Jables 3 questions chat log

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by cola_colin, July 28, 2015.

  1. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    21% per year? more like 5-15% dependant on app. Were already on 11nm beyond that I'd imagine thing's are gonna slow down big time unless we can find some revolutionary new material or they find some way of doing quantum computing without the need for superconductor level temp's.

    I did read on wccf that intel are working on a tech that allows many cores to work as a single big core, but I expect it will not work for pa without big engine changes sadly.

    Also I read that Intel have a team that are there to help dev's make better multi threaded games, The plan (If I remember right) was to help out the triple a dev's in the hope that it would filter down to the indie's.
  2. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    The problem comes in that even if they know how to do it, doing it still takes a lot of time
    maxcomander likes this.
  3. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    That chat log of my panic ;)
  4. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    I agree, having the time and money is the problem. I guess if the pa engine was in development know it may have been different.....
  5. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    Hard to say. parallel processing has been around for a long time now and it still twists people minds into knots, hence the time it takes.

    Honestly this will only cease to be a big problem when compilers are smart enough to do automatic parallelization, and the closest one that I know of is IBM's Dash language, which I don't even think is available to the public yet, and it still relies quite heavily on the programmer to use the language properly
    Quitch likes this.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    In many cases that would mean: Use completely different algorithms and software architecture. If the compiler manages to do that it could just as well write the whole software itself...

    I don't think there is much that can save programmers from learning to multi-thread stuff themselves. Maybe the AI singularity would help, but that's cheating :D
    maxcomander likes this.
  7. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    Many of the same algorithms could be used, the real trick would be reliably identifying critical sections and time sensitive blocks. If you could ensure thread safety on the former and in-order execution of the latter, all within acceptable compile times, you could do all sorts of fun stuff.

    Right now, the closest we got (that I know of) is implicitly parallel operations, like vector arithmetic, or map functions (assuming no global variables are written to). However these still require the programmer to abandon the loop to take advantage of it, and your average codemonkey would have a rough time with that.

    little fun reading: http://www.cs.rochester.edu/drupal/cdp-2014-program
  8. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) mikeyh: any thoughts on steam free weekends?
    jables: if we did it, would be later down the road.

    Q2) [RLM]AndreasG: Are you (balanceteam) happy with how air play atm, or do they consider balancechanges? (based on wining for a lot of players, due to lack of counters to mass air)
    jables: Andreas #2, I'd need to talk to them to get more details, but last I talked they were fairly happy with current balance. There are a few fixes comign in next update I believe

    Q3) CMDR Tacki: Is the RAM going to be fixed? My computer uses tons of it in the game... Never seen a game before using so much. Getting at max RAM with 2 Planet Systems or even one and stuck in lobby and computer crashes
    jables: Tacki #3, RAM is very vague. Would probably need more info to get what is causing your issue figured out. I'd suggest emailing support@uberent.com and they can help step through what might be causing it.

