Interesting thread from steam

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by lokiCML, July 22, 2016.

  1. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    Build a t2 factory on a ramp and see what happens. Your ground units will just come out floating in purgatory. Hold a mouse button and see if youR keyboard inputs respond. Watch your units closely and see how well they can aim at an immobile target. Try to build a teleport on planet with a varied height range with an orbital fabber. This would include asteroids. Something they start-stop.
    Build some combat fabs and set them to reclaim, watch the sim speed plummet. Tell a naval fab to build on top of a tree that is out of reclaim range. It will never build but it is still placeable.
    Have a nuke launcher unpowered when a missile finishes. It will never fire.
    Pay a very close eye to the pathfinding and tell me if what you see is satisfactory.
    Start a ranked match and tell me how often the planet even loads in. Riveting stuff.
    If you uber cannon the ground, it wont actually hit the target location in all sorts of way.
    Build an ares on lock and see how far it fires.
    Tell me one ground unit that counters static defenses, especially pelters.
    Why do boom bots stop in place when given an attack command?
    Why does my ares continue firing at a commander is cannot see, nor have radar coverage over?
    Why do antinukes not hit nukes sometimes?
    Locusts totally belong in the game in their current state...
    Wait what counters static defense again?
  2. grzegorz2121

    grzegorz2121 Member

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    I know about some of this bugs. Someone are frustrating but you can prevent most of them. (When you realize how to control units properly) That means "bugs" about movement, aiming, attacking, building aren't that bad as you think! You can prevent them!

    Some of these can be caused by old computer. (I don't have problems with gameplay)
    But everyone have bugs with disconnect, loading ect.

    About defenses: They are weak! If you think that you army can't breach trough turtle base you can use:
    a) bigger army - because enemy is using all resources do build defences- so you can expand and build big army that can defeat him! (NEVER stop expanding and building metal extractors, power plants and factories!)
    b) use strategies! - If you have problem with pelters - build shellers that can outrage them!, use air where AA isn't build and tanks where pelters aren't build.
    PS. Pelter are very weak vs Vanguard - build few of these! they can take a looot of damage before they die.
    Pelters are very slow and they are turning very slowly - attack them from different angles at once!
    c) All units and defences have vulnerabilities! Use units wisely!

    I never had problem with anti nukes, or nukes. I had problem when i wanted to fire Holkins but now I didn't
    (I scouted enemy base and I had problems with artillery because i wanted to fire on the ground not on enemy)
    But now I know how to do that. Sometimes it works when you click M1 sometimes with M2
  3. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    underscore1112 is a top Uber player so he knows how to play around most of these issues, but feels frustrated when playing due to them.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Classic symptom of being burnt out on any game: You start to hate every single problem it has. All games have problems, but when you're still in the "this game is so much fun"-phase you just don't notice them that much.
  5. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    I've been going on about this stuff since i started playing. There is nothing i'd love more than a healthy player base which can take the game seriously. The problem is there isn't much incentive to get good at a game with issues which can and will affect the outcome of any given match.
    Do you think that if you told a veteran rts player that that PA ignores KEYBOARD INPUTS while you click with the mouse that person would feel even the least bit inclined to play the game?
    With all the huge innovations in ui pa has, such a thing is just baffling that this is still in the game, and hardly anyone knows about it... So players are still wondering how their commander managed to seemingly make the conscious decision to walk straight to the front lines. RIP control group users.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you think PA is bad... I suggest you don't bother trying spring rts :p

    I love Spring- a community built engine all powered by mods- in theory it should be perfect by now given the love and attention and updates it's had over the last 12 years or so...

    Then a few weeks ago, the BA dev team decided to give a little buff to all terrain EMP spiders (a T2 bot that is cheap and intended as a support unit). All the subsequent games have been players mass producing the spiders, walking them past t2 (and even t3 sometimes) unit's and defenses, into the opponents base (everything disabled in their path) and self detonating them to take out the base :p Instead of fixing the issue, there is currently a very heated debate about 'if' they are op in current form (hint if you can walk them past several 'titan' class units I'd say they are) and nothing has been fixed.

    Also path finding in PA is better than it gets given credit for- Spring (and SupCom in my experience) is considerably worse. I've *never* played a ground based RTS that has foolproof path finding, even ones that limit it to fairly small numbers of units.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am not aware it does. xD
    Nicb1 likes this.
  8. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    It does but it has never been an issue for me
  9. trashmanf

    trashmanf New Member

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    Boom bots or nano bots cab chew through any defense so fast.

    Beat strategy against defense - a nuke
    . If they have anti nuke it's no problem to raid with a dozen t2 gunships or 30-40 boom bots . They take forever to build and vanish in a second

    I also feel crippled playing against some opponentz (I have no mods and am playing on steam controller) against hot build, hold the line, ubermap etc but it is still so fun to raid and knowledge/experience beats fast fingers some times. Not many MP games value decision making as highly as PA imo so the bugs are fine.

    I haaate the bug where a bunch of your fabbers just... lose their ability to build. But it is rare
  10. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    You syre you arent powerinf off your fabs somehow? They often forget how to build, but not quite to build usually.
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    While I don't think mods are per se an unfair advantage I understand why people could think so.
    However if you're using a steam controller to play I hope you don't expect to no be crippled by that xD My respect you can manage to not go mad playing like that.
    lulamae, Nicb1 and stuart98 like this.
  12. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    Having observed his conversation in game, I don't think he's referring to 'bugs' in the same sense that you are. (At first I thought he was referring to bots) My take is that he's referring to 'bugs' in a general sense of experienced players having an unfair advantage over new players by way of undefined shortcomings in the game. Remember, he thought Titans units were a "cheat" (in game). I think that he was a frustrated, inexperienced player. Several of his opponents (as well as myself) tried to draw out his specific concerns, but he just kept venting.

    This is not a comment on any of the bugs you mentioned. Just my perspective of the OP on Steam.
    Nicb1, cdrkf and stuart98 like this.

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