

    I once suggested putting an ejector in the spawn area too, but after hearing the idea of having a jump pad in there that launches you to just outside the spawn ring, I think that's a GREAT idea.
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I spawncamped once, and felt so filthy I vowed not to do it again.

    Problem is, there's nothing you can really do to hinder a spawncamping team that you're on.
  5. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Shoot the moneyball lol
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Yep. :)
  7. Kolcro

    Kolcro New Member

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    Great points in this thread. The heat vents on top of the spawn doors helped with this problem but it could still use a little work.

    I think the jump pad ideas that were mentioned are a great solution. They could be made to have players land just outside the top ring of the spawn. This could also remain balanced if the duration of the jump was similar to the time to walk out and jump down.

    Another idea mentioned was use of a teleporter system. This too, could provide for alternate exits. I think an ideal end location might be the bot-spawn exit; however this would be best if the door was only a one-way path. This single lane flow would prohibit people from using the bot spawns for cover on maps such as Grenade III.
  8. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I just can't bring myself to spawn-kill. It's just so douchey. I don't mind hanging out by the entrance to the bases and keeping a team suppressed, but the ring is off-limits to anyone with any honor. To those of you who say "it's part of the game" I get that, and I have my solutions for when I find myself in that situation. Seriously, ice traps right at the spawn door? C'mon, grow a pair.

    That being said, it's going to happen. Some people just can't help themselves. I don't blame Uber for the design. A tool to help combat it would be nice, but it's not my game. If this is the way they want it to play, we just have to deal with it.
  9. slingshot279

    slingshot279 New Member

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  10. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Decided to bring some new news (maybe others know) that assassins can actually jump above the heaters and sit in safety somewhere in the big spawn dome on the enemies spawn. A bit useful when the moneyball is down, but they can't move so much.
  11. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    Nice attitude on the forum. I probably have 3x as many PRO kills as bot kills. You know why? Because I don't waste my time killing AI. Killing pros wins games, and kill farming wins them faster

    deal with it
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Killing Pros does NOT win games.
  13. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    You are right, I have seen tons of examples of teams winning with a cumulative total of 0 pro kills.

  14. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    As much as I hate doing it, it is one of the better ways to earn money, especially with killstreaks going on. If you play against people who spawncamp just to spawncamp, then yes, it is annoying.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Boy do I ever call bull on this statement. This statement completely reeks of narcissism and ego inflation as if the objective of the game were that of team deathmatch.

    Exactly how are you winning games when your focus is squarely on killing Pros? What, for every three kills you accumulate you're rewarded with 5% damage to the moneyball regardless of your position on the map? Sure, you're not just padding a superficial stat that proves little to nothing about your winning percentages, a stat, mind you, that is completely absent in your own locker room breakdown (why Uber decided not to air that information...beyond me as that would seem more important as this isn't a deathmatch game).

    If all you're doing is focusing on killing off other Pro players then how are you pushing your bots to take down the moneyball shields? How are you speeding up the game process for a victory for your team? How are you contributing to the goal other than ensuring their side has no way of pushing back a defense - assuming you're doing more than just picking off one player at any given moment that wasn't in the lane with his/her bots?

    To me, it seems like those who indulge in spawn camping (as defined as focusing only on killing Pro players at their spawn base and never once focusing on damaging a downed moneyball) are trolls who seek enjoyment from hurting other people's abilities to enjoy the game. They're giant douche nozzle griefers who like to pad their stats and claim "oh, but winning in the first minute is boring" while sitting behind their high ranked peers while pub stomping a few new players to the game.

    The defense for an entire team spawn camping is laughable, because it's cretinous to believe that drawing out the game just to pad your kill stats and "avoid" having entirely too short a game to sate your own enjoyment needs.

    Yeah, if you're in a situation where you're being spawn camped odds are you should just quit the game and look for a new lobby but sometimes, when all you're running into is this "strategy" being implemented over and over again, then it leaves you thinking that perhaps theres a bit of a problem - one area I blame this occurrence on is the team matching system, a system so broken that on several occasions I've witnessed teams become so unbalanced that it was a joke to even start up the game (seriously, a few times I've seen one team not only get the highest rank players but often times will out number their opponents 2-to-1 despite having enough players to fill up both sides to level everything off).

    But yeah, you'll have those people who selfishly believe that their enjoyment is all that matters and will grief everyone else who dares to enjoy the game by playing by its objective.
  16. Airwags

    Airwags New Member

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    Yes killing pros is necessary in order to win, but so is killing enemy bots in order to push your bots into the base. Not killing bots is just plain stupid as is only killing bots and thinking that pro coming your way isn't going to try to kill you. Morale of the story: Kill everything on the other team and stop complaining about people killing you.
  17. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    As far as I'm concerned, when the moneyball goes down, I'm gonna hit it relentlessly with my shuriken launcher. Why? Because I like assassin and I don't think assassins are particularly good at spawn camping.

    As soon as I figured out how to be even mediocre with assassin, I've never concerned myself with how many kills I'm getting.
  18. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    I think someone is a little mad that he was spawn trapped and wrote a completely off-topic essay.

    Have you ever seen a team that is COMPLETELY NEGATIVE win a game? I know you have to kill bots at some points, but killing pros takes a priority. If you have 4 players doing the "TABOO spawn killing" their money ball drops in a snap.
    Have fun killing AI rofl
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can say I have joined 10 minutes into the game with my teams moneyball at about 25%, guess what? I pushed bots and destroyed turrets. Guess who won that game? My team did.

    I don't know why I typed this because it is obvious you can't understand normal thinking.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Except it was on topic, but whatever. Some people just don't know what reading comprehension is, or how to use it.

    Uhm...yeah, I have, and not just on one occasion. Either by running unchecked and pushing their bots on a very defenseless team that was too immersed in Pro-killing, or via overtime pushes that just hammered away while the other team still focuses almost primarily on Pro killing. It's not only doable to win while still going negative in K/D it's more than possible to being a recurring theme.

    Again, not true as I've won more games where I didn't net double digit kills than when I did, that's because I know what classes I work best on with each map, know my roles with those classes and know what role needs filling for my team (ie I don't just keep picking Assault for everything even if we already have 2 Assault players).

    So instead of me running out and searching down a Pro to kill I kill whoever is viably in front of me and is doing something that is, has, or will upset my main goal. For example, if an Assassin is running around trying to back grapple all of my Support players I'm not going to go chasing him down once I've spotted him/her I'm going to lay in some shots, get them to retreat and try and return to my task at hand.

    Uhm...how? If 4 players are devoted to spawn killing who's pushing the bots to take down the moneyball shields? They don't just drop on their own and they can't be shot down by a Pro, the bots are the main players in winning the objective and if 2 players are contending with lane control and having to encounter the few Pros that escaped the spawn killing teammates grasp, as in they weren't pinned back in spawn to begin with, then all you're doing is padding your stats and nothing more.

    Again, if all you're focusing on is Pro kills then you're missing the balance your team needs and aren't really being a good team player.

    ...again, missing the point, but if I were to say all of the things I wanted to in response to this one "sentence" then I'm sure the entirety of the topic would be closed because of an endless flame war. Let's just say, "ROFL, have fun losing with your 40-1-0 run."

    Quoting this for its truth and validity to why spawn camping isn't a great strategy.
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