It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. mafoon

    mafoon Member

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    gas giant combat is just gonna be orbital fighter spam and satalites
  2. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    100 new units means it's possible they will make gas planet specific units
  3. odric

    odric New Member

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    I would really like to see a super unit like in supcom, it just seems fitting with the massive scale of this game. I'm thinking a massive warship with a big *** laser and the ability to transport multiple units between planets. Something like this[​IMG]
    bricepollock likes this.
  4. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    :D ROFL
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Transports, cool. Combat units, just no. Armies should be carried out between multiple armies of thousands of units, not a couple units shredding several hundred.
  6. Gunman006

    Gunman006 Member

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    Thanks for correcting and giving a much better example, that demolisher look totally awesome if you ask me.
    Not sure how the debree is meant to be in the final build of the game but when i played last night it seemed random whether or not units made debree that caused pathfinding and stuck issues.
  7. Mosse

    Mosse Member

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    • Long range artillery to attack bases almost on the other side of the planet.;
    • Mobile Air Factory/Aircraft carrier;
    • Orbital Radar Jammer to jam All radars on the planet. (Maybe orbital ones as well);
    • Orbital Artillery to attack from planet to planet;
    • Torpedo bombers;
    • Gunships;
    • Radar planes/spy planes. Invisible unless radar is built (Cheap way to get line of sight);
    • Able to build Halleys on the planet to move it away from the sun to freeze water. A different way to send ground units over and to disable movement of all navel units (Highly doubt this can be done in the engine);
    • Shield generators that only protect line of fire. Can use artillery to shoot over to destroy the shield projector;
    • Transport ships;
    • Support commanders (Not to build as fast or equal to the main commander);
    • Sea mines (Why not!?);
    • Change how orbital solar panels work. If the satellite is not facing the sun, it should not produce energy;
    • Not sure if in but able to set up orbital patrols
    Most of these ideas are already said me thinks...
  8. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    But arent there? I am pretty sure there are. I have yet to use them though.
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    It's not random at all, it depends on how much overkill there was. On top of that hitting a wreck with weapons fire will further reduce it's density until it vanishes.

  10. bricepollock

    bricepollock New Member

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    I'll just throw out some ideas:
    • Shrapnel cloud deploying buildings for anti-air
    • Love the idea of some orbital or space units
    • Fast bipedal robots that run and jump onto building and explode on them
    • Generating space junk into orbit that interferes with inter-planetary unit shooter
    • Space tether to advance energy generator collecting energy to the sun
    • Build a platform in orbit you can put artillery on
    • Defense building that shoots other units to dissolve and convert them into smaller friendly ones
    • Nuclear powered Orion ship that crashes into a base causing significant damage and also transports unit payload
    • Energy fence created between pillars
    • Thrusters on space platform stopping rotation of planet to cause sun to burn or disrupt radar for other side
    • EMP pulse to disrupt all buildings for a period of time
    • A patrolling (moving) defense structure
  11. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    A interplanetary probe cannon: Needs to build projectiles similar to Nuke Launcher. It fires from the surface and shoots a projectile directly to another planet and the point it lands a radar is built. At no point after launching can it be controlled.
    corteks likes this.
  12. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    What I'd like is for people not to put their commanders underwater and untargetable. I had an enjoyable game against a new player. I took out the AI and by then half an hour had passed I couldn't kill him without using the moon (Ok I did use that and won regardless) But the fact was despite me having fun I had no unit capable of killing his commander, I won simply by distracting him whilst the moon was being made ready, it did help putting 15 orbital fighters above his base
  13. rovetjw

    rovetjw Member

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    I think of a some kind of a tank with a shield generator to protect units around and with a very small attack

    a support unit actually
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Idea for new gameplay role and t2 structure:

    DENSE METAL CAP: Built on metal spots like extractors are, but they act as terrain after build and deny use of the metal spot. Built as t2 structure, can be destroyed in the "build-in-progress" stage, cost as much as a t2 extractor.

    This changes late game and late game enemy metal raids. It starts cutting down on metal spots, because late game when you do raids on metal you can't defend back from enemy, you can try to push a build on one. If your raid was a success long enough to erect one, it denies the enemy taking the point back or getting that metal the whole game.

    If both sides do it, it slowly suffocates each other. Interesting tactical gameplay involved with it. Counter would obviously be building more defences foreward of metal points, and getting orbital first so you can have more metal through other planets. It would effectively counter an enemy turtling t2 nukes though.
    carn1x likes this.
  15. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    I really like this as a retreat mechanic so I don't think they should be permanent but just have a highly inefficient reclaim speed and very high health.
  16. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    Anti-Air Tesla Coil
    Wololo Machine - converts the enemy structures and units
    Flying Spaghetti Monster Flying Fortress - massive orbital bombardment unit
    Splitter - once you kill it - it creates several temporary lesser versions of itself
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It doesn't work that way!
    carn1x and Murcanic like this.
  18. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Yeah, this is a cool idea, but instead of making it permanent, make it so that it can't be destroyed, only captured with Fabricators. And capturing it should take a minute or so; you can only get the mass once the spot is safely in your hands and not under attack. It can't be destroyed or reclaimed though - well, asteroids, maybe nukes, and maybe orbital units, if you so desire - so it'll always be there.
  19. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    Because planes are not grounded? Then integrate to it Steel Rope Launcher, which will attach the grounding to planes so Tesla can zzzap them :D
  20. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Might as well just smash them into the ground if you have a rope attached to them :D

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