Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. Scias19

    Scias19 New Member

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    hey all im Scias19 im 23 years old just got MNC 1 month ago and i play all the time love this game

    Games i like theres Street Fighter (huge fan), Fable, COD, MOH, horror games, GTA thats all the games i remember right now

    MNC FTW!!!!!
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I'm Zatchmo, and I've been playing MNC for a while. I've played against a lot of guys posting on here in game so I decided to finally make one of these accounts. I play strictly on Xbox 360, with games like the Call of Duties, Just Cause 2, Prototype, Red Dead Redemption, and some more but I don't feel like saying them. Monday Night was actually the first Arcade game that I bought, after some friends got it I followed suit. I'm 17 and I'm lvl 95 in game.
  3. Angel in Black

    Angel in Black New Member

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    Hey all, this is Angel in Black. I consider myself to be both a PC gamer and console gamer.

    I started playing MNC a couple weeks ago, and feel I've finally got the hang of it. I don't always win (given that that's a team thing...), but my K/D ratio is steadily climbing back to >1. Of course, that's not really the point of my class-of-choice the Assassin, but I digress.

    I heartily dislike being called a "random."

    I hope to see you on MNC!
  4. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I'm always bad at intros, but I'm Jane and I happen to be in love with my xbox. We hold hands, eat dinner together and he always takes me out to nice places and watches the movies I like to watch with me. I'm kidding xD But seriously. When I have time to play a video game after work I hop on xbox and lately the game I play a lot has been MNC. This forum actually seems quite nice, so it'll be a pleasure to meet you all :)
  5. the_Monk

    the_Monk New Member

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    I'm the Monk. I am strictly speaking a PC gamer. I've been playing PC games for seems One of my first FPS games (besides wolfenstein/doom etc.) for instance was the ORIGINAL Rainbow Six (one of the good ones before UBI ruined the franchise...hehe). Hell I remember playing LODERUNNER and Joust on my Apple 2 back in the day......have I dated myself yet? :p

    I bought an xbox to play Red Dead Redemption and well since then I've picked up a few other games as well. I'm new to MNC; I heard about it a while ago because of the team's association with DEMIGOD (another game I played) but it fell to the back of my mind until about a week ago when I was browsing the LIVE ARCADE games and remembered I had been interested in it.

    So here I am.....a total and complete "controller"'s a miracle I can hit anything at all. I keep trying (or should I say "dying") though and one of these days I might actually have a positive K/D.

    Just feel lucky that you're not playing against me with a mouse/keyboard.....that story would have a completely different ending....hehe :cool:

    the Monk

    xbox gamertag "the1monk"
  6. Moosk

    Moosk New Member

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    Heya. Been playing MNC for about a month now. Haven't really been able to join up with a real group yet, so I'm hoping for a little coordinated action with some other people.

    My GT is Moosk 69.

    If you see me, feel free to invite. My best classes are Assault and Assassin. I've been known to play Sniper too, but I'm still working on my aim there. lol
  7. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I'm JuniorBarnes. My GT is "SpinalScratch." I've killed, have been killed, have come out on top/been lower than you on scoreboards, backstabbed/been backstabbed, ejected/been ejected by a bunch of you on here.

  8. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    I'm SHStiger (21 years old), even though half the XBL community calls me Stinger for reasons unknown. Don't even have a N in my gamertag, kids just can't read. :lol: People I play with most often just go with Tiger.

    Haven't really been big into a shooters since back during Halo 2 when I used to be big into MLG (never attended events). Played Shadowrun for a little while, but quit pretty quickly since none of my friends picked it up. Couldn't get into the newer Halos and CODs on 360, but MNC is pulling me back into shooters.

    Bought MNC 3-4 weeks ago and am up to level 71....I've played a ton. My classes in order of preference would have to be Sniper, Assault, Gunner, Tank, Support, Assassin. Pretty good with the first 3, and decent with the Tank. I don't have the patience to learn to play Assassin, but I am planning to learn how to play with Support.

