Is Planetary Annihilation a failure already?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, March 15, 2014.

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  1. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Agreed, and if I have done this at all, I apologise.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  2. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    Yes, derail the topic so it gets closed, I like this idea
  3. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    that was my WHOLE plan

    its nice here now :p
    vrishnak92 likes this.
  4. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    It is not.
    So long as we don't end up with the Unit Cannon being paid DLC then I'm happy.
    This game is awesome and we take it for granted.
    Without PA what would we have? SupCom? Uber has redefined the genre.

    So long as the game gets finished then it will be played and loved for years to come.

    Edit: I like you carlo but the Thread's title is inflammatory and you have started a flamewar.
    vyolin, stonewood1612, s03g and 7 others like this.
  5. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    As far as i remember, Uber has stated since a very long time that PA is not a one shot game.
    v1.0 is just the beginning.
    Can one seriously say that 90% of what was promised is missing ? NO.
    One can seriously say that at least 90% of what was promised as the core game is in.
    So considering PA as a failure because a few features won't be in 1.0 is just silly.
    PA kickstarter has allways been the vision of what Uber expected PA to be. They never gave any garantee that all the features would be in 1.0.
    They started from scratch, meaning, with not even a single piece of code.
    So it's obvious to me that changes can happen along the development process. The most important to me is that Uber has constantly proven that they were working as much hard as possible to deliver the best possible 1.0 final release. This means one can confidently expect Uber to deliver even much more nice features after 1.0. It's also obvious that such comments from pure dicks are not going to encourage Uber to work hard on next features.

    I clearly do not see where Uber is failing here. If i had a Uber canon i would put the original poster in it and would send him in orbit around the earth. And one last thing to the original poster : If one was putting all *** holes in orbit, you would never stop turning around earth.
    timp13 and carlorizzante like this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    uh.. no.
    he'll never review an RTS he said so on many-an-occasion.
    Plus he's a critic, not a morron.

    if you're saying this because you were inspired by the delorious and associates episode : know that it was an homage, not a mockery.

    I doubt that if he were ever to change his mind about reviewing an RTS, he wouldn't recommend it.

    he's recommended and praised a bunch of titles, people keep asking him to review the latest batman or fifa or black ops, of course when you've been outside the genre and around you find them bland.
  7. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    you guys had to do it right ?

    YOU HAD TO DO IT !!!

    RIGHT ?

    RIGHT !!?

    omg bad thread go back down go back down gogogogo

    Last edited: March 15, 2014
  8. cptusmc

    cptusmc Active Member

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    carolorizzante - These are all very valid criticisms. I do not see how they will realistically complete their objectives and it is disappointing. Verbalizing these criticisms and holding their feet to the fire is helpful because it places pressure on those to be accountable for their promises. Customer discontent of a product leads to a better product and we all want a great product but we should not be unrealistic because of fanatic optimism or fearful of the realization that the product could fall short of what was pitched.

    I say these are valid criticisms because I too cannot see how they are going to complete their goals by the end of May.
    carlorizzante and Zoliru like this.
  9. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    As someone who has been in software development for years, I can tell you what Uber has done has been dam near miraculous.

    The biggest mistake Uber made was entering into Beta when they did. It brought in a whole bunch of people with retarded preconceptions of what Beta meant. They should just have released the game to the Beta backers last September but still called it alpha. (like they did in December with all early backers).

    This is however, a moot point now.

    uber has done something completely new here with their development process and it has messed with peoples minds a bit. I for one would like developers to keep doing this so for crying out loud, don't bite them in the hand.

    And honestly, with area commands, multi-unit transports are really not needed, assuming they can balance costs of astreus and pelican.

    unit cannon will come in time. Gamma wreaked havoc with stability, they got more important things to do right now.

    galactic war is coming. We haven't seen it at all yet, we have no idea what stage its in other than they have something playable.

    gas giants are a fringe feature that can wait until the core biomes are done. Will be awesome, but gotta do things in a semi-logical order, which rarely is the order the noisier members of the community want.
    miig, Remy561, cptconundrum and 4 others like this.
  10. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    You are right in this. The title is very provocative. I wanted people to take a moment to think about it.

    But yes, perhaps I could use a more delicate approach to the topic.
    bradaz85 and mered4 like this.
  11. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I would suggest more logic and less "It looks like...."

