Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. Monte

    Monte New Member

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    Hey I'm Monte, I've been following these forusm for a while now, in other words lurking lol. I was too lazy to join until now and you can probably understand about hesitation to join a game forums, trolls, flamers, etc. But I haven't see any of the two....yet and lets hope it stays that way. I like RPG's and most non-serious FPS and I used to play alot of MMO's.
  2. OverallNothing

    OverallNothing New Member

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    Hello everybody. I'm OverallNothing, I've been following the Monday Night Combat news for a while now but just signed up do to release just a little way off. I don't tend to say much but I'm usually around :D
  3. drunkdriver23

    drunkdriver23 New Member

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    Well I have just been trying 2 waist the time as well playing Red Dead Redemption and WoW.Finally its almost time just 21 hours left
  4. EthanCrad

    EthanCrad New Member

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    Hey Im EthanCrad
    I Heard of this game In June and have been hooked ever since.
    Took me a while to sign up to this site but I finally did it and im glad i did too.
    I reeeeaalllyyy really can't wait for monday night combat. Im love rpg's and I love multiplayer. Also my favourite colour is orange which is what caught my eye with this game. So now I am waiting in excitement for its release.
  5. Zombinos20

    Zombinos20 New Member

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    Hey there, I'm Ian and I am a PC and Console player. I work at fedex 3rd shift and then go to college 3 days a week so (both full-time) so my game time is limited but I manage up to 20-30 hours a week anyways. I enjoy shooters, puzzles, action/adventure, and most of all teamwork and working with good people beside me for a common goal. I will jump in front of bullets for my team if I think they can avenge me for a win. :D I can't wait to see you guys out there.
  6. Vjplatinum

    Vjplatinum New Member

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    How's it going guyz? My name is RaSaan, and I am Writer, Co-Community Mgr, and Admin for WetheGamerz.Com. Basically I handle full game reviews and also highlight them on our show "Edge Gamer" which can be found on I only higlight that because the next Episode will be including MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT!! EDGE GAMER SSN 2 Epi 1

    I also set up all Xbox Live Community Playdates for WTG and setup alot of giveaways. Which you can play with me Aug 18th. "Tha Yella Fella"

    In general I am a HUGE UBER FAN and plan to drive HUGE success in this game

    Here's my Review and thoughts ... mer-Review
  7. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    O hai! I go by the name Zebra, I don't mind variations as long as it doesn't get ridiculous.

    I've been following this game for weeks now, so I decided to sign up here. I've played games such as Halo 1-3(mlg or grifball :D), Battlefield Bad Company 2, MW2, League of Legends, Starcraft(1 and 2's beta), WoW(well used to), etc.

    I'm 17 and going to college in a few weeks from now planning on majoring in psychology. I'm either quiet or social depending who I'm playing with.

    My gameretag is II BlueZebra II and I don't mind friend requests as long as I actually play with you from time to time.

    I'm currently stalking the game marketplace for this game to come out like a lion hunting a...gazelle. >.>
  8. NickAwesome

    NickAwesome New Member

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    hey guys,

    im an aussie, spend most of my days at work but nights are there for gaming :p

    looking to spend alot of time on monday night combat, shooters are my primary game of choice, followed by RPG's and pretty much anything else that takes my interest at the time.

    hope to catch you guys on there,

    Nickawesome, out.
  9. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Stole your username :lol:

    JATOSIN New Member

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    I am Steven Foster aka "JATOSIN" I am a staff writer/PR Rep for Front Towards Gamer. Just want to say thank you to Uber Entertaimnet for making this awesome game, it is a real breath of fresh air in the over saturated shooter market. I feel in love with Monday Night Combat at PAX East and have been following it since. The development team and all in involved are a great group of guys and gal. Hope to get some more games in with you in the future.

    The games I typically play are of course shooters but enjoy the occassional RPG and adventure game. I play on all facets of gaming machines from handheld to the PC. Games have always been a part of my life and I do not see me stopping anytime soon.

    So again thank you Uber Ent. and keep up the good work.

  11. Dingo Bonecrush

    Dingo Bonecrush New Member

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    Hey guys, My name is Urban or Dingo depending on where you wanna go with it. I work at a Lawfirm as an A/V guy and play in an Epic Metal band called Dethlehem. In between all of that, I play lots of games. I've been following Monday Night Combat since I saw gameplay videos and art of it, and I bought this game this morning. Can't wait to play it after work, but also, can wait to see what you guys have in store next.

