Invisible nukes?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ghoner666, November 7, 2014.

  1. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    In this match, probably not much. But in more complex systems where the nukes take a long time to travel, you can pull off a anti-nuke rush fairly easily as long as you have extra ressources an engies around. Or build a whole new anti nuke if you realize there's more than 2 coming. I did it a few time against the AI. I'm merely platinium, but I understand that in top player matches it can be really thigh, and you may not want to build a bunch of anti nuke "just in case" if you don't need it, so if invisible nuke is a real bug I thought I'd be worth to have a look.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Recently there was bug with invisible transport cargo (PA#4173, will be fixed next update). Interesting if for some reason client might not display projectile too. Replay might not let you reproduce bug like that except you toggle visibility properly.
  3. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    What most likely happend (didn't view the replay) was that your enemy didn't build an Deep Space Radar, or was out of energy. What would happen is he couldnt see it comming visually (only by notification but I guess he missed that 2) Than the Nuke would enter the planet at the perfect place right above his comm or base or whatever so that the nuke was only visible for a few seconds.

    Most of the time the nuke enters the air space of a planet on the oposite side of the planet as to were you ordered it to go and would take some time to fly all the way to his base. I guess you got lucky and entered the airspace right above his base and destryed it within a couple of seconds.

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