Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. o Ace o5 o

    o Ace o5 o New Member

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    Hello All,

    My name is Russell many people that know me call me Ace. As in high school I worked at Ace Hardware. I am currently 24 years old. I have a great job that allows me to travel around the world. I have a degree in Computer Science which has gone to waste now that I have become a Production Engineer.

    I've played videos games sense I can remember. My brother got me started and I can still remember waking up early every morning going into my brothers room and sitting on the end of his bed while he was sleeping playing NBA Jam, or Joe Montana Football. I started playing online during the Dreamcast days UT99 = Best game ever. That game took 6 years away from my life. That also includes the final year on PC once the Dreamcast server had been shut down. I'm mainly an FPS player but I've played Guild Wars from time to time and find it ridiculous how time can be burnt up on a MMORPG. Anyways thats my story.

    Awesome game Uber Ent. Looking forward to what kind of updates/New Games you guys put out. Oh any Thanks for using the Unreal Engine it makes me miss those UT days every more when I see that Logo.
  2. grindout

    grindout Member

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    My gamertag is GrindouT and I also go by Vulgar. Was an MLG rainbow pro in 2007 by the name Vulgar.

    I am a Graphic Design Major at the University of Minnesota.

    Play currently on Type Z as #1 team on Transformers WFC. Looking to move over to this game for fun.

    Add me to play.
  3. frostycyke

    frostycyke New Member

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    S'up. My name is to the right of this post, my Gamertage is the same as my name, so if anyone wanted to team up with me for some strange reason, then it should be easy to do so.

    I'm 30 years old, active duty air force stationed in Texas, I like long walks on the beach, blasting charging uncloaked assassins with a dual-minigun, and of course, pie.
  4. Schmicarus

    Schmicarus New Member

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    Hi everyone. My name's Matthew and I live in Queens, NY(GT: Okkhams Razor). I just got the game on Saturday and have been hooked since. I have a lot of free time at work right now so I decided to come see what useful information I can find here on the forums (my skills could use all the help they can get).

    I'm currently studying philosophy as an undergrad but have been dedicating the summer to gaming. Mostly shooters (the bread and butter of my gaming since '98), but I love frenetic 2D fighters (Guilty Gear, MvC, etc.), and build based RPGs (Diablo, Guild Wars, etc.). Now that I'm putting this all down, I realize why I love this game. It caters to all three tastes; shooters, frenetic "fighting", and builds (somewhat).

    Hope to see you guys online. Please don't take offense if I airstrike you, and I promise not to take offense when you grapple me.
  5. Epiphany

    Epiphany New Member

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    Whatsup guys, I'm Sam.
    I'm 18 and currently a Freshman in college studying Web Design and Psychology.

    LOVE the game so far, and cant wait for more updates in the future.
    If anyone cares to know anything else about me, PM me. :)
    Enjoy the game and if you have any questions about it feel free to contact me, I know quite a bit.
  6. Muttly2001

    Muttly2001 New Member

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    Hello all,

    My name is Andrew, 27-years-old. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist working in a school district with middle/high school students. Married w/ baby on the way. I had the summer off so I was able to play MNC for about two weeks straight all day everyday. School just started back up so I can only play at night now.

    Been playing games since Atari. Was heavily into MMOs for a while ranging from Ultima Online- WoW. Stopped those addicting things about a year ago. Always played a healer or support class (bard, controller, white mage, cleric, etc) I have only played MNC crossfire w/ Support class but I have experimented with other classes in blitz and private crossfire games to "know" my enemy.

    Hit me up on XBLive: Muttly2001

    Great game.....
  7. hollowguy

    hollowguy New Member

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    Hi. I'm Matt from Ohio. I play on the Xbox 360 and truly enjoy MNC. :twisted:
  8. Flyerfye

    Flyerfye New Member

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    Oh, I forgot to post in this thread.

    Hi! I'm Alex. I'm a 24 year old artist near Seattle, WA, currently working as a motion capture cleanup animator. My proximity to Uber Entertainment gives me great pride, it is like the pride you feel for a sports team.

