Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and arm)

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mojo3911, May 4, 2013.

  1. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    This may be true, but the problem is that it has been brought up over and over again:

    It took me 10 seconds to find these using the search feature. And it would have answered your question. Hopefully, you can see why it's so annoying that it gets brought up again and again, as if no one is listening/paying attention.
  2. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    There is only one faction planned. There was some very brief talk of multiple factions prior to the Kickstarter, but it's certainly not been a planned feature.

    As for multiple skins for units, this is unlikely as well.

    However, both are completely plausible additions to the game after release through user modification.
  3. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Yeah fair comment zoughtbaj, I'm not too familiar with forum features in general - I scrolled through the pages manually looking for topics that appeared relevant. I'll get the hang of it :?
    I think this subject has been quite thoroughly dealt with! :D
  4. AfroSpartan

    AfroSpartan Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I didn't base it off of the whitebox i just dont feel that there will be that many units
  5. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Don't take this in a bad way but... how do you expect to have any sensible discussion if you base your opinions on "feelings"?
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    For those of you who want 2 factions...

    ...Why wouldn't you rather have 2 factions worth of units, on 1 faction?

    I mean, there could be 1 faction with tougher structures to destroy, and 1 factions with more fragile structures that operate more efficient or more effectively. Would you rather be able to choose which faction, or make both a build option of the same faction? If you did the latter, you would be able to build the best of both worlds. Build whatever makes sense in place, build with a lean in the area that interests you most.

    Anyway, for those who rather choose to dedicate to and lock in a unit pool prior to a game and be forced to keep with it throught the game, there will be mods. Watch for them.
  7. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Indeed! I hope you weren't too off-put. That certainly wasn't the intention. We're all excited for this game... some just a bit more so then others.

    Welcome aboard!
  8. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Cheers man, naa wasn't put-off really, just felt like I'd been jumped on a bit for joining in with an overly-discussed topic. Again, my bad. It was mainly because I remember the glory days of Total Annihilation (playing as Arm), and SupCom: FA (playing as UEF). I guess I just feel that factions give strategy games an element of character that they might otherwise lack.
    Guess that will now be something for the modding community to sink their teeth into after the game launches. I imagine they'll even focus on 'remaking' Arm and Core in particular.

    Regardless, your damn right I'm excited! :D
  9. AfroSpartan

    AfroSpartan Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Well they said they weren't putting shields in so you wont have mobile shields which will make close range units like flame/plasma throwers almost useless, unless you they had a lot of armour.
    Also since they said there will only be 2 tech levels its not like you will get 3 levels of the same type of unit either.
    If you count satellites then there will be a few units but getting a variety of all unit types i think will be hard unless they put in slight variations of units.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    You'll have to explain in detail because you lost me, how does a lack of shields affect the validity of Short ranged units? I don't even know what you're talking about when it comes to the 3 Tiers vs 2 Tiers, that's not how unit variety even works.

  11. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I wasn't keen on the idea of one faction at all. However after reading the arguments it definitely seems like the best option.
  12. AfroSpartan

    AfroSpartan Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Short ranged unit would get picked off by medium and long ranged units. If you had shields then they would be able to get closer before taking damage. But thats assuming friendly fire is in the game, because then you could just put lines of other units infront.
    And i was on about in supcom where you would get a tank then a heavy tank and then a super heavy tank. With only two tiers you get a unit and it's big brother unit. I wasn't saying that it was variety i said they would have to make variations of units since they only have two tech levels. So you could have a heavy tank with heavy armour or a heavy tank with less armour but with tactical missile defense or a heavy tank with a riot gun on it.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    That's short-sighted at best. What if the shorter ranged unit was faster or had more armor? What if it had Stealth? What if it dealt high damage at short range, negating the benefit of longer ranged units shooting first in the long term?

    There are a LOT more factors to consider than just range.

    You don't know how the Tiers are planned, which is currently leaning towards T1 begin the basic general purpose units and T2 being Specialized, with no power gap between them, you'll being using T1 throughout the entire game.

    I think you sell units short when you group them up as you do, I mean, imagine a SupCom "Super Faction" and compare these units;

    Rhino, Blaze, Obsidian, Pillar, Wagner

    To call them all Variants of a Medium Tank is far from accurate, a unit should be defined by the sum of it's parts instead, so while you might call those 5 tanks "Medium Tank Variants" you are essentially only focusing on thier "Size" or "weight" class and ignoring so many imporant details.

    The Rhino is great at short range against light units, the Blaze is an Amphibious units with a high RoF weapon great against swarms of units, the Obsidian is your stout defender with it's shield and Frontloaded weapon, the Wagner travels along the sea floor where only torpedoes can reach it and the Pillar is a great all round tank.

  14. AfroSpartan

    AfroSpartan Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Thats what i basically mean by variants
    It really depends on how you define 'variants'
    And also when i suggested variants i didn't mention size or weight. I was thinking of getting a base unit and changing adding adding certain parts. For instance if you look at real vehicles like a Striker, it has several variants that handle different situations.
    I see the some supcom units as variants. But you are the one that brought that up.
  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Afro, would you mind telling us what you do define as a "variant" using examples of those SupCom units you think are variants please?
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I think variety can be achieved through one faction anyway.

    One simple idea, is to give some of the t2 seperate requirements to be produced. New structures, possibly costly, that are prerequisite to build "flavors" of t2 units. A stealth production armory in order for a factory to produce stealth units, and such.

    At least this would make a player choose among the units that he will invest in using, without binding him to them. If he wants to use other units midgame, or simply use every single unit in the game, he can at the price to invest in all the structures to produce them with.

    Just one suggestion to diversify unit production in-game without requiring it to be faction diversity.

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