    11:44:35 AM jables let's do a round of 3 questions! Will answer first 3 questions to best of my ability starting... now~
    11:44:43 AM mikeyh hi jables
    11:44:55 AM mikeyh any thoughts on steam free weekends?
    11:45:12 AM jables mikeyh #1
    11:45:41 AM jables if we did it, would be later down the road.
    11:47:38 AM [RLM]AndreasG Are you (balanceteam) happy with how air play atm, or do they consider balancechanges? (based on wining for a lot of players, due to lack of counters to mass air)
    11:49:07 AM CMDR Tacki I always get annihilated by massive air clusters with bombers in it .... always -.-
    11:49:08 AM [RLM] Darksteel ooh questions
    11:49:14 AM [RLM] Darksteel I wanna ask one :P
    11:49:33 AM [RLM] Darksteel need one to ask first though lol
    11:49:43 AM mikeyh some steam free weekends after more polish and fixes might get people playing
    11:50:00 AM CMDR Tacki Is the RAM going to be fixed?
    11:50:08 AM CMDR Tacki My computer uses tons of it in the game...
    11:50:15 AM CMDR Tacki Never seen a game before using so much
    11:50:21 AM P Roeleert what's wrong with that
    11:50:27 AM [RLM] Darksteel oh, here's one, Are you guys going to consider adding more CSG's? It would be nice to have a bit more terrain cusomization
    11:50:36 AM [RLM] Darksteel I mean, we already have a bunch
    11:50:45 AM [RLM] Darksteel but it still feels kinda limited
    11:50:52 AM CMDR Tacki Getting at max RAM with 2 Planet Systems or even one and stuck in lobby and computer crashes
    11:50:54 AM [RLM] Darksteel would be nice to have JUST a ramp
    11:50:58 AM [RLM] Darksteel or JUST a cliff
    11:51:02 AM [RLM] Darksteel that kinda thing
    11:51:25 AM P Roeleert you got a pagefile CMDR Tacki
    11:51:27 AM P Roeleert ?
    11:51:33 AM CMDR Tacki ?
    11:51:42 AM CMDR Tacki No?
    11:52:00 AM P Roeleert if you don't know what a pagefile is you probably have one :)
    11:53:46 AM [RLM] Darksteel Anyway, that is my question. Will we ever see highly specific CSG's like a ramp, or a cliff?
    12:02:21 PM CMDR Tacki Anyone has probelms too with the RAM in this game?
    12:02:49 PM Violet Ania 1v1 up if anyone is interested ^^
    12:03:07 PM CMDR Tacki How was the match yesterday Ania?
    12:03:34 PM jables Andreas #2 and Tacki #3 sorry was afk
    12:03:45 PM CMDR Tacki No problem
    12:04:08 PM jables Andreas #2, I'd need to talk to them to get more details, but last I talked they were fairly happy with current balance. There are a few fixes comign in next update I believe
    12:05:11 PM jables Tacki #3, RAM is very vague. Would probably need more info to get what is causing your issue figured out. I'd suggest emailing support@uberent.com and they can help step through what might be causing it.
    proeleert, Remy561 and Quitch like this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    A lot of people are confused by RAM usage. They've been trained to think using a lot of RAM indicates a problem, when all it indicates is a game not constrained by the need to work on consoles with pitiful amounts of memory.
    maxcomander, cdrkf, proeleert and 2 others like this.
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) [TITS]CMDR Tacki: Why do other players hear the epic music when the Ragnarok is being built and not when the Ragnarok is finished with building, I mean it's nice to inform others that there is a Planet Destroyer being build but is that not a bit....weird that after the build nobody hears the epic music?
    jables: Tacki #1 I'd need to talk to audio guy. I know a lot of custom code was set up for audio cues on Ragnarock. I'm guessing it was based on limitations in how cues fire

    Q2) mikeyh: jables when are you expecting the next PTE?
    jables: mikeyh we'll have a new build out in next few days.. but will be only 1 fix and a fix for offline gameplay issue. we'll be doing another after that.. but don't have a date

    Q3) [TITS]CMDR Tacki: 2nd... Will you guys be working on fixes for the optimization? Like in future updates?
    jables: and Tacki #3, we do fixes on optimization, ai, and other general things in most every update, so yeah, you should see more improvements as they come in :)

    Q4) mikeyh: any idea when you'll update to new coherent beta?
    jables: mikeyh I believe we are still waiting on them last I heard
    mikeyh: only existing partners get access. it's it actually a closed beta
    jables: yeah we wouldn't release anything until they fully update it

    11:36:24 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki Why do other players hear the epic music when the Ragnarok is being built and not when the Ragnarok is finished with building, I mean it's nice to inform others that there is a Planet Destroyer being build but is that not a bit....weird that after the build nobody hears the epic music?
    11:37:11 AM b1ngnx33 Music? what are you talking about?
    11:37:19 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki When you fnished building the Ragna
    11:37:29 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki This soundtrack
    11:37:35 AM jables Tacki #1 I'd need to talk to audio guy. I know a lot of custom code was set up for audio cues on Ragnarock
    11:37:47 AM jables I'm guessing it was based on limitations in how cues fire
    11:37:57 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki Because the Owner only hears it when it's done and others while it is being build
    11:38:23 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki Alright
    11:38:34 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki I hope that will be changed
    11:38:40 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki It's odd
    11:40:37 AM mikeyh jables when are you expecting the next PTE?
    11:40:52 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki 2nd... Will you guys be working on fixes for the optimization? Like in future updates?
    11:41:03 AM jables mikeyh we'll have a new build out in next few days.. but will be only 1 fix and a fix for offline gameplay issue
    11:41:12 AM jables we'll be doing another after that.. but don't have a date
    11:41:51 AM jables and Tacki #3, we do fixes on optimization, ai, and other general things in most every update, so yeah, you should see more improvements as they come in :)
    11:42:02 AM mikeyh any idea when you'll update to new coherent beta?
    11:42:11 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki ok :)
    11:42:27 AM jables mikeyh I believe we are still waiting on them last I heard
    11:42:52 AM mikeyh only existing partners get access
    11:43:08 AM mikeyh it's it actually a closed beta
    11:43:29 AM jables yeah we wouldn't release anything until they fully update it
    11:43:35 AM [TITS]CMDR Tacki And for last.... Will there be coming more Titans or Units in the future? If so, Do we have to pay or is it free content?
    11:44:03 AM jables already hit 4 questions today.. i'll get that one next round :)
    cdrkf, stuart98, Remy561 and 2 others like this.
  11. tommybananas

