[Insert complaint here] - JUST BE BETTER!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Organous, October 29, 2010.

  1. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    But I'm still waiting for your sig to do something..........it does eventually do something right? :lol:

    PS- Just read it, breaking that wall up in a few different paragraphs might help people take you a little bit more serious. Just some advice. Oh, and you suck. :lol:
  2. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Rud has a point here.

    "Learn to play" is much easier then typing out a full length strategy post that has already been covered in two+ threads. People should use the search function.

    Honestly most things do in fact come down to user error in my opinion.

    There was a point when I first started the game that I honestly believed things like juice and firebases were overpowered.

    Usually When I see the "Your bad" "get better" responses it's when a new player refuses to accept that they are indeed at fault and continues to argue their point despite players who are more experienced with the topic giving them advice.(strats and stats and such)
    Last edited: October 29, 2010
  3. Organous

    Organous Member

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    rudigarmc, thank you for clearly expressing your view. I'm quite aware that repetitive threads will come up. They always do. Sometimes, they are simply a nuisance of people lacking basic information. Still, I've found it always helps to have some main thing to which they can turn. That's why I very much appreciate guides on an and all subjects. It's very easy to link to them and doesn't usually irritate people. Search function can be a little difficult to get exactly what you need.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Rather than say "learn to play", then wouldn't it be more constructive to simply tell them to search for the answer as it has already been discussed?

    Or better yet, just don't say anything at all. If they are new to the game then the discussion is new to them and will be new to anyone who wasn't on this forum the first time the discussion happened. Just avoid the thread and post in things that are new to you. No need for you to ruin a discussion that is new for the people it is new to. :)
  5. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Also there are the times where it feels like we have gone over every possibly hint and strategy and more than we have ever really planned on letting on because the person who is complaining about an aspect won't relent or learn. At the point it does feel like talking to a brick wall. So when the person with the problem is just repeating "But [Insert complaint here] is overpowered," there is nothing more to say to them than "learn your class noob."

    Like I said there needs to be a move on both sides of the aisle. If people have given a legitimate complaint, and others have given legitimate advice, then we should probably end the conversation before it break down "such and such is cheap" vs "get better."
  6. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I'll admit I have posted something along the lines of "We already discussed this here *link* and if that doesn't help, learn your class noob," in such threads
  7. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I think a lot of the time people who say "get better" cannot differentiate between situations where skill actually is involved.

    For example:
    Firebase is overpowered.

    This is an opinion about whether people think it does too much damage, or has too much range, or so forth. While you may not agree with them, saying get better is not a legitimate response because it is subjective.

    Another example:
    You can't jump over ice traps.

    This is something where you can say get better, because it is a fact that you can in fact jump over them. If someone argued that they felt the the skill drain had too much synergy with the sniper's other skills, or just did not add aggregate fun, then it is an opinion, and you again cannot say get better.

    The difference is if the thrust of the argument is based on subjective or objective information. A lot of the people on here cannot tell the difference.
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    this is what people who hate spawn trapping need to read, if your bad enough to get trapped, you deserve it but once the ball is down, we are hammering that and if we see you, were taking you down to.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    This is what spawn trappers do NOT do that are causing problems. Most spawn killers ignore the ball or even let it get back up to continue spawn killing. If someone destroys the other team, owns their spawn and damages the moneyball as much as possible, then I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
  10. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Since you've quoted David Sirlin at the bottom of your sig, you may understand this better than others on this forum: Having been a longtime fighting game player (and occasional competitor), you know that in the fighting game community, when you complain about one specific thing, be it wakeup reversal windows, character frame advantage, or otherwise general character OP-ness, the stock answer is usually along the lines of either "that's a bad matchup no matter how you look at it. Practice it and move on," or "your character has an answer for that. Learn your character and move on." In many cases, it's absolutely true. Does it contribute anything to the conversation? When the whining is weak and gratuitous, yes. Otherwise? No, it doesn't contribute anything. That kind of attitude does not help the community nor does it increase our standing in any way, but you'll still see a lot of it. Numerous posters here do it as well. Maybe it makes them feel better to classify another person lower in relation to their own perceived status, I don't know. It's still annoying.

    As for starting threads to which there is already a relevant thread in existence...I'm an old-school mmcafe and Higher Voltage poster, and have been lurking at SRK for ten years. LURKING. That's the keyword. Their community is nice in some places, and the height of arrogant elitism in others, but they have a violent allergic reaction to new threads that doesn't exactly cater to noobs. Nearly every answer to every new thread is "L2Serch function, nubcakes. THREAD LOCKED." Mods do this regularly. MODS. Way to help a community thrive. No, I don't feel like searching through 142 pages of random character discussion to find where frame data that doesn't have its own thread is, or where a particular option select input can be found. New threads is srs bzns yo. In any case, I don't mind it as long as we're helping somebody, though some new threads just waste space on the internet and serve no function outside of a chance to +1 your post count. I don't click on those, generally. Regardless, new players extend the lifespan of the game. I'm sure Uber doesn't want us elitist tryhards to chase away the bk randies by being as obnoxious as possible to people seeking answers.

    In closing, I pretty much agree with your post. It's basically about being decent on the internet. Anonymity makes people act a collective fool, though, and that's something that'll never change.
  11. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    It'd be helpful if the search function on this particular forum worked better, too -_-

    Seriously. It's pretty broken. I don't think I've ever used a forum with such a bad search function. Even the one on GameFAQs is better and it's just barely in the mediocre range >.>

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