Is this all the game is. What i see from each class

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, February 26, 2011.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    It's relevant to how you perceive most pub players. If you are partied up with 3-4 people, your average match outcome is going to be different than it would if you were playing solo.

    When you roll over non-partied teams you are going to see WAY more camping snipers and camping supports that find safety near their fire base or spawn room. You will also see Assassins that have a much more difficult time farming bots. They are then forced to use the Ejectors to push lanes and rely on Gremlins to help them out in breaking down the enemy base. See? Relevant.
  2. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    I understand its relevance in that nature, but who cares how someone plays? (I think I'm on your side, so cool your jets). People will play the game how they want. Some strategies work better than others. Don't get mad at people for using the best strategies.
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    That post may have come off as hostile or sarcastic. If that's how you took it, I sincerely apologize. It was more of a compare and contrast to how the OP sees the current game vs people who pub stomp. I guess I let my feelings towards people who party up against randoms and then call them bad come out in the way I wrote those last couple posts. Sorry y'all. And thanks Rusty, for pointing that out. :)
  4. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I was simply pointing out how people are starting to play thats all. And the Sniper and Sin need a nerf. The juice gain is just to quick. I can try my best to stop a sin but it's become way to easy for them to get away with what they are doing. The lunge grapple will kill you from the back all the time and half the time from the back. They can do it rapidly. I have seen a string of assassins who can now assassinate while cloaked and throw stars. They need a nerf being. Juice doesn't make them god. When dizzy they cant't lunge. THey can't lunge every second. When taking damage their cloak should go out. Snipers. May not have a jetpack but they bunny hop and move really fast their cqc is deep. And there smg does damage. The ice traps help them escape and they juice quick. These two classes ruin the gameplay. With the sniper it's stay away for a while get cose and they will juice or run away. Assassin is find the sin and they will run away get juice destory your entire base can push bots. There cloak can only be heard when you blast your tv . You hit them and they stay cloaked. When i do die it's by low level sins. Cause they all have the golden ticket. They heal quick and they'll jump up and catch me the moment i get back into a fight. Nerf are needed.
  5. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Innacurate, anyone after Juice punches the bots. Anyone who wants them dead Blossoms them.

    Anyone who's awful uses the main flame.
  6. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Are you kidding me? You're saying that someone who doesn't Deathblossom is awful?
  7. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Sniper- ROF

    Assassin- Juice

    Support- Shotgun

    Tank- Charge

    Gunner- Claw

  8. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  9. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I'm saying people who Jetgun individual bots are awful.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It is obvious to me some players and members have a hard time respectfully disagreeing. Lets try our best to not take disagreements personal and get all worked up over nothing. After all we're all friends! :D

    At the same time I do understand everyone's passion for the game and in no way am I trying to take that away.

    Are you saying I am awful? :cry:
    Hey I like the balance between juice gain and quick bot killing. :D
  11. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Ugh. I surrender.
  12. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Can't wait to see Plumbum get rung out by a Blackjack uppercut when he melees all the time instead of using the Jetgun sometimes :)
  13. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    All this game is, is really just a lot of bullshit lag. Joined 5 different lobbies yesterday couldn't even move when i have a 30mb upload and checked that everyone was from the US and they were.
  14. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Ok let me explain things.

    Sniper shooting people and running away hurt. This is just to patch your k/d. Why not shoot bots and people? You juice off the bots and getting out of your spawn area prevents captured areas. It doesn't help the team when your running back to your base when you could have thrown a flak into a crowd etc. Most snipers just go for headshots and panic when it comes to the smg and close range combat.

    Assault: they never use the grenade launcher to kill bots or turrets or hit the moneyball from long range. They juice chain and assault rifle everything. They should be going for the analiator, setting bombs up in heavy areas, and flying to the ejectors and finishing off foes.

    Support: You can sit and turtle in your base but if you don't got 3.3 rockets or two supports healing anything being damaged your just prolonging the game to over time. Get your basics setup and if it becomes a problem rebuild or watch it get destoryed again. Stick with pros who have higher hp. Tanks/Gunners/assaults. Overheal 1 person then move on to the next pro. Spawn gapshots when your team has a rough time getting past turrets. They work well.

    Assassin: go after easy kills and try and destroy the turrets stopping your bots. Juice from the bots and use long range to keep the ball down with shruikens. Hit ejectors and analiators. Let your team know whats going on since you move the fastest and represent the team scout. Smoke bomb turrets, always keep moving!

    Sniper: Clear the lanes of bots and pros. Gain juice from the bots. Use exploding shots and flak in heavy traffic areas. Put ice traps in lanes where you think they will be effective. Finish off weak foes and go for gunners/tanks mainly for easy headshots.

    Tank: clear the lanes of bots and sneak up and burn some pros. Product bomb targets/bots to slow them down. Deploy with jet gun to extend the flame. Charge heavy crowded areas and finish off stunned foes. Go after assassins and light them up.
    Your also very effective killing jack bots with death blossom in the air rather then on the ground.

    Gunner: Kill pros and throw motars at turrets and bots in heavy traffic lanes. Your also very good at slowing down juice rush players with deploy shots since they stun. Keep away from snipers and keep on shooting to reveal assassins. When you juice up your motars will kill any 3.3 rocket in 2-3 shots with level 3 passive.

    This is a quick guide of what each class should be trying to do in games.. Not what is being done in most.

    Every plays different etc but this is whats effective.
  15. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I sometimes Jetgun bots when my enemies are good enough to keep me from meleeing them, but bad enough to the point where I don't have to Death Blossom then run away. The little bits and pieces you do here and there for juice really do add up.
  16. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    They have backs, Ian.
  17. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Obviously somebody hasn't played in a very laggy game yet. Getting punched while behind a Blackjack is as common as getting air-grappled by an Assassin, a Death Blossom doing no damage, or a bomb with a 3 second detonation delay

  18. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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  19. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    THIS ^
  20. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    I agree with what your saying but, what game dosnt get repetitive over and over again.
    CoD- crap fps players siting in corners trying to get kill streaks they will never get.
    Halo- medicore players that always do the same thing they see mlg players doing, so the whole community pretty much does the same thing.
    Battlefield- horrible people trying to snipe in the distant corners of the map, while others try to whore out vehicles.

    Those are just some of the big ones. And they even have diff playlist to mi things up. Guess my point is this cant be the first time youve gotten alil bored with a gmae before, Change you main class your playstyle or just take a brake. I did it and I went out and relized how much i hated everything else and I come back to this and love it.

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