so basically what your saying is, if you were part of a team, you would rather play against them 24/7 then play with them? i pair up with 1 friend, surely its not to hard for them to kill 2 people in a group? yeah stacking a whole team would be even more one sided but i don't even know that many people that play this that often
I get what you mean, but that is pretty unacceptable for a server that gives you rank. It should be possible, but as I said only on unranked servers. It's terribly hard to kill 2 great players when you're not even as good as one of them and nobody else in the game is either.
sit back, kill bots to prevent them from doing any real damage, if you see one of them juice, either juice control him (i guess this is a advanced tactic though) or just sit in spawn to prevent them from gaining money while popping in and out to kill the bots as well and when they leave, repeat until juiced, kill 1 or even both the better players, that's how i deal with people that have pushed up and i have bad team members, but it might not work for you.
I find the method differs per class. Support could try setting up a sentry after flanking. Drop some well placed airstrikes from behind to scatter players Assault should be able to do some good damage from either side of the fight. harassing players and disorienting bot flow. Assassins do still have to put themselves at risk but they can get behind the opposing team and kill their bots/firebases faster than the tank. I have no idea for the other classes. Against a team of stronger opponents things can get frustrating but if you can disrupt them you can at least prolong the match.
I'm still a bit annoyed with the last OT/MB change Cut the MB health by over half but make absolutely no changes to how much damage the classes do to the MB Before the Assassin was a decent threat during OT, but still took a while to take the MB down Now? Give a decent Sin Juice and you get to watch that MB health bar nosedive. It wouldn't even surprise me if a Sin could take out the MB in a single Juice with no help Yea the other classes can do a good chunk of damage, but how many of them can all but waltz right past a base full of 3.3 Rockits?
Sins can do about 85% of the moneyball health in a single juice. Assaults however can kill the entire moneyball in a single juice. Assaults do have a slightly harder time slipping by enemy pros but can get to all the same annoying places as the sin and are also not limited by range and are more accurate than a sin. I find when a game goes to OT it is won by the team with the best assault more than anything else.
assaults can bomb jump from spawn to the enemy moneyball and have half the balls hp gone by the time an assassin can get there
I do this, its funny to see a WHOLE server empty from joining late, gaining juice, bomb jumping into the base as soon as OT starts and winning....
I believe that pros of the game going through and demolishing new players when they get the chance rather than offering assistance is probably a good way to scare them off. I will occasionally go to Blitz mode just to find new players and ask if they want help or have any questions about the game, and help them learn the basics and send them on their own.
we have tried to help noobs, i see assassin after a sale "kill bots, gets you juice fast" "**** OFF YOU NOOB! ASSASSIN KILLS PEOPLE!" ..........that's it i am melee killing you asap, THEY DON'T LEARN PEOPLE THINK THEY KNOW IT ALL! so how do i counter this? kill them until they leave, gets rid of the problem
Yea, it gets annoying when newer players think they know best and run either sin or sniper doing nothing to contribute to the win I've even had kickvotes placed against me for trying to tell my teammates we need to kill bots
You're all heart Tikki, I prefer using sumo slam on them personally. A few pancakes usually gets the message through.
I had to play with two people at <100 level yesterday who thought this. The first one said that an earlier server told him that assassins are for killing people and that bots should be left to 'The big guys'. The second was just generally bitchy and insisted that he was right because "HELLO! Don't you think the name is a clue? ASSASSINS KILL PEOPLE IDIOT.". I think he had some of those weird CoD ^6^7 symbols in his name too. They never won a single game.
Free to Play demands constant updates and monetized features. It took forever for Uber to change the banner of the website advertising the Summer Sale to something that looks like they slapped together in photoshop.