Is it just me or is MNC becoming less enjoyable?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by rudigarmc, November 11, 2010.

  1. JerryStigmata

    JerryStigmata New Member

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    Couldnt agree more. Recently played on my own, I am a 99, and was paired with 4 other rank 99, while the other team had a high of 20. The game was over in about 1 minute with the top earner only having $1000 or so. As you would expect, the other team all quit.
  2. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    I bought DLC for Left for Dead 2 and Toy Soldiers and not even played them because I was so hooked on this AWESOME game

    Of course as my sig says I would be playing this even more if it weren't for Fallout: New Vegas.

    I think tommorrow will be and MNC day though.
  3. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Playing with randoms is no fun. Especially when you're stuck on a team of neophytes.
    Most of my friends have moved on to Black Ops too. Ironically enough, when none of my friends that play MNC are on, I too play Black Ops. Catch 22. :roll:
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    What's not enjoyable are pub matches. W/o a lone wolf mode, your really can't expect to get a good, even game. I love the game, but it's the same game it's been for a while and I've done everything but hit 3 digits in sudden death and get all the protags, neither of which are an achievement; thus I don't care.

    There are a plethora of other games on xbox live. Ppl can't be bothered to play only one, especially an arcade hit. Meat boy and the yugioh game are time munchers.
  5. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I totally rage overloaded tonight. I quit about 6 games in a row. The sooner this patch comes out, the better. SICK of getting Juice rushed and juice chaining, and there's just no point in building turrets because they're down within 30 seconds :evil:
  6. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    80% of the time turrets are destroyed by juiced assasins, who destroyed bots to get juice
    15% by long range attacks
    5% by bots
    Give or take, based on my experience.

    I don't think the DLC really addresses any turret survivability issues though. Only really stops juice chaining. :?
  7. banaqior

    banaqior New Member

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    I was able to get to games pretty quick the last few days. Sure I get disconnected from time to time, but I am used to that now for the most part.
  8. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    If it's worth anything, matchmaking is MUCH faster in MNC than Black Ops at any time of the day. 25 minutes for a 5-man premade party for Hardcore S&D. Ugh, someone shoot me.
  9. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    Apologies for the double post, but this came to mind.

    Set up an MNC night, like a poker night or date night or raid night.

    My friends and I love this game, but we get distracted by bright shiny new objects as much as anyone else. We've all pretty much agreed that aside from getting boned on the cert process, this has been some of the most fun we've had w/ team based multiplayer probably since COD4. Since patches and DLC's are kind of few and far betwee, in order to keep everyone interested we've made Monday dedicated MNC night. If you're wiped out from work, if you're tired of *Insert-Triple-A-Title-Here*, start a party and get a night of MNC in.

    Our numbers have dwindled (we used to turn people away to keep the numbers down to a 6-man party) but we can fairly reliably hit 3 or 4 players. Also, sometimes we'll still take breaks from Reach/BlOps on other nights and get a few rounds of Crossfire in.

    Anyways, just my 2cents.
  10. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    I agree that Rage quitting is on the rise. I only really play for long periods of time when I play with KORCHANTH X, Sahelkhan, Mighty Mous69, Street Rx925, UK Scruffy ASBO, IxX JIM BOB XxI, stonebu, arbac, xxShunyxx, Puppetless, or a few other friends (Yes I just name dropped my friends list!). The reason I choose to play with friends is obvious, you cannot count on most random players to play together as cohesive team about 80 percent of the time. Some players just want to Pro kill, others are more focused on the moneyball. I myself have a hard time dealing with the SNIPERS (That's good snipers. You bad ones I just chase down and rape!) without a good counter sniper or assasin on my team because my main class is a GUNNER :mrgreen: (If you've played with me or against me, you know!) :mrgreen: . Everyone knows that if there is a "GOOD" sniper ( :evil: Like SIGMAR or Sahelkhan :evil: ) on the opposing team you won't get too far out of your base before your head goes boom or get caught in an ice trap (again, your head goes BOOM!), (EXPLOSIVE rounds only make this worse. God I hate EXPLOSIVE rounds.) But I digress, The real problem is, if your team plays too well, the other team rage quits and you don't get a chance to finish the game. (Being that the host almost never migrates properly). The only good answer for this problem is to get HOST. That way you know that the HOST won't rage quit. :twisted: Or you could be a JERKFACE and choose to quit as host! Bottom line, stop with the rage quitting people. It is just a game! Although a very, very, good game, a game none the less. :D

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