Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. crimsonsol

    crimsonsol New Member

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    Hi I'm Crimsonsol but my steam name for SMNC is Shincrimson I use C.Spark. I average about 15 kills a game and about 2-4 deaths a game and I've been looking at these forums for a while and now decided to Join. If you played against or with me you already know how I play for the most part... :)
  2. vipes

    vipes New Member

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    I'm Vipes, might have seen me as "Amnail" on other sites. Betatester for MNC and SMNC.

    When not playing SMNC, I usually enjoy SDGO, TF2, SL, and a few other games.

    Big believer on older games had better gameplay, while newer games focus on graphics. But I love when I'm proved wrong on that. I also believe that CoD is a type of fish and is stinky.

    If there's a game that has a Vipes, Lord Vipes, lordvipes, lord_vipes, or Amnail, most likely me. Sometimes it may not as people love stealing my names. But eh, what are you gonna do about that? I own a few consoles, SNES, Dreamcast, Gamecube and Wii. For those of you who say Wii is just casual, never seen my game collection. I also own a few handhelds, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, GBA, DS, DSiXL, and a PSP 3000. Even though I own consoles, nothing is better then a good PC game. For my age, I tend to have an "old" taste for things and always have. At school I was the only one who listend to Classic Rock and older, while others had their hippity hop, rap, and screaming in to the mic not knowing what they're saying music. And before you're wondering I'm 19. I owe my love to Videogames to three awesome games. Doom, One Must Fall: 2097, and Unreal, all played when I was way younger.

    I've also been as lucky to BetaTest a few other games, including closed beta ones. Some of them are: DC Online, Champions Online, Tribes Ascend. There are others, but I just cant remember right now.
    XBox Live: Lord Vipes
    PSN: Lord_Vipes

    PSN not sure of. And for some reason, you want my SL, it's Vipes Pienaar. I activly build avatars, most of them being something from Gundam.

    God, this is the longest ever intro post I've done. Usually it's just a "Hi" and thats it. Must be something about this board, or that the creators/devs/admins are active with the community. I always find that a plus.
  3. zombrain

    zombrain New Member

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    hey im zombrain nice to meet you all, i've been wanting to play mnc for a long time its nice to be here with you people.
  4. loonycake

    loonycake New Member

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    Hello everybody!

    My name is Loonycake however i go by the name Toasty in game.
    I am a competitive TF2 player, and also a very active LoL player.
    I played a little bit of MNC back when it was released, but didn't find it too interresting. However when i found out this was released i tried it more or less straight away and ive stuck with it since the beta now.
    I have done a little bit of casting and streaming in competitive LoL also a little in TF2 and i am looking to prehaps one day with the (hopefully) soon release of spectator mode, to prehaps cast some SMNC games aswell.
    Often when i reply or make a forum post it tends to get quiet long, and i tend to repeat myself because i end up forgetting what i have written earlier on in the post, this is because i am practicing writing longer sentences instead of spamming the chat with half a sentence and then writing more.
    I am always looking for people to play with preferrably people who are decent and not completely new, i also enjoy giving new players tips (to the best of my ability) i am not the best player, but definitly not the worst either, i am pretty medium in my own opinion.
    Feel free to add me if you want to play some time, i play a few games every day.
    Take care!

  5. graypeach

    graypeach New Member

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    Hi I'm Josh. I have always been a console gamer but I'm getting more into PC games atm as I recently got a new laptop. I've spent over 100 hours on Super MNC. I'm really liking PC games and I'm going to try to buy more so I can get ued to the controls of a PC. My steam name is graypeach and my display name is [Cmen] Tobi. So obviously I'm part of the [Cmen] clan. I'm open to new players and don't rage if I lose, so if you're up for a match just send me a friend request and I'll play with you :) GL HF
  6. bearking

    bearking New Member

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    i've been lurking on the forums for a bit now so i thought it was about time I joined and started posting. my name is bearking and i've been playing smnc for about a month and a half now and really enjoying it. its the first moba type game i've ever played and i'm not much of a pc gamer. also unfortunately all my friends either gave up or wouldn't try it so i've been solo queuing most of the time. i'm not an godly player but i do well and want to try playing with some other players around my skill level.
  7. wauhti

    wauhti New Member

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    Hi, I'm Jani, 20 years old guy and bassist from Finland. I have been in there forums but never actually introduced.