    If you're pretty decent at the game, send me a F/R @ SHStiger with a note saying "MNC". I miss the whole communication/teamwork/map control of Halo, so if you're looking for someone to fill out a group, just shoot a F/R my way.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Welcome to the forums Junior and Tiger. :D

    @Tiger people over Xbl tend to call me Dead Stench which is kinda funny and awesome at the same time.
  10. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Don't think I've introduced myself, but better late then never I suppose.
    Hostile Paradox, from good ol' Miami,FL.
    Been with the game since launch day. (LVL99+++)
    Been to PAX and met the devs.

    Have gone through at least 3 full teams worth of team mates that no longer play the game, so lately I play by myself, get pissed off and shut off the game after 2 matches in pubs.
    Always play Support unless my team is pants on head stupid, i.e. all Assassins.
    In which case I might go Sniper/Gunner/Tank.

    Always looking for people that still play the game. Don't be shy to shoot me a Friend Request. Seems all the remaining people that do play are already on full roster teams :roll:
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hey Hostile I'm a lone wolf most of the time so I'll start inviting you. I could always use a healing buddy. ;)
  12. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Sounds good, I always see you on, but I can never join your game session.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hey if you ever see me on and want to play just send me a message.
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I play every day if you don't mind me dropping a request
  15. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I'm not necessarily new to the MNC game, but I am new to the forums. My name is Josh, and my gamertag is JRaw2O. I am currently level 95. My specialty classes are mainly Assassin and Sniper. But I have become very adept with all classes. I am a HUGE fan of this game and have been looking forward to the new DLC for over a month :D. I am always looking for good people to play with because I only have one person that plays with me. Im Hudson played a couple games with me last night, and added me to friends. So that makes 2 lol. Feel free to send me messages to play!
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yea JRaw I've seen you in quite a few matches the past couple of days. I thought you were buddies with Shammas? I guess you got lucky and ended up on his team a few times in a row when I first seen your tag.

    Feel free to add me. I am always looking for more MNC players. Btw we had a few good games with and against you this evening.
  17. Die4Less

    Die4Less New Member

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    Hello, I'm Die4Less, a dedicated Support player who is pure support in any game I can be a support-esque class in. I can use the other classes efficiently, and always go against the norm in Endorsement selections, preferring odder groups to fit my playing styles.

    I have played the game since launch day, and am very sure I've met some of you online before. Perhaps we played a game or two? I've been on a losing streak recently, mostly passing it off as a bad game played, or my teammates lack of coordination despite my best attempts to instill it.

    I'm new to the forums, so this is the introduction message (I'm doing this right, yes?) I believe we should post. Well, to include info, I live on the West Coast, prefer console gaming to PC gaming, and dislike people who hack otherwise fun games for competitive advantage.

    To wrap this up, I have played each class extensively, and based on experience, experiments, and exercising of specific concepts/endorsements, so expect a guide from me soon (as many of you have posted yours). Also expect unorthodox strategies that work really well, especially when you have teammates assist you.

    Lastly, my GamerTag is also, Die4Less, feel free to send a friend request. I'll only accept honest players, I have a little piece of paper with me detailing tags I know to be questionable (Gunner juicing every 10 Seconds out of overtime?).

    So yeah...that should cover more thing, despite what my name says, and what my profile on Live states, I rarely play as an Assassin. So no ideas.

    That is that. Hope to play you all more, perhaps we can start a group.
  18. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Hi all. New to this forum.

    GT: FB Zombie Chaos

    Fave/Only class I play as is Support.

    Please add me if you play to win, and don't care about k/d ratios.

    I am a very defensive support. I heal/upgrade/hack base turrets.

    I only go on the attack when juiced.

    MNC has become my favorite game. I play it more that anything.

    I think I'm at level 84.

    Can't wait for the new DLC!!

    I look foward to meeting everyone, and playing with good players.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Die4Less and FB Zombie Chaos welcome! I looks forward to matching up against you some time. Feel free to invite me anytime.
  20. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    But I want to be on your team, and play against people who are not team players. ;)

    BTW, is DeadStretch your GT?

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