Juice Chaining

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by mute, October 16, 2010.

  1. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    "Another player is playing better then me, but I shouldn't have to play well to beat him"

    Nobody IS arguing that, because no class can gain juice every 30 seconds for a full match unless they have a buy cycle already going.
    The only thing that comes close is the sniper, but only late game and only if his team mates are not wiping out all the bots.

    You as an assault should be the last person complaining, assault can stop juicers easy as sh1t.

    Do you NEVER play with any kind of party?
    Toss me a fr sometime, ill play a few matches with you, the grass is greener.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    hey, i just grew a vendetta for juicers. they get whats coming if they get me.

    but seriously, gap between beginner players and skilled players decrease, skilled players must try hard, people stop complaining about juice (there are a lot of them, that you cannot argue), there are so many benefits.

    you can still get juice with my system. you just get it with more work. its not that bad if you still think your skillful enough to get juice without buying it or healing useless rubbish lying around base. you can still destroy bases with juice, considering you get it with a little more work.

    hey, if you play better than the enemy, you should be able to beat the enemy without juice, or get juice despite that its harder to get.
  3. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    That's where we differ, because I don't (and pretty much can't) play with a team. I don't have a team that works so well together that they can intercept people in their base (I don't know how you can do that with a team; it doesn't sound plausible). If a juicer were to be intercepted, a team member would have to do it almost without any assistance.

    I get that your team is so skilled that they can stop a juice rush regularly. Randoms like me don't have that advantage.
  4. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    Classes that can easily take out bots; the Tank, Assassin and Sniper not only get alot of money but juice in the prossess anyway, which allows them to gain juicing and buy it aswell, maybe it should be made so you can only buy juice if there are Jackbots in the arena. I rarely buy juicings I get them by mulching, 12 minutes into the match I have enough for several juicings, and if the enemy team is making a push into my base for overtime, I buy my a juicing or 2 and wreck them and their base for their insolence.

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