Is Planetary Annihilation a failure already?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, March 15, 2014.

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  1. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    The OP kinda has a point, from what I've been reading lately, it sounds like Uber are now in the polishing phase and not long after that will be "1.0 release" and if that does happen, it could be missing some core features that were promised in the kickstarter. Mostly speculation, but if that does happen, I for one will be disappointed! The game will be marked down for it by critics and reviewers and it would be rather negative for Uber. Lets hope they don't go down that road. Kickstarter is great for funding really good looking ideas, but if all we get is broken promises at the end of it, it will be the end of kickstarter before long.

    Big emphasis on "IF"!
  2. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    How is this news? like, one of the first livestreams they commented that 900K would've made the barest of barebone games. 3x "not very much" is still "not very much". 3 million for a game is still peanuts. (COD, BF, GTA cost in the HUNDREDS of millions).
    miig and carlorizzante like this.
  3. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I don't believe it is fair to judge an unfinished product. I have a steam review in, which I try to keep up-to-date as major features go online, but it also starts with a disclaimer: PA is still in development. And I give my recommendation accordingly.

    I believe that you should keep this in mind when you purchase an Early Access game.

    I believe a fundamental issue here is that people live in their own little worlds, and they have their own little perceptions about a game while it's in development, and have their own little ideas on how it's gonna pan out. Most of the time, as the product evolves, it will be different then what people imagined. That doesn't mean it's bad.

    I suggest give it time, and judge it when it's finished.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  4. catses

    catses Member

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    God damn lizard men up to their usual tricks.
  5. chazz00999

    chazz00999 Member

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    Rome II got like $75m or around that mark...terrible game still, and PA have pushed the boundaries of gaming, and achieved more than any AAA has done.
    miig and carlorizzante like this.
  6. nightbasilisk

    nightbasilisk Active Member

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    I actually like how the game is shaping.

    I came in late since I missed the kickstarter but I feel the development is going well enough and the devs should be applauded for most of the milestones they've reached. Going by comparison to other games that have had an open development and by what I know of development in general I don't really see any problem.

    Software development isn't like other crafts. If we want the same exact thing again we just do copy/paste so really everything that's made is always to some extend new and shinny ...and accompanied by new risks. To give you an idea of how much "making something new" costs on average most projects that have had a "rewrite" have managed it in absurd time compared to what took them to do the initial version, think several months first iteration, 1-2 week full rewrite.

    I agree that the "ban him" comments are completely uncalled for. Overreacting on someone else overreacting is not exactly showing class. That said, if someone expresses a very negative opinion like this I feel the community has a right to say "I don't feel like that"
    carlorizzante likes this.
  7. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    Now you sparked my curiosity. Which boundaries have been pushed and what has been achieved that no triple A has ever done?
    Not to demean Uber's achievements but in the end PA is primarily a technical feat with gameplay bringing little new to the table.
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    hate to be a bad sport, but when you start a thread quoting the first and last post in a locked thread, you don't need to ask if that will end bad.

    seriously though. Nothing is a complete success or failure. So far, this game has had undenyable successes. Its like hitler had successes, you can't deny him them just because he is evil but he in fact succeeded in things. This game is about to release, the more bug free the better, and as an open code each total conversion a player makes brings another small success. Call it a total failure, but its had and is having successes.

    and I agree with said statement, but the successes are mostly technical ones, while the gameplay is fresh and interesting amongst the rts genre.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  9. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Hmm...shouldn't all this discussion be less about what the game currently is but more about what the game will be like at release ? Uber is very open about their development and they have made great progress...noone can seriously attack them for how development has progressed so far.

    The only question is in what state the game will be released. While that might not affect us in any direct way if all of the features are implemented eventually, it is of vital importance for the "franchise" and the community as a whole.

    If the game is released too early for whatever reason it will have bad reviews, bad PR and disappointed customers which will hurt its success and prevent the community from growing to a future-proof size.

    And that's what I am concerned about, seeing as the devs hint at the game being made ready for release..maybe I am too paranoid (I have seen to many potentially awesome games being released way too early :( ) and most features will be in the game at release...all us fools can do is speculate...well...we can also stop ripping each other apart in such discussions.
    carlorizzante and bradaz85 like this.
  10. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    So PA is now the Hitler of video games. You may want to edit that post as fast as your fingers carry you.
  11. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    If you have the power of prescience please go on and enlighten us. The rest of us will have to make do with past and present for the time being.
  12. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I think this is very well put, better than I put anyway. No point getting up-in-arms right now because its mostly speculation. But if it were to be released without said features from kickstarter, well just looks like a really bad move, is all.
    thelordofthenoobs likes this.
  13. chazz00999

    chazz00999 Member

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    Interplanetary combat across multiple planets where by 1000 of units are able to be fielded across these planets. Reminds me of when CCP created Dust 514 which interacted with EVE online, brilliant concept.
    What do AAA developers do?
    They follow the same formula, just a change in graphics quality. Hence why they are able to pump one out every year or so using the same engine.
  14. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    I do not have the power of prescience but I do have the power of fully reading a post before replying.
    vyolin, Heizmeister and bradaz85 like this.
  15. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    people seriously need to stop Whiteknighting and bashing each other here.....
  16. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    Your train of thought is totally lost on me, I am afraid. So we do agree in that case?
    You got me cornered, sir! I apologise for picking on you and not reading your post in full. That opening line made me jump, I guess. A thoughtful post, once read to the end.
    bradaz85 and thelordofthenoobs like this.
  17. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Geers and trialq like this.
  18. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    too much negative RP can kill a game no matter what..... i saw it a few times.....
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  19. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    lol wat? :D
  20. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    So what exactly is the point and purpose of this thread? :p
    As I understand it there is disapointment at certain features taking longer than normal.

    Let me put it to you this way.
    WAAAY back in June /Summer when the game was still in Alpha there were some sceptical that the game would ever get this far. BOOM, that suspicion has been BLOWN right out of the water.
    Let me also put it to you that before any big features in the game we were THRILLED that these features were even 'On the way' and got super hyped about it and I can testament to the excitement in teamspeak servers and other places when big new features are on the horizon, just been released or unveiled as planned.

    My point is this; don't look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when that horse can win you the most prestigious horse races of its class.
    Uber has said it is coming just that it may take longer than we have before the release window. In my eyes, this game was released when any soft-copy orders are automatically redeemed. Thus I treat the Unit cannon with the same excited anticipation as I did for planet smashing in the first place.

    When we UBER have come this far, what difference will a few more months make?
    At least be thankful that it is on the way rather than forgotten and abandoned.

    As for the game failing already, I say this;

    Are you mad good sir?

    I have just said how far this game has come, players like myself have given a HUGE amount of time to this game and have enjoyed darn near all of it. Yes there has been doubt, yes there has been rage but have we jumped ship? No.

    At the end of the day, it is your choice whether you pay for product, regardless of whether or not it is early access and even then your choice as to whether or not you decide you have had enough and play a different game.

    Regardless, each are entitled to their own.

    (Edits to indicate my sarcasm and light tone)
    Last edited: March 16, 2014
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