    When Zipper gone away, they took socom servers with them, so started to play this game since February when all pros were free on rotation. I'm loving this game to play along with my fighting games. Pros that I use are Megabeth/Combat Girl/Gunslinger/Assassin. Still mostly enjoying to play as CG or MB most.

    I am true 2D fighting game fan and I most like Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear and Melty Blood series. I use pad to playing games besides sticks. I own one, but I can't playing at my 100% with stick.

    My hobby is ITF* Taekwon-Do and I've practiced now 3 years and got blue belt with red stripe (3. Gup). My previous hobby was basketball and I quited after 5 years of playing it. My basketball mates was calling me always wauhti and I didn't like it at all first, then it is my oldest nickname now And also quited to playing in my band called "Eclipsium" and my big sister were leader and drummer in this project. In my free time I'll bicycle sometimes or playing my bass.

    Also I'm Co-Leader and best sniper since 2006 in "Tuonelan Legioona" at Socom series and it ranked now European top 7 (2010) in Confrontation: Cold Front ladder (http://confrontation.ps3.consolegaming. ... hp?id=2725).

    And I like watch and read animes/mangas/visualnovels/light novels. There's so many series, what I'll follow (over 40+). My favorite series is TYPE-MOON studio's made (Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Kara no Kyoukai AKA the Garden of Sinners, Melty Blood)

    Clan Forums:

    My youtube channel:

    * = International Taekwon-do Federation

    Vauhti means speed


    Greetings: wauhti from Finland
  8. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    I'm Jus1more and im just 1 more, I rage alot
  9. fusrodahdragonborn

    fusrodahdragonborn New Member

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    Damn, so clear. :D

    Hai Bois,

    I am FUS RO DAH or ManiaK but who cares ?
    I love Veteran, CG/Support and my Cheston <3

    I enjoy playing SMNC because the first "MNC" attracted me while i was playing L4D on ESL, i like BIG BIG AND CLOSE game and troll friends and veterans of SMNC :p
    I am currently studying to get my finale exam in France and next year i'll start new studies of international marting.

    I love SMNC univers and SMNC's community is so far more cool than the first OPUS of the game.

    Thanks you Uber for these games, thanks you to listen the community and Thanks you for the follow on the game.

    Big kiss to all <3
  10. frosty40

    frosty40 New Member

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    french kiss =pd=
  11. fusrodahdragonborn

    fusrodahdragonborn New Member

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    Hell yeah.
  12. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    I beg your pardon?
  13. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    get out
  14. frosty40

    frosty40 New Member

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    I thought this was the place for smooching, whats wrong?
  15. krausier

    krausier New Member

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    i mostly love Fps and moba style Uber got the best of both worlds here.
    My main pro's are Tank CG VeT and the Wascot.
    i love french kissing and long walks on the beach.
    Nice to meet everyone add me on steam i'm normal around from the afernoons intill midnight normally.
  16. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I was unaware this thread existed! Would have come when I signed up if I knew.
    I'm Kvalheim, I'm the forum's resident Pit Girl addict, but I do other stuff too :3 like try and block raging ragers from raging. And I'm the author of Imperfection (link below) and some meh drawings.
    I main Combat Girl, and pretty much only play her, so if y'all got any questions about how to play her or want any tips feel free to PM me, or find me in mumble.
  17. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    1.I'm more of a Leo addict than you are of pit girl
    2.I dare you to block me from raging, impossible
    3.I draw too

    I win
  18. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    You're mad, good sir!
  19. nefariousursine

    nefariousursine Member

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    So hi, I'm Nefarious Bear.
    Average black guy, start out every game with "Good luck, have bears"

    And my favorite character is Tank. Love his humor and playstyle.
  20. gmgclaptrap

    gmgclaptrap Member

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    Gday all, I'm Claptrap, just someone looking for a great game of SMNC here and there.
    I'm horrible with these so bear with me.

    I like very close games of SMNC that consists of both teams having their moneyball down with Jackbots all about.

    I hate aimbotters and people with very poor attitudes online.

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