I'm back. What's changed?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by PeggleFrank, June 29, 2015.

  1. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    "as long as it is duable cost wise"

    Terrain overhaul would probably be equal to an entire engine overhaul. Which would require new set of planets for everything and rebalancing ranked maps which results in way too much costs. Also, the current graphics are what the concept was. So if graphics are going to be improved, it would be for a huge expansion or PA 2.

    New units would be okay though, but it also might cause big problems on balance, which has been pretty stable for a while now. So I think they don't want to shake it up too much every time. Also, how to choose where and which units to add?

    Edit: Don't think I am against these changes, I would love them as anybody would! But it is just not worth it profit wise due to most of the target group already owning the game because of PA's many sales.

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