Indie Game Developer James Green's thoughts on the Titans backlash

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by stuart98, August 21, 2015.

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  1. X39

    X39 New Member

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    There is still the option to take it away from kickstarter people
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Thinking that this is even close to a real option destroys any credibility you have.
    Nicb1, pieman2906, xanoxis and 2 others like this.
  3. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Kickstarter backers paid for a game that did not exist and thus, took a substantially bigger risk than the Early Access backers. Some KS people paid upwards of $250 - some paid just $20. Some EA backers paid $200 or so - some paid $5 from a sale.

    This fact is undeniable. It's just how Early Access and Kickstarter works.

    Uber made this decision to thank their earliest backers for their generous investment into the company's future, no matter the amount actually given. I'm certain they expected some folks to moan and groan, but I doubt they expected a backlash from a bunch of ungrateful users who just want their slice of the pie.

    As for the argument revolving around the removal of the BASE PA GAME from the store.....

    Please. Guild Wars 2 and Elite Dangerous are both doing the exact same thing. I don't agree with their pricing structure (they're being very stingy), but their upgrade system is the exact same as PA's. It's a decision that actually saves the consumer a lot of hassle trying to figure out all the individual DLCs/expansions/standalones/whatever (thanks EA, for making everything complicated). Instead of buying PA and then Titans, they sell the updated game as a whole. This gives the consumer the best experience (the updated game instead of the outdated one) right off the bat. It's a win win for both sides - the consumer gets the better product, the company gets to sell a better product.

    I'm just grateful Uber gave an actually significant discount at 66%. Elite gave their players 20% and Guild Wars 2 isn't giving veteran players anything (from what I understand). GW2 actually is throwing out larger and more expensive packages for their expansion in a strange attempt to make people spend more dough on their (questionably sized) expansion.

    I guess that's why I'm completely blindsided by these folks whose first reaction is to shout about their right to free games or some such instead of being grateful for what they have. I've had to earn my way to where I am today and I'm nothing but grateful for what I have - I know how easy it could be to lose it. I just cannot understand the entitled attitude coming from these folks. They've never made a video game. They've probably never built a chair. How would they know what a good business practice is? How would I? We can speculate, yes, but at the end of the day, respect must be given where respect is due.

    And I see zero from those who keep complaining about the pricing structure.
    stuart98 and pieman2906 like this.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    The same way setting fire to the office in protest of all the hate is an option.
    stuart98 and mered4 like this.
  5. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    You do know that there is major backlash against Horizon? but atleast Frontier treats everyone of their customers equally greedy, while Uber gifts thousands of copies after an arbitrary ruleset? risk? i'll laugh harder later when i won't wake anyone up... Uber doesn't care about the risk you took... they are just really, really bad at community Interaction because all they did is talk with super fans who'd buy the game another 3 times if they asked for it... but hey, atleast they achieved one goal: people like you @mered4 are defending them because they bribed you with a free copy (similary to what a steam greenlight dev would to, do get enough sympathy to actually get his game to the store) that they don't need to do the talking themselves, corporate slaves like you do it for them. congratiulations, you are a sellout. it's nice that view yourself so much as a part of the Uber dev team that you do their job and you don't even want to get paid. good boy, have a treat. maybe they'll allow you to buy another commander skin
    Elate likes this.
  6. Elate

    Elate Active Member

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    My god you're a genius. Hire this man as your PR rep.
    Uber, I think it's really reasonable that you should burn down your offices in shame of this transgression.

    As unrealistic as it may be, taking it away from the Kickstarter folks would present an interesting turn of events though. I'd love to see what half the people defending Uber would say after that.
  7. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I see you're angry - I won't pretend to understand why.

    See, I purchased this game as the Beta phase began - a sellout indeed. They've made a great game, just like Frontier has. Just like ArenaNet.

    I will defend anyone wrongfully accused of a deed they did not commit. If Uber is guilty of something, it is attempting to make a living with the greatest tool we are all given - our minds. If they made a mistake, it was making this game available to those who could not or would not appreciate their creation for what it is. So be it. I stand by them in this instance unless new information presents itself. So far, your side of the argument has shown no evidence but hyperbole and no respect for those who have spent years creating a game you could enjoy for less than a day's wages.
    It would be difficult to do so, considering the amount of people who already have the game. I mean, if you think a thousand angry folks on Steam is a pretty big crowd, you must not have considered 44k angry Kickstarter backers knocking down the doors in Seattle.

