Is this game dying?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Runie, March 9, 2011.


Are you unhappy with the way the game is?

  1. Yes, the game is dying

    28 vote(s)
  2. Yes, the game is imbalanced

    9 vote(s)
  3. No, the game is fine as is

    23 vote(s)
  4. No, but the game could be better

    34 vote(s)
  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    No, the grenade launcer does more damage to the moneyball than the shotgun, at a safer range too.

    I can kill a moneyball 20 seconds from middle of steel peel. That is fail.
  2. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Yes it is dying. This is what happens when you have a scrubby community and an incompetent developer.

    They can't even get a vote system working properly. Good job guys, force people to type "vote yes" or "vote no" in a console instead of the usual F1/F2 options that we see in other games.

    It's also awesome that if the vote failed, you can't vote again to votekick that person.

    Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if you had a proper anti-cheat system in place. Hard to find a game without some idiot aimbotting.
  3. Drex

    Drex New Member

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    I feel that the game is dying but not for the exact same reasons. Mostly since I feel the game has become "too" newbie friendly, while at the same time making it also very non-newbie friendly.

    -Make it so higher skilled players can't go pub stomping with a tank build by using gold armor
    -Make it so new unfamiliar players can't survive either with gold armor anyways (thus making the new "default" builds for snipers and sins kinda moot)


    -Skilled players, while thrown off their normal game, can still adapt quickly enough to having slightly less health to still rock an arena fairly competantly, just maybe not as efficiently or quickly
    -New players stay baffled at their lack of surviveability and learn at a much slower rate because they're too busy dying

    The new All-Star rating system is also a strange move in my opinion. Instead of having a ranking system where no matter how you did, you still earned "experiance" to "level up" so you at least felt alright even if you lost. Now if you lose, you potentially have the chance to "Rank Down" and everyone can constantly see how poor of a performer you are, thus ruining a new player's morale (an extreme, yes, but you get the idea).

    Sure it was in good intentions to go with these moves, but for starters, who's going to understand the all star system when they first purchase the game and NOT go to 5-Star servers first? Heck, when i first saw the new system I was pretty confused and joined a server with only 2 people on it.

    I understand that UBER is working very hard on pleasing everyone, but unfortunately it's just not possible. In hoping to increase sails and spread the game amongst a fresh batch of players, they instead alienate their already existing group of players so that they are adversed to continue playing with the way the game is changing. It's a gallant attempt, but it's just so hard to balance the way the game evolves with good changes that everyone can live with.

    on a side note, I have yet to see a single hacker in this game...
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I must say this update seemed rushed.
  5. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I suppose that is the great issue with new game developers.

    When you have a new game company with online multiplayer game. "How do you please the older players from closed beta while getting new players interested enough to buy and stay?"

    With MNC you have a game with awesome trailers and a cool atmosphere. The gameplay is addictive and the balance is really good (though there is room to disagree).

    You have developers working on the major issues using player suggestion (though the order they choose to work on it probably could be *****ed about reasonably).

    I think MNC deserves new players and Uber needs more staff to better handle MNC. Until the servers shut down I'm not leaving.
  6. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    It's rushed so hard everyone in my country has rushed out to play something else. Now i can't find a server. On a SATURDAY. During what would ordinarily be a tough time to find a slot on a server that isn't empty, as opposed to simply finding a server that isn't empty.

    Unless there's a patch that reverts the more horrible changes and fixes the ones that weren't horrible but just poorly implemented i think i'm about done. And the games netcode is getting buggier with each update... It's hard to enjoy yourself when your abilities wig out when you need them and you're now FORCED to run gold armor to survive.
  7. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Grenade launcher does 75dmg per hit to the moneyball.
    Moneyball has 10,000hp

    It would take over 2minutes of constant firing to kill the moneyball from full with the grenade launcher only. With gold ROF you can cut that down to about 100seconds.

    Shotgun does 101damage per hit to the moneyball. It fires at the same speed as grenade launcher, but reloads faster. It however carries 2 less shots per clip roughly making its damage per second only SLIGHTLY higher than grenade launcher.

    Grenade launcher is safer, but not more damaging.
  8. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    I'm getting major lag issues. I die before I even see what killed me on the screen and sometimes certain abilities won't fire even though the button is full like the Assault bomb. Game is basically unplayable for me atm.
  9. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Yep - servers that were playable before are unplayable now. Latency is a problem where there was no problem before.

    And the only populated server sub 100 when i looked today was the 3 star capped official uber server. Which had 8 open slots. That i can't play on. I don't know how anyone was playing on it when you can go 1-1-4 and get 4 stars.

