If a competitive side to this game does take off...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Clans, Team, and Tournament' started by Randomdog, January 25, 2011.

  1. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    Grim is right, Comp TF2 (though im getting tired of seeing that "we can/can't do this because TF2 did/didn't do it) has no problem with the 6v6 format. I fail to see how, in general, having one extra person makes scheduling that much harder.

    As for juice purch. I have not heard enough to convince me one way or another. Again, what Grim said about waiting to see how it pans out is probably the best idea. For now, it should probably be allowed.

    Class limit of 2 seems reasonable. Most people who have played or watched a highlander will tell you that it is **** boring after about 10 minutes and all you really wait for is the Spy to make a cool play. Its like people watching NASCAR for the crashes or Hockey for the fights, but at the end of the day, neither are worth your time.

    It was also mentioned earlier, but I will reiterate. There is a reason why Comp TF2 has the cookie cutter team of 2/2/1/1 (everyone should know what I mean regarding the numbers). It's because those classes are better in most situations. Sure a sniper with support can get a 5 or 6k here and there, and sure a Spy can make a game winning back cap, but at the highest level of play, half the classes have an easily overcome "shtick" and so they are generally not used. Hell to overcome a spy, the other team just has to PAY ATTENTION. Boom, the spy is almost useless. My point is this. Only time will tell what classes have a place in Comp MNC.

    I would love to see a side event of 6v6 all one class though. I could probably get a cheap laugh out of seeing a support rush with 100000 gapshots haha! This would not be for srsbznssomg comp play, rather a way for pro teams to have some fun and give the fans a chuckle.
  2. Milky

    Milky New Member

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    In my opinion you'd need to have some description of vanilla league or at least a fair few scrims to figure out/learn how the comeptitive side of the game works. You can't say that some other comp game did x so we must do x, they're different games.
    The game itself is still fairly new for pc which means it will need time to grow as will the comp side of it.

    I think we need to get some description of leagues running in order to figure out what the problems are with the game as it stands and then figure out what restrictions and rules must be applied.

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