    tommybananas Active Member

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    sorry but whats coherent beta?
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Coherent UI is the chromium based user interface that is used by PA. They were discussing a beta of the next version of it.
  13. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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  14. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) iamstudent: What are you guy do for PA? I mean the next patch
    jables: mostly bug fixes. that's main focus right now. nothing that we are talking about yet :)

    Q2) Kimberlee: jables what are you doing this weekend? #2
    jables: #2 Kimberlee looking for a house :p wife and I are trying to move

    Q3) Oxide ion: is the ranking system going to be fixed?
    jables: #3 Oxide ion do you mean fixed or changed? if fixed, what problem?
    Oxide ion: jables as in getting to first with like 7 games and not being able to gain ranks at any speed with ~150games
    jables: Oxide ion ahh, I'll poke enigineer on that. I'm assuming lack of players at that rank is issue. I'll see if anything is posisble
    [RLM]AndreasG: I think the point he is making jables is that manny are unhappy about the current ladder due to the way it works (dosnt motivate to play a lot), are not visual (no numbers and hided ranks) and little variety in maps
    Oxide ion: jables so basicly as andreas said currently ladder doesnt motivate to play and in the event that you play alot of games ~150 and over you gain ranks extremely slowly
    jables: Oxide ion: got it. Like I said, I'll talk to an engineer to see if there's anything we can do
    [RLM]AndreasG: if im right ladder is currently using a glicko system designed for locking down skill (matchmaking) not showing progress like a ladder often is suposed to do :)
    jables: it is a glicko style system. I'm not sure it can be changed fully however. would need to talk to them

