Is Assassin going to get nerfed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ohknee, January 27, 2011.

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  1. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Well, since I've played other MOBA games a bunch (1800+ ELO rating on LoL even), where farming gold/cash faster than your opponents is most important, I feel like I'm being useless not shooting stuff up to gain money so naturally I would try and destroy threats I see: bots, turrets, etc. instead of hiding from threats that I don't (those damned good assassins). But I will try and be a bit more defensive while pushing if there's a good assassin skulking around and get out of that LoL/HoN/DotA mindset.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Usually you have people who are capable of pushing bots and not dying to sins, for example other sins and Tanks to take care of that issue. It's a team game after all and coordination will win this as coordination will win most LoL matches (unless playing with Feeders, a reason why I stopped grinding my way to Level 30)

    Just impairing their movement and freedom around the map is a good job to fulfill. Control mid, control the juice vending machines, control their Sniper deck or at least deter from going somewhere (not that simple as Gunner but the same principles apply)

    Find your niche and role, fulfill and you'll see that others may just do the same and you'll achieve the final victory - the team victory; a rare sight indeed.

    Or if you're bored take Sniper or Assassin and kill 50 guys each round, whatever pleases you :>
  3. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Offtopic: I tend to play carry champions in LoL, since my friends suck at carries :\, but they don't feed so we win most of the time.

    Anyway I'll just try to do my job and not every job and leave the lane pushing to others (tanks, assassins, etc), since lane pushing as a gunner seems ineffective compared to them anyway, with tanks not being 1shot by back stabs and the assassins filleting bots without breaking a sweat. It is annoying being the only person on your team trying to cover a certain lane though...
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Protip: Juice only affects your weapons, not your skills.
  5. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    I would also like to add that most people just go to the Steam forums to complain about something because they're being outplayed by something in games, so I just hope Uber doesn't give the whiners too much thought.
  6. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    the only company that make games who take QQers seriously must be blizzard entertainment.
    THE FACE OF EVIL (and greed)
    Last edited: January 29, 2011
  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Take a look at TF2 and see that Blizzard didn't make it, so there are at least 2 companies.
  8. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    blizzard makes an estimated 14.190.000 A MONTH from world of warcraft alone + wow services (name change, faction change etc.) + additional games sold.

    VALVe makes what has been baught form the Mann market on tf2 + additional games sold.

    and tf2 is WAY more balanced then WoW.
  9. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I never commented on the TF2 balance, just on people listening to QQers. Hat Fortress 2!
  10. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    50% profit margin from WoW, more than double that of any other MMO.

    And Bobby Kotick still wants to increase game prices!
  11. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Ah yes, but I never really bought an activision in a loooong while. Anyway...

    The thing of assassins is that they need to be known. You need to know what they can do and when it would be the best time to do it. Then you might be able to counter it. But this goes for alot of the classes.

    It just seems to me that communication is just lackluster and people think they'll do well right out of the gates, if I'm reading correctly about the number of whine threads.

    I think that the thing is that most people will stick in the mindset of a singeplayer. They are the hero and they can wreck stuff till the cows come home. At the end of the day, they are the only that's good and will lead a 'team' to victory.

    Although, this is just what I think. The other cause might also be easier games, from what I've noticed. However, challenge is different from one player to another. I thought DMC4 had a pretty good challenge when I first played through it. But others thought it was easier. But I'm trailing off.

    I think it's most likely of the singleplayer that most pubs won't work. And maybe that's why they think sins are OP.

    I'm just ranting though. Sins are OP, because they have great bot pushing powers and nobody ever bothers them it seems. If you see them, they've ran away and you won't be able to catch them. But sins are UP, because they have very low health, and anyone that coughs on her in a wrong way makes her die. She is the second most fragile class in the entire game, so harassing her could do wonders when you know what gameplay tactics they can use.

    In summary, the entire class is based around mobility and, more importantly, mindgames. Sins can wreck an entire team just by doing a certain tactic that is well known, keeping players paranoid and not focusing at the tasks at hand as well as making them more easily killable.

    However, this is just what I think, so do with it whatever you want.
  12. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Oh jeez, Black Ops was the worst use of $55 ever for me, should have bought a bunch of fried chicken or something for lunch.

    But on-topic, I really think assassins are fine the way they are, they're really mobile and can bust out the pain on some tin cans and the occasional pro, and they're good at what they do, but if they nerf either the mobility or damage dealing part of them, they wouldn't do well enough compared to what other classes can do, while reworking them might potential just make them not as fun. Tanks still ruin their day though, mostly...

    Without 1hko ability, players wouldn't bother jumping around and being paranoid because they'll just think of assassins as free kills ("Oh good, I got backstabbed, time to turn around and pump this douchebag with enough lead to fill a pencil factory."), while lowering their mobility is kind of a terrible idea for a third person shooter melee class' effectiveness.
  13. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    How can you even compare the two? lol. first of all wow is an mmo, tf2 is a tps.
    And just as a side note, blizzard does not give into QQers, they do the opposite of what they say.
  14. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Actually TF2 is an FPS.

    And, I haven't really played wow enough to comment on balance (avoiding that crap like the plague), but their "balance" in Diablo II: LoD was laughable. As was the unending number of piss poor design decisions.

    As of right now I'm interested in exactly 0 Blizzard games. I'm currently interested in 1 UberEnt game. UberEnt wins.
  15. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    My mistake, thought TF2 was a third person for some reason...never realy played it.
    And yes, for the love of god avoid wow at all costs, itll eat at your life :p
  16. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    I don't really play/like MMOs, so i can't talk about them. However Warcraft III is one of the most balanced RTS games ever crated. And SC2 started with some bumps, but it has been greatly improved in balance, specially for the Zergs who had a pretty rough time during release time.

    Honestly i'm not feeling the Blizzard hate. Again, i don't like WoW or MMOs in general, but them, along with Valve and Bethesda are some of the biggest PC supporters in the industry today.
  17. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I hope that was sarcasm.
  18. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Please. End. This. Thread.
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