I'mma Bursting Full of the Juices! (SXD24's Support Guide)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, October 2, 2010.

  1. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    I'm more of an offensive Support and I have a few things I agree/disagree on - simply from personal preferences. Obviously nobody is wrong here.

    I tend to do;
    Gold - RoF (Duh!)
    Silver - Speed (I find this extremely useful, much more than Skill Recovery as it allows me to deal with assassins more effectively, enemy Supports by outrunning them, and Tanks/Gunners by getting the hell away from them)
    Bronze - Armor (Survives front grapples by assassins and Assault charges, as well Sniper's grapples when lightly wounded)

    On most maps, my Silver Speed lets me get to the enemy's half of the map and set up a viable Firebase before anything start happening. Immediately this pushes my team's bots into their side. Always nice to have that to start off. I do Hack2/Firebase2 AFTER I throw down the Firebase. Don't waste a second up'ing them at the Spawn. Do it after you get to where you want to be.

    After that, I get Airstrike2. From there, it differs depending on intelligence of enemy team. If my firebases are constantly destroyed, I do Passive2/Airstrike3. If my firebase stay alive, I do Hack3/Airstrike3.

    However, If I'm still at zero deaths (or has a kill-streak going) and I'm at $400+ I focus on Juicing and then chain-Juicing. By that point, I can pretty much play the entire game in Juice Mode because of the Silver Speed getting me to enemy Pros ASAP and getting the hell out of there quicker when Juice runs out (and quicker to buy more Juice again)

    Assassins without any Speed endorsements, I can easily avoid them. I can also dodge Sniper's snipers a bit easier this way too.

    If and when I die, is the only time I actually devote my money to L3 skills (since my kill-streak is gone and can't rake up another $500 with the first Juice)

    Anyway, yeah, I highly prefer Silver Speed over Silver Skill Regen. It drastically reduced the times I have died. That's for sure.
  2. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Revived for a great guide that needs some update pills.

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