Ideas to combat K/D obsessions.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by FatCatAttack, April 3, 2011.

  1. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I used to come in top for bot kills when I played assault (130 per game minimum). As a gunner I come in between 1st and 3rd (50+ bots per game) while keeping a positive k/d on a good game. On a bad game I'll have a neutral k/d and come in between 1st and 3rd on bot kills. Just because you want to DM and not push bots doesn't mean you can't do it well.
  2. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    bots? who kills bots?

    More seriously, people just need to die less. It's very easy to avoid death in this game if you play smart.
  3. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Wait, do people actually believe K/D isn't important? If I control the pros I can A) Hit the Annihilator B) Use their ejectors and C) Establish map control to give reign on their base all while racking up the cash for juice, bots, and added defense for my own team. If a team loses with a high K/D player (And I don't low mean scores like 5-0) it's the other members' fault for not capitalizing on their pushes. There are players who try to farm kills and don't succeed, but the loss is not always on their heads, and should not be punished for it.
  4. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    K/D isn't really important.
    Doing your job and pushing lanes is important. If that means killing pros in the way then so be it. If it means having to sacrifice yourself to grab the annihilator then so be it. Should you go out of your way to chase down pros? Most of the time: probably not. Should you go out of your way to not get killed? Most of the time: probably.
    There are no cut and dry rules here. Sometimes killing pros helps win. Sometimes not killing them helps win. Whatever the case, most of the time you should be fighting over the bots.
    If you have an awesome k/d but they've got an assassin wiping out all your bots then what're you going to do to their shielded moneyball? Maybe your ratio will scare it to death? By the same token: if they're owning your moneyball then your bot kill count ain't going to mean anything if you don't kill some pros.
    The rest of the time is something inbetween.

    tl;dr: less QQ more pew pew!
  5. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    This. In addition, harassing pros while killing bots/pushing lanes also yields psychological effects on the enemy team. Harass someone enough and they may just avoid you totally, allowing you to push your lane trouble-free OR go into revenge-mode and attempt to kill you(in which case they're not destroying bots) and fail at killing you lol <---this works best when sins are gunning for you when you're a sniper :D

    There are times when you can't help but gain a high k/d because of bad mistakes enemy pros make, over-extending, standing still, standing in ejector range, easy-grapple/charge off map.

    As for those who obsess over K/D (I'll admit I'm a-tad-bit guilty of this with my 5.5 k/d) not all of us just go for pro kills alone, I kill bots and probably do more work than half my team. We may have our priorities obscured whenever I see a red name anywhere within shooting range(as a sniper lol.)
  6. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    Yea sorry you can't combat K/D obsession. I use my K/D ratio and scoreboard to know... instead of porn. Number 1 all day....afk. towel.
  7. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    The thing is is that they could have won by merely turning around and shooting our moneyball. Instead they were too intent on raping those people trying to get out of spawn. The problem as I see it is that too many players see the wins and losses as incidental compared to their own personal scoreboard. If defeats mattered more at the very least if teams are stacked they would end it quickly. If I ever am on the side of the stack (I always click the question mark) I always try to destroy the money ball ASAP. Occasionally it would make some people mad because they want their uber streak protag but I'm not going to shed tears over their wilting e-peens.
  8. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    If you want people to stop focusing on KDR then you are going to need to ask the game to stop focusing on KDR. If streaks and multikills didn't make so much money then KDR wouldn't be as important as it is. I can see why people might want these aspects to change, but if you aren't already mostly focused on KDR now then you don't understand the game or you are willfully playing it in a sub-optimal way.
  9. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    ^But bot kill-streaks are easier and just as if not more constantly profitable.
  10. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Also I'd like to add that even with this system they should be allowed to circumvent it and rage quit which a lot of people do anyway once again to pad those stats. But this has the benefit of getting their behinds out the server and hopefully that slot will be filled by someone less loathsome.
  11. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Obvious facts:
    - Kills are Important
    - Killstreaks are More important for increased Cash Gain
    - Not dying is important if you want an increased cash gain
    - Bot Killing is Important
    - Bot Streaks is an okay alternative

    - With the increased amount of Cash gained, more upgrades for your base, more juice buying, more bot purchases if you're a class that has okay bots, and more upgrades available for you.

    ... All the things listed above CAN be done at the same time, there's no trouble aiming at bots one second and aiming at a pro the other, because of the unlimited turning/aiming capabilities of a mouse+keyboard.

