Jump Jet Cooldown Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by sunnydove, January 13, 2011.

  1. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Dare I say this but the reason you aren't having trouble is simply because you haven't played against anyone good :lol:
  2. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Here is some more feedback from a gunner's point of view.

    I consider myself as a quite decent player who can escape a lot ot hard situations. Now I just went something like 30 -10 where EVERY SINGLE time I died was from a sniper's headshot. And when I mean sniper, he was level 7. It just feels WRONG. I got chain-killed by a guy who just started playing, and couldn't do nothing because of a simple jetpack nerf. Needless to say that I've been playing since MNC was launched on Xbox, so I'm supposed to know exactly how to play this class.

    Uber, please open your eyes. The changes you made totally nerfed the way Gunner is played. Eka, you say you play Gunner a lot. Fine. Can't you realize you just killed all the fun of Gunner gameplay? I can agree on the fact that Gunner may have been a little bit overpowered (and I think that just concerns a few Gunners who actually know how to play their class, since most Gunners I had encountered were just really bad).

    There are other ways to nerf the Gunner. IMO you just chose the worst way. Please reconsider this nerf, you are just killing a class which was really fun to play. And again this comes from an experienced player.

    /end of rant
  3. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    While I agree the nerf is silly and rather excessive, I still fail to see why everyone is supposedly sniper bait all of a sudden.

    I found it just as easy killing gunners while they were jetpacking around as I do now while they're grounded.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Why haven't I seen this thread earlier, it's made out of pure gold... o_O
    This is exactly what happened to me too! I don't mind the occasional excellent Snipers but as a Gunner you don't have anywhere to go once a Sniper has seen you. I have tried hugging walls, mortar dancing, hiding behind bots, lobbing mortar rounds above walls but in the end you are either pinned down in a useless spot or you can just take the bullet to the head and start the whole dance again.

    Grenade III? Forget about the upper level! You have a snowball's chance in hell to get anywhere near the enemies base when they have two semi-decent Snipers.

    The Gunner needs some form of mobility buff. And the level 3 deploy needs to be fixed and redesigned.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i hate this update, it sucks i normally fly a lot when im a gunner but now it seems like theres no point so im just walking around waiting to be killed where i save the jet pack for attempted running not just for attacking or defending, hopefully they make the cool down quicker or something.
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You know, you could try not to be in the snipers LOS until one of your teammates dealt with him, I believe the term you're looking for is coordination
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    not everyone plays with a group, a lot of people aren't smart enough to realize that a gunner is bad against a sniper etc etc
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    There is no coordination in a group of randoms and the majority of players are randoms. The balance should allow me to play Gunner on random teams too, without me having to rely on an Assault or Assassin.

    The online reality is that you are on your own. There is no Assault or Assassin going after that Sniper for you and you will have a hard time to find a Support who overheals you. This makes playing Gunner on certain maps almost impossible.
  9. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    That's when you play with a team. Which is not my case.

    I have tried everything. I have tried to stay away from the snipers. But believe me with the lack of mobility it's REALLY hard. And the gunners should be able to deal with snipers thanks to their mortar. Before the nerf I had absolutely no problem with that.

    The only way when there are 2 snipers or more in the other team (which happens all the time) is to play 100% defensive. Which, again, is not fun at all.

    Juste a question of statistics, like I said. I have taken very few headshots before that. Now I die almost only by snipers.
  10. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Gunner is not suppose to be an agile mobile unit, you want to fly then go pick assault, you are just being greedy wanting the firepower of a gunner combined with the mobility of other classes. Leave heavy classes to those that like the role if it dont suit your personal playstyle.

    Also, sniper is the natural counter to heavy classes, thats their job, just like the sin is the counter for sniper.
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Your reality and my reality must differ then, I have my very own assassin going for the sniper.

    Since when was balance about fun?
  12. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Read my posts carefully, I said I wouldn't mind nerfing the gunner another way. At the moment, gunners have even less mobility than tanks. That feels wrong.

    Even before that, I did not consider gunner to be an "agile mobile unit".

    And yes being forced to stay in my base because otherwise I'd take a headshot within the next second IS a problem. As I said : gunner used to be fun, now he's not anymore.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Losing to scissor as paper is a problem, please nerf scissor
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    There are a lot of words that come to mind when you talk about the Gunner. Agility is not one of them, even before the nerf.

    When you compare Assault and Gunner I'd say that's like comparing a F-22 Raptor to a B2 bomber. One of them is fast, agile and can attack small, fast moving targets while the other is a slow moving powerhouse designed to rain death on slower or stationary targets.
  15. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    You're right, I suggest we remove his legs and make him a minigun turret.
  16. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    When im gunner i use the lane the sniper is not covering, there is no point having a head on fight with your class counter. If however they have multiple snipers then i pick a class that will mess them up, if you master only one class then you will have difficulty against certain teams.

    If you dont like the fact that most classes have a counter then your best bet is to master the assault, hes a good all rounder with no obvious counters, if your willing to sacrifice the muscle the gunner gives you.
  17. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Yep, I tend to use assault a lot more now.

    Btw we just had a nice match against each other :) I played as a Gunner, nickname "Aww !", you forced me to play 100% defensive :eek:
  18. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    give gunner a shorter cool down for his jets, this will balance the mobility between him and the tank, tank has charge gunner at the moment nothing, a quicker cool down would still allow for people to do some short of fly and shoot with the mortar and even the minigun.

    the gunner is by no means mobile just because of his speed even with gold speed he is still sluggish but not as bad as with no speed, we shouldn't be forced to play assault just because gunners got a huge nerf with the jets here, gunner seems to be dead at the moment as i rarely see anyone play him and its a sad thing :(
  19. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    heya, i remember you killing me lots with gunner as i kept throwing my body against your defenses :)

    Peeps complaining that tank has charge and gunner dont, well there is a reason for that, tank needs to get upclose to use his main damage skills flame/death blossom, gunner rains death from a further distance. Triple mortar melting turrets makes any support trying to heal just cry, hes easily in my top 3 favourite classes to play. Gunner + support probably the strongest combo in the game, i get scared when i see a pair heading for my base.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    a gunner support combo isn't as bad as people think it is, its just a lot of people haven't had enough time with the game to know how to properly deal with it.

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