Can you completely kill whore in SMNC? Yes: The barriers on G3 are more there to cock block Snipers than to prevent ringouts. In fact, the anni in G3 is much more prone to ringouts now than anni has a 5s activation time.
I'm too lazy too be an action hero and even if I wasn't - I've got man-flu at the moment Do you have that in the US? It's like the the regular Flu women get but 200 times more debilitating. That's why Knight Rider and He-man aren't on TV any more - they caught the Man-flu and never made a full recovery. I think the only man who can't get it is Chuck Norris. Even though his tears can cure all known illnesses and diseases... he's never cried so we're all stuck with the danger of catching it one day.
Hey there tawok... 3gig RAM, 2.4 quad core something or other, ati radion hd 2400 pro and windows 7 x64. Do you think I can run SMNC now? I have a geforce nvidia 8400gs also but don't know if it's better than the one that's in atm. Also... asparagus for tea I think PS this doesn't mean I'm an xbox loathing elitist, even though I've not played it for months, I just love LOL too much. keep your xbox GofME
Tawok has been banned like a thousand times by now. You're going to have to take your love for him to missed connections on Craigslist.
You're gay. Me too, I don't play Xbox as much as I used to. Only once or twice a month. I think I'll start to play it more when the new S;G visual novel and GTA V come out. You're the big brother I've always wanted lol. Let's party up sometimes ♡
^ no homo. I only use xbox for netflix. Oh and xbox live on my phone to message people when I'm in work Who would have thought... me with a fancy phone and a new pc I will however be getting Darkstalkers on monday... my god I love that game. Best beat em up ever. EVER!!!!
Me too! I only use Xbox for YouTube and porn sites. 99% of the time I'm on, it's me from my iPhone. I'll check it out...
Sorry Jon... I too good to talk to you now I have a pc better than my xbox. I think I'll go play some Super Mon.... arghhhhh I can't even say it in jest :lol: :lol: :lol: edit - I did consider downloading it yesterday though
I downloaded it, tried it, didn't like it... I can see the draw though. Jay, you might like it. Missionary, juice is nowhere near as lethal. You'll suck at it. Plus, I don't think it'll run on an abacus.
You sayin' I need to play slower paced games 'cos I'm too old now? Who am I kidding... I am. I think I'll stick with LOL and maybe try to find a turn based game :lol: