Is it really wrong to take advantage of a known exploit?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by bdcjacko, September 13, 2010.

  1. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Agreed, a real cheese tactic. I don't mind losing fair fights. But when you get cheesed to death constantly it takes all the fun out of the game.
  2. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    I like to think that Uber has an intended spirit-of-the-game so to speak. Some things are either intentional or an oversight on their part and I'll trust them to either patch it or leave it as they see fit. Various upcoming tweaks has adjusting their policies and design around the game, such as Hacking enemy turrets at level 3, Hack durations before level 3, and bunny hopping (Personally, I've been bunnyhopping since Counterstrike, but given the nature of the heal/hurt gun I'd prefer some kind of diminishing returns as has been suggested in other threads). Assassin speed glitches or Pros being able to attack the shields are not the intended design and are bugs being patched out. I think they're all kind of wrong or at least cheap, but the bug exploits are the ones I'd categorize as cheats not that it matters unless you're reporting people for using them.

    tldr: I'll follow Uber's party line. They're all pretty cheap. I'd only consider bug/defect exploits as cheats but unfortunately fair game till they're patched out.
  3. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Even worse in a laggy match against a bunny hopper you might as well give up because your grapple will come out late or miss for no reason. That being said it isn't all that much of a problem as I just run away from them without much worry or at least escape with a sliver of health.

    One thing that I do find a bit fake is that flash bombing while being drained drags the beam up with you to the height of your jump so you're still not safe unless you can fall on the other side of a wall.

    And yes exploits are wrong and do ruin the spirit of the game. It's quite a pain to notice our ball going red and rushing back just to see someone ignorant shooting it down/attempting to.

    Edit- One more thing. I always did the cloak after grapple thing but until they announced it was a bug it never really occurred to me even though it does make sense that it should not happen. It's hard to break a habit like that but I'm doing my best to before the patch hits.
  4. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    It is a bug, because if she attacks her cloak turns off, and in a grapple she's always attacking, i never really used it, people say it helps get away from turrets, but if one already started shooting at you, it won't stop untill you're dead or gone.
  5. Nazanir

    Nazanir New Member

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    Yes, it is wrong.

    I believe a huga banwave went through active MW2 accounts because of some expoilt when you died, the entire level died with you or something.

    To help clarify my awnser, I'd like to further define what an exploit is:

    An Exploit usually encompasses abnormal game behaviour, or using a mechanic in a matter that should not be possible. Now this wouldn't be as much of a problem per se, but an exploit also means, getting an unfair advantage over another player. So if you find a mechanic that renders you permanently invisible/invincible, you gain an unfair advantage, and by doing so, ruining the game experience for other players.

    The proper way to respond to an exploit, when you discover one: alert the developer (GM tickets, send a mail to support, call them, etc), tell no one prefferably and do NOT USE IT.

    I think it's pretty much part of the EULA of any game, that using exploits as explained above, is actually a bannable offense.

    Bunnyhopping and the likes, are part of a game mechanic, the problem with the glitch detecting is annoying, something that hopefully will be fixed. But it's a proper game mechanic, so this does not fall under the exploit discription, because technically it would not give you an unfair advantage.

    I do hope, that repeated offenders, using exploits, do get banned. Just because the possibility is there, doesn't mean you should take advantage of it. I.E. if you see a front door opened, does that mean you have the right to take the TV?
  6. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Cheating is cheating. If you are cheating it means you're too pathetic to play fair. End of story.
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    lol @ bunnny hopping being a cheat.

    you cannot name a FPS ord 3p shooter with a jump button where repeatedly jumping away as fast as you can or in a circle, etc.. is not part of your basic defense to not dying.

    the counter? learn to aim. also learn the most common movement players take. Unreal Tournament (all versions) were the same way. btw.. guess what.. most ppl will run counter-clockwise away from you (their right).. expect that. this is 101 stuff... sheesh..

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