    I appreciate you bringing this up, but Mr. Burrito is right here - the title was just asking for the flame war that has ensued. A lesson for the future, I suppose.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Eh, I don't like fanboy'ism or intentional confrontations against something that irks you. Get too much of that in Planetside2 everytime they add something that isn't "legacy" the old players pretty much threaten to commit ritual suicide.

    Either way, it is what it is, and opinion is something you can give sure, but really something has to suck pretty bad to be deemed garbage. Titanfall is solid, I hate EA but as far as modern games go that isn't a bad game. PA can't be so bad it is to be demeaned before it even gets it's release capatability and performance optimizations to make it most playable. Get the server files, wait a month, if the game is still unplayable then personally discuss it with people via PM and submit a group collaborated complaint and suggestion PM to the devs.

    Other than that, I just suggest keep active with development, it is still far from done. Let's try to get this game where it's functional, it already has a signature playstyle. I bring up SMNC as an example of a game that is signature in playstyle and it's success was limited with it's accessibility with new players because it is a complex game new players don't do well in, so it made it hard. Any game with a signature playstyle needs community to stick with it until its well polished and every small thing is friendly to the player. That is how DotA got to where it is, that is how LoL capitalized off the introduced style of DotA with furthering introductary level features and polish. That is what "release" is about. It is about having a handful of things you could update next, the unit cannon and more units, or bug and control tweaking and performance optimization, and social infrastructure ingame, and CHOOSING which of those to update next, and DECIDING that choice will be the performance and optimization and social infrastructure.

    If you want to sink this game, wait until a month or so after serverside release, or until Uber releases kickstarter features as paid DLC. Then gather some support, right now you nearly stand alone, pm some people who feel just as disappointed. Then, submit it here, and watch how successful you are. I don't feel it will ever come to that point though. Like I posted earlier, this game is already a success of building a technical engine with very next-gen yet simple-code features. The gameplay is already a success of being unique in it's playstyle and build style for an rts. It just has to be a success at hitting with the players and snatching up a huge fanbase, and it has not failed here yet because the war isn't over.
    iron420, timp13, wpmarshall and 3 others like this.
  13. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Good points, thanks.

    To address what you suggest me to do, I do not want to sink this game. On the contrary, I actually agree it is a good game in the parts that are well developed.

    On the other hand, I also think that we agree on the game being not ready for release at its current state. If they would go live now, it would be a massacre. How much do you honestly think they can do in a month or two?
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Optimization and working in-game friends and chat lobby, with balance adjustments to make it playable but possibly still not perfect.

    That is why they are starting on it now. Because they aren't sure if they can make it by May. If the game still isn't prestinely functional by then, they will have to work on it longer. However, they want to start now, and not delay by spreading their work thin across too many areas, because if they start working now, they will get finished faster.

    Thus, is why they are prioritizing game function features. They are pushing full power to the game function elements, and directing that power from things like stretch goals to do so. It may actually get it done in late May. It might get it done in August.

    If they tried doing the unit cannon with it however, they might as well build a Christmas Promotional Trailer for the release sale, because that is when they might end up instead. That might also be when you end up getting server side files should they have attempted unit cannon development. It really is better this way, and I personally think Uber is responsible and reliable enough to continue development on features to give freely to the game after release so I am not worried there, and as double-insurance the modding community can always pull it off because how hard could it honestly be?
    wpmarshall and carlorizzante like this.
  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    If they punt the unit cannon into post release features, they might. If they don't, they won't.
    wpmarshall and carlorizzante like this.
  16. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Well, but my whole point wasn't that I want the Unit Cannon now. I even said many times that if they have other solutions, I'm fine with that, and that timing isn't my main concern at all.

    What I wanted to point out is that rushing in releasing the game in late May seems a decision Uber has been forced to accept. And if that's the case, I doubt the game will benefit from it.

    An other thing. I do not necessarily expect answers from Uber about all the questions. They could just say "we do not know" and it would be fine. Unfortunately what I observed is that some specific questions have been methodically ignored.
  17. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    That is not correct. I had one single post removed by Garat, where I lost my temper in response to your continuous efforts to defame me. As everyone can see.

    None of your posts have been removed before, because I've never reported any, before today.
  18. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    While we have no issue with people voicing concerns or opinions of this game, this thread has simply become a long list of personal attacks between people, and for that reason, I am locking this.
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