    Keep it toasty.
  12. waterborn2o2p

    waterborn2o2p New Member

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    Hello all, Dane aka Waterborn here. I am the Community Manager over at and have been a huge fan of MNC since I first played it at PAXEast in March. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend an afternoon with the Uber Dev team when I was in Seattle back in June and can confirm that they are a cool bunch of guys (and a girl or two from what I hear :D ). Can't wait to see everyone again in a few weeks at PAX.
  13. leejinRMX

    leejinRMX New Member

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    Hello All,

    I am a French Gamer. I'd rather play on console at this time, but I will next purchase a new computer mainly for Starcraft II and Diablo 3 and to play many games I've left behind since 5 years. I like the gameplay of MNC, and generally I'am more Arcade (fun, instant play, long to master) than simulation. I've less time to spend for gaming, and I can not always play with my best friends. So I expect to meet new people to play MNC at a good level.
    Say me hello in game :)

    Have fun,
  14. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    jdale38 - boom headshot

    Seriously tho, just a geek who's in love with his girl and love for all things shooters, rts, and peggle. Web programmer by day, gamer/lover by night.
  15. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Entering the Arena: The Jx4

    Real Name: Juwaan Armstrong
    Best Skill: Sniping in every game except MNC. :)
    Unique Skill: Kicking slim bot ***. saywha?
    Dislikes: Games that cost $60 dollars, only to find out that noone plays the co-op modes.

    I'm your official resident Halo Freak. I also play MW2/WaW and will soon be getting the new MoH. Even with all of that, most of my time will go into honing my skills in every class on MNC. I'm fairly new to this whole Uber thing as a whole (and Gas Powered). I've never played Supreme Commander or any of that stuff cuz it isn't my style. ^_^

    Ever heard of Triblox? Thought so. *Insert Sadface here*
    Did I mention that I kick ***?

    I won't give out my GT right now though.

    EDIT: I'm also in love with my girl. ^_^ 2 years and still going...and I'm only 14.
  16. LuNatic

    LuNatic New Member

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    G'day all. I'm LuNatic. Occasionally I'll go by LuNa7ic or even LuNa7ic mb if some [Insert insult of your choice here]* has already taken my name.

    I'm a long time PC gamer, and more recently I've been dabbling in console gaming as well. MNC got my attention when shacknews described it as hybrid of TF2 and DOTA. I have ~600 hours experience in TF2 (yeah, yeah, get a life, I know :p), and I've dabbled in DOTA and it's clones, so here I am now.

    I'm having an immensely fun time putting all my TF2 spying skills to use on the unsuspecting console gaming public, and enjoying the other classes as well. How long I stay here depends on how long the community lasts, I guess.

    For what its worth, I really hope this game gets ported to PC, preferably on steam. First person would be nice too.

    *Am I allowed to call such theoretical persons bastards? The rules aren't so specific outside of personal attacks.
  17. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    Hi I'm RealStyli on Live... Styli to my friends and Patrick to my family and colleagues.

    I'm a dubbing mixer in Ireland and I'm big into games but wouldn't say I'm great at any one game. Not a big achievement hound, play mostly for fun and a "larf". Probably more suited to racing games like Forza but I do like some shooters. Mostly third person ones like Gears and ME. Also liking Transformers:WFC a lot. Don't play many online shooters outside my circle of friends but MNC is just so much fun so far that I don't mind the intimidation! If you come across me, I swear a lot but it's all part of the fun and mostly at my own lack of ability.
  18. Ricochet

    Ricochet New Member

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    Hey everyone,

    My name is Elias and I go by "Rico is FnA". Rico being short for Ricochet I am a member of team FnA. I play both PC and Console with more console playing at the moment considering I'm in the process of upgrading PC's. One of my team members mentioned this game to me and all I can say is that I'm hooked. Even though I just started the game, I'll need all the help I can get from anybody willing to help out and play some games and what not.

    My gamertag is "RicO is FnA". Hit me up if you guys want to play any and I look forward to gaming with you all.
  19. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    Hey there, Uber Entertainment fans! And welcome to my introduction! ;)

    My name is Joris and I'm from Belgium. I'm slowly closing in on 30, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying my precious Xbox 360! Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to say how much I like MNC. You guys did a bang up job with it. Congratulations!

    As for everyone else, maybe we'll see each other in game. ;)

    Hiyo! (I'm sorry, I just had to. :mrgreen: )
  20. Threvlin

    Threvlin New Member

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    Hello all, Threvlin here. Gamertag: Thrall1138 (since I already gave it out for the tournament today, might as well share again, though if you friend me, please make a not telling me where you found me :D)

    Not much to report at the moment. Potential artist and wannabe game designer. Enjoys most kinds of games as long as they don't try to be overly realistic or stupid. Have been looking forward to MNC since I saw the first trailer and I do not regret my day one purchase. Keep up the great work and see you in the arena.

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