    Uber did nothing wrong. Continuing to throw out the bandwagon fallacy as proof of Uber's fault is amusing, but pointless. Present your evidence - I've yet to see any. Just an ungrateful mob.
    stuart98, pieman2906 and EdWood like this.
  8. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    Ahhh now this with Elite.
    It is not just an expansion it is also a season pass. There will be more content coming, much more content, not just landing on a barren rock. Who is willing can read those forum entries where they explain everything, also there are some videos out there from the Gamescom where they explain all of this and much more.

    Then there is another alternative, don't buy it.

    In regards to Kickstarters taken the game away, this sounds ridiculous... even though I did not expect to get Titans for free. Then again I would have paid $16 or how much it is to get it.
    stuart98 and mered4 like this.
  9. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    Your right there not totally the same but you completed miss the point I'm trying to make.
    You seem to blinded by outrage. And even in your example that how the real world works you just don't always get to here about it and they sound very generous of you think they would all be happy, both group got a better deal no?

    KS investment might mean more to UBER than EA in the same way earlier investors mean to a company IE get a larger percentage the investor late down the line. This can often make huge difference in how much the investor make, it not called seed capital for no reason.

    No one is saying EA wasn't important,or helping to develop the game, I'm greatfull for everyone who back the game. And I'm not saying do not think KS deserved to get a free copy and EA do not , it is just a gift from UBER to people they are grateful to because they helped them start the project.

    Also lease keep in mind most KS backers invested more than $20
    Average Pledge Per Backer: $50

    But I guess you still won't understand there is a difference and not I'm not saying EA aren't valued. I should have given up already.
    stuart98 likes this.
  10. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Personally I'd say **** the steam idiots who forced Uber into the position of having to do that :p

    Seriously though the expansion is worth £10, and until I saw the KS announcement email I was going to buy it anyway.
    stuart98 likes this.
  11. X39

    X39 New Member

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    As far as i see all KS backers "dont care" about their free copy thus there should be no hate comming out of that
    That move however (+ some sotry announcement) could stop a lot of hate
    taking them away is also an easy task thx to steam

    Thus the only question would be
    Why should all theese supporters who always argue about blabla bullshit hate uber for taking the free copy away to stop the hate? They would be able to show their support again

    However, the endresult would be that 40k of people would rage like ******* **** not in the steam forums anymore but here
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    There is a probably considerable amount of backers who did not connect steam.

    Also just because a small fraction of the kickstarter backers argue for something does not mean we can really tell how the larger size of them would react. In the end all the discussions here are between a handful of people. That doesn't really tell us anything about the opinion of the majority of people.
    EdWood, Quitch and cdrkf like this.
  13. X39

    X39 New Member

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    It does not really gets more complicated using ubers stuff

    Also as said, the shitstorm then would just be at a different board
    Still it would cause those stupids still arguing with KS is more worth then EA to stfu which would already be progress
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Nope give it back someone else is upset by this. WE'RE REPOING DIS LIKE HARRY DEAN STANTON.

    Are you telling me you'd just shrug your shoulders and go "welp, dem's the breaks"?
  15. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    <-- Kickstarter backer who doesn't use Steam for PA (I tend to avoid steam if I can, though some games it's the only way to get them).
    Nicb1 likes this.
  16. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    It seems a few people who did get the game free from KS still ended up buying the expansion anyway, so I dunno- not sure if there would really be a backlash at all from KS backers that is. Most people who are happy now are people who've been here and a part of the development for a long time and would or have happily paid for the expansion. =P

    (Plus the games DRM free, so you could still play the game after it being "taken away", you'd have to host your own server though)
  17. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    It's frankly pathetic to consider taking free stuff away a superior alternative to giving out free stuff. Envy, that's all what the 'free for backer' stuff is about anyway.
  18. Prudentia

    Prudentia New Member

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    nope, it's about fairness
  19. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    It's about people not understanding fairness, correct!
    stuart98, pieman2906 and temeter like this.
  20. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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