Improving the Tank's Options

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Cornstalk, September 1, 2010.

  1. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Have you actually tried to hit a sniper 3 times before he starts bunny hopping everywhere? At any decent range the railgun is pretty hard to use, and it you can 'easily' land that many shots on a guy frm that range why not just use a sniper and do the same job better?

    See, rather than a move or a speed increase. Id like to see the product grenade have some form of slowdown on it, like when a gunner shoots you deployed (I think thats how they do it?). Currently you hit someone with the grenade and they just backpeddle off the bridge they know is there and out of range.
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Don't post better ideas than mine, makes me jealous.
  3. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Its not mine, iv seen it on here before somewhere. But it would make sence. Make the L1 product grenade blind and give the L2 a slowdown and L3 the damage. Or maybe make the L3 bomblets explode on contact (as well as after a duration) and have those bomblets be the slow.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Bunny hopping makes them easier to hit. Shoot right as they are landing and they can't strafe or dodge. You aren't able to change direction in mid-air, so it's a free hit. The rail gun isn't difficult to use, and the reason to use it over a sniper is because you can also push when needed and you have the health to make people want to stay away from you.
  5. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    A well played tank is a beast.
  6. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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  7. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Should this be in the issues board, or are we actually discussing how to improve the tank's options? Seems there's just a whole lot of arguing.
  8. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Fixed again ;o

    Oh, and I'm thinking a Jet Gun with higher dps and Product grenade snare might actually be what the Tank needs, it would DEFINETLY improve his skill gap and ambushing efficiency by having to aim those stupid things. If the Gunner can kill someone before they turn around at range, the Tank should be able to do it faster with a CQC only gun and slower movement speed. The Tank's counter is anything at range, or at least it will be until the Rail Gun's hit detection is fixed vs skinny characters, but even then an AR or Minigun will still out damage a RG unless the Tank pops in and out of cover between every shot (I take down so many gunners with that method at range, so hilarious).

    Only problem I see with that is being able to blind/snare/kill yourself with it while being so dependent on it...

    P.S., anyone else feel like the Accuracy endorsment should do something for the Jet Gun? I mean the ROF increases it's dps.

    EDIT: Fix Rail Gun's hit detection as well, and I'm still bewildered as to why the Gunner moves faster than the Tank.
    Last edited: September 12, 2010
  9. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I always thought it should increase its range? At at least make it so the beam is wider, it currently feels a bit liek you have to be 100% accurate to make it get a hit noise. Whether or not it registers the hit is another issue.

    Currently I think this for the tank


    Rank1: useless
    Rank2: Nice in the right situation, hide in a cubbey hole and have insta full hp
    Rank3: Pretty much a waste of money in xfire but its insane for blitz

    L1: whats even the point? Piddly damage and no effect
    L2: Blind is nice, but removing the target reticule going red with be nice. When i get 'blinded' i can still shoot just fine
    L3: The extra damage is nice vs bots, but no pro should be caught out by it. Just gets in your way if your chasing someone


    Absolutely fine, its slower than the assaults (atleast feels it) and doesnt knock people that far (I dont want it to bash them out of my range) but hits like a complete truck and can kill people after your dead

    Jet gun:

    Low damage, slow reload (compared to other 'close quarters' guns, AR and uzi for example), low range and is quite aiming reliant compared to many otehr weapons. Not that useful


    Great harrasment weapon but not much else. Anything but another tank and gunner should have no problems vs it. Its 3 hits on even the sniper and has weird hit detection on the smaller classes. Basically you can scare people and steal kills but thats about it


    Tank is really brickwalled into using RoF3, Armour 2 and *other*. I take crit just because i notice no difference with speed/reload and at least crit increases overall damage by a littlebit.

    The problem is that the tank is ok at killing bots, and the developers dont want to separate blitz from xfire. I kinda get that, but thats where adding a bit of damage to the jetgun and giving the bomb a slowdown comes in, when the L2 bomb hits a bot currently it just sits still. So the slow down wouldnt have any effect on blitz at all whilst making him more viable in xfire. It would also be useful to let the tank run away. Cause right now playing tank its very much a case of "you cant out damage, live or run them. Your fucked"
  10. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    To add to any other suggestions I'm gonna repost my idea about the Railgun getting Afterburn. It might not make any difference to the majority of the classes, but getting 2 hits on a Sniper and then watching him get finished off by the Afterburn will be the best thing in MNC ever.

