Interplanetary Space Battles (Orbital Space Battles) *not in-between planets but on the orbit layer

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by DarkDragoon619, April 19, 2014.


what do you think this addition would do for the game?

  1. allow for more in dept strategy and gameplay?

  2. game breaking and pointless?

    0 vote(s)
  3. overkill and would do the exact opposite of solving the stalemate issue?

  4. what else could be added or changed to balance the orbital ships?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    fixing ghh.. waaaaaa

    what did I just read? :confused:
  2. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    Stuff that can be countered:
    - Air by massed stingers
    - Bots by howitzer units/defences
    - Land by your own land + defences
    - Naval by just walking out of the range and orbital to some extend
    - Nukes by antinukes
    - Orbital, no counter available as it is still buggy

    The moment there is no cost efficient counter to a certain startegy, the first one who get's the eco to support that strategy wins.

    That being said, the game should end eventually, game-ending strats are a necessity.
    The point I'm trying to make is:
    - Smashing planets => awesome game ender
    - Nuking half a planet to waste (NOT their main base though), landing tons of droppods and overwhelm => very epic game ender
    - Any half-arsed, last minute commander snipe due to some bad game mechanic => lame

    PS: SUPREMACY GAMETYPE!!!, where losing your comm is a big setback, but does not result in auto-lose
  3. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    Double post, yay!

    On the anti-orbital rocket subject. In the trailer you see 3 rockets launch (similar to catapult model) at the incoming asteroid. Given they cost enough to fabricate, I think they should be able to intercept any orbital object heading for the planet. Taking out nukes, destroy asteroids (when those come into play, we'll see plenty, so it's only natural there's a counter) and even an avenger (would be retarded to actually do that though).

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