    People just need to realize that bots are gone in a matter of 1-2 seconds unless its a jackbot. Punishing pro's for getting an okay K/D is not an option to fix the community's attitude, it's just forcing them to do something they don't favor, and classes not excelling at bot-killing but rather pro-killing (Gunner, Sniper, ETC) would be punished for it. Okay the gunner has a Mortar, and its average against bots and has an awesome juice-gain not to mention turret destruction, same goes for sniper except that they excell at all points, BUT their real threat lies in their disastrous pro-control capabilities. Like the assassin and tank excell at bot-killing, the Sniper and Gunner excell at pro-killing. And support excells at everything except long distance encounters.
  12. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Bot streaks make decent cash and are easier to obtain.
    Snipers may make great anti-pro, area control turrets but the best snipers are ones that cover lanes and kill both pros and bots.

    Kills are not unimportant but K/D obsession will lose the game.
    I don't agree with punishing those who obsess over high K/D though. They normally get punished with a big "you lose" sign at the end of the match unless the rest of their team play properly.
    It's a valid strategy to have a couple of killers lock down a team while the rest of the team push the lanes. It's risky if those killers can't do their job but pays off if they can. But then they aren't obsessing over K/D. They're implementing a strategy.

    K/D is not important. Winning the match is what counts. Sometimes that means killing some pros. Always that means killing some bots. Don't obsess over either and do what you can to push your team forward and you'll do fine.
  13. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    That's essentially my concern. I know not dying is extremely useful but the problem is, is that a lot of these fellows don't care about their games lost. So I figured if we could tie in the stats they DO care about to winning and losing games they would be more inclined to win games and not drive away uber's playerbase by repeatedly and purposefully raping them just to be raping them.
  14. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Most people I've seen "obsessing" over their KDR have been since the Star Ratings were introduced. Once they properly account for your actions, where they took place/what was going on at the time, class played/contributions given, etc, things like people going 35+ and 0 with 2 bot kills should stop.

    Someone ending with the fewest bot/turret kills but a wonderful KDR (5.0+) shouldn't be punished, no, but the ones that hurt their team by literally ignoring bots and hiding in their spawn room so they don't scratch the paint on their KDR are infuriating.

    EDIT: For example - I got grappled by an Assault who had almost no health left. The Support near me was running about spamming Airstrikes and Shotguns. He was nearly dead as well from combat with said Assault and some long-range minigun spam. Rather than come and help (a distance of maybe 6 feet), he runs from midfield all the way to our base. His response when I asked him why? KDR. :x
  15. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    :lol: Good read!
    But yeah I agree, If that happened to me I'd be pissed too. ;)
  16. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Your saying that my 40-0 and 200 bot kills netting me a lose should make me look like the worst player on the team, just because I got stuck with some pub players who aren't very good?

    WTF kind of logic is that?

  17. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Like I said if you don't want to take the penalty just leave the server with no consequences. I see more and more stat padding goobers rage quit when they lose mid anyway to avoid dying at all. This will just enforce that process ensuring a nicer game.

    The logic is that MNC is a part of the cute indie casual game group and can't survive by catering to sperglords who will scare away the Plant's vs. Zombies crowd that constitutes the majority of its playerbase. Gaben and company are working on "anti-jerk" systems to make multiplayer more palatable, and it's that kind of stuff which makes Valve a company that will continue to advance and grow in both prestige and money. Whereas MNC has a secreted votekick system that pretty much nobody knows how to use or even knows it exists, and if things stay as they are it will go the way of the dodo shortly.
  18. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    No offense, but you really have some bad ideas Fatcat. But still, Tinygod beats you in that.

    Quite frankly, having a system that punishes good players (sans the stat padders) is a terrible idea in any way or form. I'd rather a criminal go free than an innocent man get locked up.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    You punish people for being good. Any system that does that is bad.

    Your idea is stupid, please don't think of more.
  20. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Last few posts are exactly why the system would need a very good (not average, not decent, but very good) set of rules by which to determine good/bad performance.

    1) Class played - directly affects your killing powers (bots/pros/turrets/etc).
    2/3/4) Kills - Bots, Pros, and Turrets. Order/weight derived from 1.
    5) Weight 2/3/4 based on whether the actions took place in the appropriate area (defend when ball is down, attack when enemy ball is down), though this shouldn't be too heavy of a slant.
    6) Cash total?
    7) Accolades (streaks/etc?)
    8) Playtime for that match

    Just a basic concept. It'd require a number of balance tweaks, especially to prevent classes from needing to be played "properly" in order to gain rating. For example, a `sin that goes 20-3 but has 40 bot kills shouldn't be penalized for it, that's a very good KDR. However, if they had, say, 10-15 bot kills over the course of a full 15-20 minute game, it'd be a different story.

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