I'm worried this is already a beta build - a few thoughts.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by igorantunov, November 28, 2013.

  1. igorantunov

    igorantunov New Member

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    Wow thanks for that lengthy explanation thetrophysystem. I see there is a FAQ thread stickied now. Awesome.
  2. gg86

    gg86 New Member

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    The opposing point being of course that if you keep getting the same suggestion from people over and over it might be worth implementing the feature.

    Back on topic the only thing that really bothers me about the game is how terrible the pathfinding is. Bad pathfinding kills an RTS dead and I've lost count of how many times, even in the short time I've played, I had to go back and wiggle a unit off of a piece of terrain. Set multiple builders on the same structure and you'll see the same thing, rather than the first one stopping as soon as its' in range and the rest moving along until they find a space Starcraft SCV style these ones bull each other out of the way, it's like watching a demolition derby.

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