    My friend who works on XBLA testing told me to get MNC, and although it wasn't long ago, I've become a huge fan since then! I play a lot of both PC and 360 games, and my interests range from WoW to strategy, to action to adventure.
  9. nyx

    nyx Moderator Alumni

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    Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourselves! It is always nice to see new faces. Hope to see you all in a game sometime!
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You seen our faces? Is there something magical at Uber you guys aren't telling us about? It must be the Bacon and Maple Syrup...
  11. Cerilli

    Cerilli New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post in what seems to be an awesome community. I'm disappointed I didn't get involved with it sooner! I just started playing MNC and have been enjoying it a lot, so I decided I needed to look in to the team that made it. Glad I did!

    My name is Justin and I'm a 23 year old dude living in Toronto, Ontario (Canada). I'm currently a recent graduate of a computer animation graduate program, and am working to improve my skills so that I might be able to find a job making things move in cools ways like AZO does. My most played game is probably Halo 3, and I spend a decent amount of time in the Bungie community with some of the more civilized folks that can be found in there. I'm pretty easy going and like to joke around, so I hope nobody has a problem with that :p

    Not sure what else to say. I'll be lurking. Pleasure to "meet" you all :)
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yea the folks over at Uber Entertainment have pulled a rabbit out of their hat with MNC. This game is an instant hit!

    Anyways, Welcome to all the new members! I am still somewhat new to these forums so we can help each other get to know each other....? Yea something like that.
  13. nyx

    nyx Moderator Alumni

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    Faces, posts, avatars, signatures.... whatever :)

    R0CKET BEAR New Member

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    Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the game been playin the shenanigans out of it


    Yes a damn bear with a flippin' rocket backpack. That is also coincidentally my gamertag. Look me up for awesome times
  15. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Hello Uber & community people,

    I'm a grad student in NYC, going for my degree in acupuncture. Also, loving the heck out of MNC! Specifically, stabbing people in the face. I don't care if the assassin is as ugly as a tree full of 'possum, she's so much fun to play!

    My friends and I fell in love with the games at PAX East (I think it was Scathis that we were talking to), but we never got to play it because the area was always packed with people.

    Oh and if y'all want to talk about classic gaming, I remember everyone crowding into my friend Billy's house after school because he had PONG. Oh and I remember playing Oregon Trails on a green computer screen in Jr. High and thinking that that game was AMAZING!

    - Oh, and I'm obscurement on XBL too.
  16. Jungos60

    Jungos60 New Member

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    Hi Everybody, My name is Jordan Sanchez but you can all call me "Jungos". I'm from Miami,Florida and I play Monday Night Combat like an addict (Which I'm pretty sure most of you are already xD). I Usually games from the Xbox 360 and on the PC with my favorite games being Starcraft 2 and Bioshock. I look forward to making friends here on the forums and maybe a few rivals :cool: .
  17. RabanneAK

    RabanneAK New Member

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    Dave here (Everybody knows a Dave right?) A few friends of mine were in a party chat the other night (XBL) and one of them mentions MNC.. I'm going to be brutally honest and say I didn't have a ****ing clue what Monday night combat was about.

    It's the type of game to fly underneath the radar and doesn't catch on until spoken about... So i take a look at Youtube punch in a search and began to get Literally addicted to watching MNC Gameplay videos, Checked my MS points and was somewhat gutted as i only had 320msp left.. so out came the credit card.

    15mins later i was pulling of my first shoryuken (Assault Class = Awesomesauce) .. My jaw literally fell open n shock as i couldn't believe i just caused a Ring out doing the kind of move chuck norris would even get a boner over.

    Which brings me to this community, I wanted to get involved over at Uber HQ and see if the Devs actually check their own forums/update the people and support their games, Which to my surprise they do very well... Unlike some :roll:

    Keep up the good work Uber i can defiantly say this ranks high in my most playable arcade game of the year.

    Sorry for the long as **** post i just wanted to support Uber and its growing fan base, I have to go now... a turret needs hacking and a sexy overshield.
  18. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    We check them ;)

    A lot ;)
  19. RabanneAK

    RabanneAK New Member

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    Indeed you do, I think this is why I'm going to stick around here.. i like to think if i had a question, I have the Devs at hand to answer (within reason)

    Good job Uber :D
  20. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Hello everyone. I'm Jason from Wales & thanks to my
    son I'm hooked on this game. I originaly came to these
    forums to complain about a lack of left handed
    controls (K/D 0.27 - yes...really) but now I just
    want to thank you all for a great game & great
    strategy guides. I also want to apologise to
    anyone on the same team as me (XBL JAYSOFACTON)
    because until I get used to the controls I spend most
    of the time respawning or looking at my feet
    (South-paw forever I'm afraid).

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