Indie Game Developer James Green's thoughts on the Titans backlash

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by stuart98, August 21, 2015.

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  1. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Not if your argument is 'they dont give out enough free stuff'. That is not fairness, it's about envy, because some people just aren't enough of a person to deal with someone else getting stuff for free.

    The whole 'fairness' argument is nothing but self-delusion, it has nothing to do with PA's quality, which you might dislike or not. And that's painfully obvious for everyone standing outside.
    stuart98, Quitch and pieman2906 like this.
  2. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    ok you clearly don't understand:
    i paid 4.25 times more than a friend to make this game even possible. but somehow her contribution is worth more than mine? i'm expected to up that to 5.15times as much money as she has into this game? simply because the devs tought that they would give out 50k copies after an arbitry metric that values equal customers differently? if they would have given PAT only to those who paid 90€ during KS and EA everything would have been fine. hell, if they'd given PAT only to those for free who paid 90€+ during the KS campaign it would probably have been fine. but gifting it just to everyone no matter the contribution level simply due to personal favourtism by the devs will not generate postive feelings in anyway...
  3. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Want fairness? Ask your friend to buy the expansion for you, since she paid less and you OBVIOUSLY deserve the expansion more. Wonder how that'll work out.

    Also you're not expected to pay $90 for a game. Was a pretty stupid thing to do, considering how you can't deal with the amount of money. Want the best offer? Buy it late.
    Take responsiblity for your decisions.

    That whole thing is just so immature. There are even things you could criticise, but that angle is pure, ugly envy about things that were never promised in the first place.
  4. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    they also never promised to implement a play button into the main menu... it's still there because it's common sense to expect it there... just as it is common sense to expect a company to treat it's customers equally... and after all:
    with only KS we would now have a launcher, a youtube video, connection errors, and some basic gamefiles
    with only EA we would now have a launcher, a youtube video, connection errors and some advanced gamefiles
    and only thanks to post launch sales do we have a launcher, a youtube video, an offline mode for after Uber goes down the drain and some more advanced gamefiles
    so where is the thankyou for the post release customers? they should have gotten all the goodies, they are the ones we have to thank for finishing this game, and KS and EA backers should have to pay again... oh wait? you think that wouldn't be fair because you contributed during KS? well screw you, Uber doesn't know how business is done, you get nothing
  5. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    You still got a discount.

    You didn't get as much of a discount, because you didn't take as much of a risk.

    Times I have posted this: about 20.
    stuart98 and pieman2906 like this.
  6. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    times it was irrelevant: about 20
    Elate likes this.
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Ignorance is not the same thing as irrelevance. You're free to ignore me, but it doesn't make me any less right.

    Cheers :D
    mered4, stuart98 and pieman2906 like this.
  8. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    So, you also totally expected an Addon we never knew about with 25 new units inludings things like orbital overhaul and Titans that were originally always denied.

    No, that doesn't even make sense. You saw the addon announced, saw kickstarter backers got it for free, and suddenly your sense of envy and entitlement went into overdrive.
  9. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    you really, really hurt... at least now i know where Ubers PR department is... it's in the forums... by people who get a treat by the devs and get told "you are a superior human being, now go out there and defend us, because it looks better when the community does it" and then do their best to act as smug as possible to make absolutly sure everyone knows that they have been told they are the superior human being
  10. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    As I said before in another thread. EA buyers read first what your rights are under Steam EA policy and then complain. Your only right is to PA and that is all. You have no right to Titans. Uber explicitly said to buy the game when it gets to normal price. Under steam policy you bought the right to play the game (PA) in early development. You did not buy in to beta, alpha or whatever. You only bought the game in advance. Early access is just a fancy name for a preorder with instant access to the current game version even if the game might never get finished. That is all. Please read the description of the service next time when you use it. For the record - I don't own Titans and was not part of the kickstarter or early access so im not biased by either side and I am not going to hide I was not happy about the surprise Titans release but I understand why they did it so will definitely be getting a copy when I can.
    mered4, stuart98, squishypon3 and 2 others like this.
  11. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Ah the old "everyone who disagrees with me is a corporate shill" trick.
    stuart98, pieman2906 and igncom1 like this.
  12. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    says the person whos only argument is "I HAD MORE RIZKZ! BUY IT! BE GRATEFUL FOR ME!"
    i think i'm pretty good with atleast a few more arguments than you
    X39 likes this.
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I bought PA during the Beta....

    So try again buddy.
    stuart98 and pieman2906 like this.
  14. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    congratulations: you are a corporate sellout... for free
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    "arguments" like that won't do any good and you probably realize that if you calm down a little.
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    This is great. Got any more?
    stuart98 likes this.
  17. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I'm loving these high-quality GIFs, tbh. This is the true power of modern computing - not massively-impressive server-side planetary-smashing video games.

    No, the true power is that we have evolved past crappy stuttering or pixellated GIFs.
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Interesting. It's perfectly smooth and good quality on my end.

    Weird. I don't feel insulted.
  19. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Clearly X39 is cruising for a banning so then he can tell his friends how he was unjustly censored :)
    stuart98 and killerkiwijuice like this.
  20. X39

    X39 New Member

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    just annoyed by the pure ignorance of that guy which he showed over and over and over again
    "unjustly censored" is also stupid
    what i said was ment to insult that stupid because he IS a ******* stupid which he showed spread over 10 threads here and most likely somewhere else too
    ignoring everything and insisting on stupid "WE TUUK MOAR RIZK" ****
    and after he repeats that over and over and over again i simply call him by what he is
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