    The way it is atm the Railgun is only used for harassment anyway, so surely Afterburn adds to that idea even more?

    Tank is way underused, underpowered and under-represented imo. I've loved him since the start just because I like supporting the underdog, but when you try playing a match with the Gunner and see the results you begin to wonder "Why on earth am I using the Tank..?".

    Quite upsetting imo, Tank could be so much more.

    (Reading back on my old post I said "The Tank isn't underpowered", but after playing a few levels as the Gunner, he really is underpowered. I can do everything with the Gunner that I would with the Tank 100% better. Hell, even the "I can't be killed by Assassins" thing is moot seeing as you have the Slam move with the Gunner).
  11. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I just remembered that the Rail Gun is ridiculously hard to use in comparison to the other guns. It needs to easier to use, I can literally hit moving snipers across the map with an Assault Rifle while , but most other guns are way easier to use then the Rail Gun despite it being hit scan.

    Also, I'm still bewildered as to why the Gunner moves faster than the Tank and still outdamages him, but I guess the Charge... sort of makes up for that, at least it's a movement ability.
  12. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    Lmao this sure as hell kicks you in the face when you try shooting a Sniper. You think you've made 3 perfect shots on his face, all you've done is caught his attention and he snipes you in the head.

    Hell even the hit registration on the Assault means you can often end up dead when you go for a shot.

    The only things I end up taking out with the Rail are bots and those stupid Gunners that try and snipe you without even Bronze accuracy on, while standing still.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Making any sort of buff to the tank is a horrible idea. Watch some great tanks play and you'll realize how amazing they are. The rail gun keeps everyone pinned down and kept away, and a good tank doesn't miss shots. The only counter to a great tank is a great sniper who lands a headshot. Play with me sometime and I'll show you. The tank is already getting a death blossom boost anyway.
  14. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    The only counter to a great tank is anyone who can back peddle and/or has a weapon which outdamages his Jet Gun, and every other ranged weapon is better at "pinning people down" than the Rail Gun because it's ridiculously hard to use in comparison to everything else.

    I thought we had established the Tank was just a gimped Gunner already, and I think you need to read the first of my quotes.
    Last edited: September 12, 2010
  15. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    How? It doesn't even come close. Tank can wreck people from across the map, especially gunners. It is much better against snipers and assassins, and even against assaults in most situations. A gunner can't push bots like a tank or lock down a section of the map the same way. It amuses me a bit though how 90% of the people posting have 0 competitive experience and claim to have a valid opinion. And like I said, a great tank only uses his rail gun. Backpeddling puts you further in danger, rushing gets you charged.
  16. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    shammas doesnt ur tank need host to do sh*t?

    mostly a nerf because deathblossom will be doing less damage when people actually use it right before reloading.

    also if u wannt pester people from range learn to quickscope a sniper rather than play a tank
  17. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Everyone has a valid opinion, no matter how much experience. Don't act all high and mighty just because you may have played in a few tournaments. I swear, fighting game boards don't argue nearly as much as this board does, and the competitive edge there is much higher than this game has. Can we stop all the flaming and the insults, and discuss like we're talking face to face? Anonymity is screwing the whole world wide web up.
  18. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    if a tank is charged by a assault or a fellow tank, they should NOT be sent flying i think the same goes with gunner, if the tank really is that heavy why does he get launched when something less then half his size hit him? if a tank charges someone like a assault they should be launched, as the tank is a giant ball pretty much, blametruth got it right when he said the tank is like a giant pillow, he can be launched its like he weighs nothing at all.
  19. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Now now, we shouldn't have negative opinions of MLG tryhards, it's not his fault he's an elitist who pulls statistics out of his *** thinks our opinions are invalid because we don't give a **** about tournies.
  20. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    But see, the other issue there is. Take an amazing anything else and it'll wreck the tank, assault? Your kidding right, gunner? Just a tank but better. Sniper? Why bother using the railgun when RoF3 will let you use a snipergun to 4 hit any class by barely aiming. Support? Shotgun outdamages Jetgun by far, artillery spam can mess you up too.

    This is the thing with the L2P idiots Iv always said. A good tank vs a good anything will loose, you need to be a good tank vs an average something to even stand a chance.

    You currently have 4 options as tank.

    1) Play as a gimped sniper
    2) Play as a gimped gunner
    3) Focus on the bots
    4) Reroll something else, play with half the concentration and thought and do just as well

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