    11:31:09 AM jables hey all :)
    11:31:18 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi hello Jables
    11:31:20 AM Kimberlee hey jables ;) how are you?
    11:31:41 AM iamstudent Wow jables :)
    11:31:58 AM jables things are good :)
    11:32:22 AM jables thought we could do a round of 3 questions.. will answer first three to best of my ability. starting.. now~
    11:32:49 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi I can't think of any ;-;
    11:32:53 AM jables hehe
    11:33:03 AM jables that's good. means we've been talking enough :P
    11:33:14 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi indeed
    11:37:17 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi whom would you vote for in the 2016 Presidential Election?
    11:37:26 AM jables no comment :)
    11:37:30 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi lol
    11:42:36 AM iamstudent I want to ask question :)
    11:42:42 AM jables what's that?
    11:43:04 AM iamstudent What are you guy do for PA? I mean the next patch
    11:43:18 AM iamstudent sorry for my poor english
    11:43:33 AM jables mostly bug fixes. that's main focus right now
    11:43:43 AM iamstudent anything beside bug fixing?
    11:43:56 AM elvis (1) je suis australien.. donc je aurait vote pour ne rien
    11:44:16 AM jables nothing that we are talking about yet :)
    11:44:32 AM iamstudent ok
    11:44:42 AM jables next one will be bug fixes. we'll talk about other things as they become more concrete
    11:44:54 AM iamstudent such as?
    11:45:08 AM Kimberlee no ideas, as he said ^
    11:45:11 AM iamstudent any concept
    11:45:14 AM iamstudent lol
    11:45:16 AM jables we will talk about them as they become more concrete
    11:45:29 AM elvis (1) can I please vote for people using the ragnarok to end the game and suicide to be bonned from the game
    11:45:31 AM Kimberlee bug fixing takes its time :3
    11:45:47 AM iamstudent ok
    11:47:12 AM Kimberlee jables what are you doing this weekend? #2
    11:47:21 AM iamstudent lol
    11:47:34 AM iamstudent Is this question too personal?
    11:47:41 AM jables #2 Kimberlee looking for a house :P wife and I are trying to move
    11:47:56 AM elvis (1) you should move to where I live
    11:48:02 AM Oxide ion is the ranking system going to be fixed?
    11:48:04 AM elvis (1) it's awesome here
    11:48:09 AM jables I'm guessing the commute would be hard ;)
    11:48:18 AM elvis (1) tele commute is fine
    11:48:22 AM elvis (1) :D
    11:48:22 AM Kimberlee elvis (1) where do you live?
    11:48:31 AM iamstudent what's wrong with the rank system?
    11:48:32 AM elvis (1) melbourne/australia..
    11:48:33 AM jables #3 Oxide ion do you mean fixed or changed? if fixed, what problem?
    11:48:42 AM elvis (1) really geelong but no one knows where that is
    11:48:50 AM Kimberlee elvis (1) cool Germany here :p
    11:49:09 AM elvis (1) i dont like germans
    11:49:11 AM elvis (1) lol
    11:49:14 AM Oxide ion jables as in getting to first with like 7 games and not being able to gain ranks at any speed with ~150games
    11:49:17 AM elvis (1) on a sample size of 2
    11:49:32 AM Kimberlee lel x|
    11:49:57 AM jables I lived in germany for a while.. never been to australia though
    11:49:58 AM Oxide ion what im saying is that im stuck at #6 DX
    11:50:14 AM iamstudent I guess it is because Oxide's rank it too high
    11:50:14 AM Kimberlee Guten Tag jables. Wie geht es Ihnen?
    11:50:31 AM _Green_ Uber is in Seattle right?
    11:50:43 AM jables Oxide ion ahh, I'll poke enigineer on that. I'm assuming lack of players at that rank is issue. I'll see if anything is posisble
    11:50:46 AM mkrater close to it, yah
    11:50:47 AM jables Uber is seattle yeah
    11:50:58 AM _Green_ Rough place to look for a house :P
    11:51:09 AM mkrater >.<
    11:51:20 AM Oxide ion jables i dont think it matters if i beat uber #1 since i have so many games already
    11:51:21 AM jables Gut Kimberlee, und Ihnen? (mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut :P )
    11:51:22 AM [RLM]AndreasG I think the point he is making jables is that manny are unhappy about the current ladder due to the way it works (dosnt motivate to play a lot), are not visual (no numbers and hided ranks) and little variety in maps
    11:51:23 AM mkrater heh, but the weather makes up for it :P
    11:51:26 AM Oxide ion im just pretty much stuck
    11:51:40 AM Alpha2546 oh how is weather over there?
    11:51:44 AM jables _Green_ yes it is. :(
    11:53:57 AM mkrater I like the weather here. It's mostly overcast, sometimes sunny. Just a mild temperature almost year round
    11:55:30 AM Oxide ion jables so basicly as andreas said currently ladder doesnt motivate to play and in the event that you play alot of games ~150 and over you gain ranks extremely slowly
    11:55:45 AM Alpha2546 hmmmmm I'm lost then
    11:55:50 AM Alpha2546 Yeah
    11:56:43 AM jables Oxide ion got it. Like I said, I'll talk to an engineer to see if there's anything we can do
    11:56:53 AM Oxide ion cool :)
    11:57:10 AM [RLM]AndreasG if im right ladder is currently using a glicko system designed for locking down skill (matchmaking) not showing progress like a ladder often is suposed to do :)
    11:57:31 AM Alpha2546 just wondering has scathis recovered from his loss? Seemed like he had a hard time after defeat :P
    11:57:39 AM [RLM]AndreasG jables, you talked to the engineers about the communityes proposal on map viarity? :)
    11:57:43 AM jables it is a glicko style system. I'm not sure it can be changed fully however. would need to talk to them
    11:58:05 AM Rachealica QA, yay
    huangth, stuart98, proeleert and 3 others like this.

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