    They've really messed up. I just hope they fix it up before the small but (until the patch) active player base in this country abandons it completely.
  10. tymeo

    tymeo New Member

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    I'm having trouble too. Getting locked out of servers due to being too high stars. The ones there were available were mostly empty or had 200+ ping.

    Decided to queue up for 1 of 2 servers that was full. Finally able to join the game only to find the players were leaving and was back to square one.
  11. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I've seen one that I can confirm is a hacker (he had VAC bans on record, but they only affect the engine that you were banned from. So he could have been banned from Source based games and still play MNC.)

    And I've seen two others that I could suspect were hackers but have no definitive proof (one was clean on VAC bans, and the other had his profile set to private.)
  12. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I've seen one very bad aimbot sniper. By that i mean the aimbot he had was horrible - he was zinging shots past my fully cloaked head from the other side of Steel Peel. I wasn't dashing. He didn't know i was there. They all passed my head at roughly the same distance, at the same altitude, while i was moving.
  13. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    I'm from New Zealand and am finding it very hard to find a game these days. All the New Zealand servers died out a long time ago and now there is only a handful of Aussie ones.

    As I mentioned in a previous post, my internet is a bit screwy recently, but since the patch I've had a horrible time playing this game. I used to "get by" with a high ping, but now I'm getting grappled left right and centre when I shouldn't. It's frustrating as hell.

    I'm going for a small LAN party this weekend. Should we actually find a server I'll know whether it's my internet or not, but going by these posts it doesn't look hopeful.
  14. corducken

    corducken Member

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    A week or so ago I voted that it wasn't dying.

    I think I'll change my vote to reflect the opposite.

    The current game is inadequate for playing once the community is factored in. Recent trainer releases have allowed hackers that are semi-intelligent to remain subtle enough to not be caught cheating, but still cheat and have that edge. Typically it'll only lock in once you've looked in that persons general direction enough, so that your worldmodel doesn't jerk around enough to be recorded for definitive proof.

    The ability for people to hack full gold endorsements is also a stupid issue that should not exist, but it still does and it ruins games because anyone that has held bacon before knows how absolutely game-breaking it can be. It only appears once every several games for most people, and when someone has it 24/7 it's devastating.

    In other news, the tutorial is completely inadequate at educating newbies on what to do. On top of that, it should be completely unskippable until someone completes it once. Absolutely no new players ever kill bots, they ignore 'em and go for the pros and they get STOMPED because they don't know how to use skills either, and then they lose because they're completely clueless. Then they rage and quit.

    A lack of new players is going to kill the game. A free weekend won't help simply because hackers cannot be dealt with during one in any game since they have a unlimited supply of steam IDs to be banned with far, far too many servers have stupid admins or no admins at all, and there's no method by which admins can keep an eye over their server without actively playing it.

    I'll give the game until June before it's completely devoid of active players unless something is done to radically change and fix these issues alone, ignoring all the bugs and issues that currently plague the game.
  15. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    I think instead of the tutorial, or in addition to the tutorial, there should be instructional videos on each class. They don't have to be long, just a brief description of what are the strengths and weaknesses of each class and info on their skills.

    I do not think these would be too hard to make or time consuming because you can just do something similar to fraps with a voice over. I know that there are already vids on youtube and things but a lot of people wont go looking for them straight away, maybes even force play the videos when they choose a class for the first time. If the videos are concise and to the point, force playing them shouldn't be so annoying. I think it will really help new players get to grips with the game, also they will probably have more fun in the game cos they understand their role a lot better.

    You could even get people from the community to help make the videos, thus lightening ubers workload.
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This has been on my to do list. Now that PAX is over, I'll probably get around to making a video or two with FRAPS. Just wish I had better editing software. Guess I'll stick with narrating the video.

    Damn you Vista Basic and your lack of HD video editing capability! :evil:

    Update: just bought Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Version 9 for $20, so that should solve my creative limitations. :cool:
  17. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Still complaining about the wrong aspect and making up supporting "facts" I see...

    And you complain about losing to a team while not playing as a "tryhard"? So very stupid. Your expectation management needs a reality check.
  18. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This in itself deserves its own petition thread.

    Not hard to do, shows community involvement and would be an awesome improvement.
  19. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Would you rather have Uber spend money on that or more maps, or even another class down the line? That's the dilemma.
  20. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Last line of the post you quoted.

    I'm down with the idea of some community made vids on the classes abilities as long as they provide a balanced overview of the classes basic abilities, pros and cons.. Not a gameplay guide based on some randoms idea of how to play the class, just a class tutorial.

    Good example: The assassin excels at destroying bots with her lunge and dagger/sword, however she lacks the power to attack a turret from long range.

    Bad example: The assassin should not try to kill pros. They are supposed to just kill bots. Be sure to complain on team chat about this.

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