Is Planetary Annihilation a failure already?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, March 15, 2014.

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  1. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Not really. I love the game very much. I like the guys at Uber. Frankly, I appreciate very much how Garat handles things. Specially he has an excellent style.

    I do want to see this game being a success. But apparently you guys do not understand why people make remark on something. They do because they care.

    So, why should I shut up about something that I care? Just because my point of view differs from yours?

    For the record, here my review on Steam. As you can see, I did not say "not to buy this game". But I expressed my concerning about the course it has taken lately. As you can read between the lines, I've been disappointed by how Uber avoids to address questions regarding the future of the game and what will ultimately be in version 1.0. But since the release is imminent, that will be soon clear, right?

    Here we go.

    I recommend patience in buying this game. So far in its early access stage it offers a great fun if played on a single planet. Even if the units roster is pretty limited. But on a wider picture, the game still feels like a missed opportunity.

    What frankly disappoints is that even if the project vastly surpassed all the stretched goals during the Kickstarter campaign, some fundamental parts of the original concept seem to have been removed. For example, the Unit Cannon and a full naval and water support will possibly never see the light. An other fault of the actual game is that the game still lacks of a good Interplanetary mechanic: as soon as players move on different planets, the match usually stalls.

    Unfortunately it is very hard to get straight answers from the developer about what features in future will fill the gap. Apparently, they feel it is already ok, therefore no big changes are expected. The developer said that they run short on budget and had to reconsider part of the main concept, which is no longer *a priority* for them. With the result that some important features will be absent at release.

    Therefore I recommend to buy this game only after you will be sure that the game actually satisfies your taste and preferences.

    PS. Also be aware that the main unit used to promote the game, the iconic Delta Commander, will never be available to whom who bought the game outside the Kickstarter campaign.

    So, does that help in explaining why I stand my ground?
  2. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Be sure not to see anything he writes too negatively.

    On a scale of agreement (0 - 100), agreeing to some degree would be a state of agreement x that is 0 < x <= 100.
    Complete denial would be x = 0.

    Wouldn't it ?

    PS: I believe that the questions he asks are valid and need to be asked, since the community is the main investor in the project right now (at least as far as we know). It is of our concern how the game that was funded by many of us will be released as it has major impact on the future of this game.
    But I also acknowledge that Uber themselves probably don't know the answers to these questions yet (it all depends on which issues they encounter during development) and therefore can't give us much information without the risk of creating false expectations.

    I think this shouldn't be misinterpreted as the project getting out of hand. We don't have much information which of course lends itself to interpretation but the only actual worrying "evidence" we have is that Uber seems to try to get PA ready for release. But we don't know how far the features which are still missing already are in development and we don't know for sure when the release will be. Actually, they have been trying to get the game ready for release since day 1, so I still have hope that this doesn't mean anything too serious.

    PPS: Now my "post scriptum" is longer than my scriptum.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  3. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Dude. They don't give straight answers on what features will be implemented and when because they don't know themselves.

    "Hey Uber! Describe every detail of the finished game?" There is no answer to that because PA is a moving target.
  5. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Well, I for one don't think its good practice to be reviewing unfinished games. I ONLY review games at release, sometimes I'll wait if needs be too. I don't think he is "butthurt," but rather passionate about PA. He is obviously worried and concerned the game isn't going to be at the level he thought it was at some point, most likely kickstarter. I share some concerns, I probably wouldn't have said anything about it until I knew more about what 1.0 would have entailed though.
    drz1 and carlorizzante like this.
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Why didn't you just say "between 1 and 100"? You put algebra! I HAD TO THINK FOR A SECOND DANGIT!
  7. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Now hold on there. Don't pin all the forum negativity on Carlorizzantee like he is all the negative posts scapegoat. He is expressing his opinion on the forums on important issues. forum negativity has happened way before with Orbital being fake or real as well as commanders having abilities. And that was long before his time.

    Critisim is important for any game developer, and i'm pretty sure they have thick skin to comments. Saying we should get rid of the negative part isn't going to help them develop the game better.
  8. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Writing negative things based on assumptions is not what we need though. I'm all for Carlo expressing concern, but using unsubstantiated statements produced as fact is not right.
  9. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Well, English is not my native language and I am preparing to study something that's heavy on maths soon, so.... algebra was the first thing that got into my mind :p

    Edit: Made previous edit into own post.
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
    carlorizzante and iron420 like this.
  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's no secret that I'm a fan of the game. But I'm also a critic of the game. I have plenty of forum posts pointing out flaws in the game in an effort to improve them. Heck, one of my threads is one of the causes for Uber completely overhauling orbital. I just don't critique in an overly negative, aggressive, and threatening way.

    I'm also not self entitled to think that I deserve a response from Uber, like OP is. He keeps on quoting one of Neutrino's posts demanding answers and is expecting that he get a response.
    miig, doud, drz1 and 1 other person like this.
  11. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  12. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Writing negative things based on assumptions is bad, and I agree. Some assumptions carlo is making can be answered by Uber, I'm sure uber doesn't like getting pinned between forum posts on getting dates and times set.

    However, lets not get into forum chaos were we attack the user instead of the opinion he has on the topic.
    drz1, carlorizzante and Zoliru like this.
  13. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Am I supposed to believe he comes back to the forums each day, writes stuff hes concerned about, including this very descriptive post that he plain hates the game? No, I feel he has concern over how the game "May" turn out. It is best to voice these opinions now rather than later, as you once said yourself.
    carlorizzante, iron420 and Zoliru like this.
  14. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    This does not have to be a positive Thread, but not an negative, offensive one.
    drz1 and carlorizzante like this.
  15. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    woooooo, that was close. stopped my self from wasting 10 mins of my time replying to an uninformed fishing expedition post like this.

    he is fishing for a response from uber to his liking.
    nothing to see here, moving on.
  16. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    It was me that said it seems like he doesn't like the game, not Brian. Again, I know responses like this seem overly harsh out of context, but his tone for a month or so has been pretty consistently pessimistic. Every piece of missing information gets interpreted as some kind of conspiracy or a confirmation that the worst case scenario will happen.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  17. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Aaaaandddd... I'm done with this thread.


    Let's NOT make this troll thread one of the forum's top posts.
  18. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    So he is not allowed to write negative things ? Many people write strictly positive things about this game.
    If you look at a complex topic in a proper way, you voice positive AND negative things.
    And carlo does indeed voice some valid concerns ("negative").
    In his more recent posts he even tries to outline them in a way that noone should feel too insulted by. And these concerns are very widespread.
    You left the Steam Hub because it was too negative (in a very extreme way that's different from Carlo's. He tries to voice concerns with the intention of helping the game...those outright hate it). I tried fighting against this negativity, too, and it is truly awful and hopeless.

    But it exists. And THAT kind of negativity really hurts the game, because it will hinder its success and scare off new players. The points carlo raised concern the prevention of this kind of negativity spreading even further. People were angry about the pricing, people are angry about the current state of the game, people are angry about beta not being what they imagine a beta to be.

    They will be even more angry when the game comes out and is not "complete enough".
    And many more bad reviews, bad forum posts will pop up.
    We all want to prevent that and that's why some of us have the right to be concerned.
    And it certainly doesn't help Uber if we all are strictly positive and don't voice our concerns. We are their community, we are their customers we are the source of money that keeps them afloat. They better know what worries us.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  20. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Honestly, this is just you're opinion. Thanks for that.
    Zoliru likes this.
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