Ideas on how to balance the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by nickeboy, February 5, 2011.

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  1. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    For what it's worth, I am in complete agreeance with you.
    I also think a RoF nerf is what would fix all problems - with an increase in damage versus bots and turrets (mainly for Firebases).

    This would also emphasise headshots over body shots, as you'll.. well.... need to make your shots count.

    With this nerf, I would even allow a buff to SMG damage. Just slightly. Like, in case a Sniper pegs someone an they live with Red health, he can maybe hunt them down with the SMG.
  2. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Yeah, but agreeing with someone who didn't read my posts and missed my point completely just makes you look like a fanboy.
  3. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    oh i read your posts. i read ALLLL of your posts...
    hence why i dont care anymore.

    Uber is not going to change the sniper because people keep whinging about it on the forums. Everyone who has posted something in this thread has said the same thing over and over and over again. Just give it a few weeks and if they still havent changed anything maybe then you could complain.

    I want this thread to end tbh.
  4. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Most of what the bot slaying capability enables is our passive 3, if you enhance that you enhance player killing as well and that would make people rage as well.

    No matter what you do you will open a can of worms you probably don't want to do.

    Yes I did not read most of this thread because it revolves around the same statement, people are bad at positioning and blame RoF of a Sniper who actively abuses it in moments where his aim is not a robot.

    Fix yourself before you want to fix something that isn't even remotely broken.

    You can ask MastahF about that, he plays Gunner and is quite competent at staying out of sight while still being a force to be reckoned with.

    You can ask OD about that, he plays Assault and locks down the zone in a fashion that won't allow a Sniper to play his potential.

    The problem is people, not the game.
  5. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    Hi all,

    I also think Sniper needs some balancing. In my humble opinion two things are getting mixed in this discussion : the players talent and the toon's potential. I would like to address the latter.

    Sniping difficulty is, I think, above average. But the potential of the class is huge right now. In good hands its unnecessarily devastating. No other class can be that annoying. And by annoying I mean that it can effectively shut down half the map without using any of its special abilities.

    Normally a good moving, jump-strafe action should avoid you headshots. It does in other games, not in MNC. Why ??? On my Assault, one body shot means death in a second if charge is not up or there is no corner around.

    Every class has to put more fight than that to kill me. Even when an Assassin manages to back grapple you to death, he still needs to struggle to escape due to attracted attention.

    Try and reach him ? It does work on some maps, doesn't on others and in both cases its strategically not efficient. You loose too much time getting there, most of the time you arrive half-life after a Lord of the Rings type of journey and all for what ? You lost 2 minutes and he respawns after a few seconds. Then what ? run the marathon again ?

    A Sniper player from a few days ago ended with a KD 59-3. He was damn good - aimbot type good, because I don't have a proof. But he owned equally all classes. I killed him one of those times but died about 10 times trying. Yes, I may have been weak that day or am all the time. Ok, does it solve the fact that a headshot in the begining of a match, which anounces how hard will it be because of one guy and puts the FUN FACTOR almost to zero ?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Sniper needs a nerf per se. I truly understand how fun it is for the guys here who know how to Snipe. I enjoy that myself from time to time.

  6. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    That's really not very hard to fix, now is it? Just increase the explosive damage vs bots but not (so much) against players. Was that so hard to come up with?
  7. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    So as a fix, you propose that everyone either gets insanely good or quits? The problem is that a sniper doesn't have to be good, while the gunner and assault you mentioned are insanely good. You can't expect to always have skilled players countering a mediocre player that's playing a broken class.

    You just said it yourself. High RoF compensates for bad aim, while ideally a class that can kill from the other side of the map should require atleast a bit of skill to do so.
  8. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    If I may, this statement is fundamentally wrong. The game is made for people, hence the game equilibrium should suit the masses.

  9. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Wow, ******* pwnt to put it adequetly. Could not have said it better. Now why didn't I think of that? :p

    GG man, GFG.
  10. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    By masses do you mean noobs? we havent even got 0.1% of the MNC population in this thread so how can you possibly claim that your opinion caters to the masses?

    The fact is, this game should be designed to be balanced, not cater to the masses of casuals, the sniper is a powerful class in the hands of a skilled player, and due to its long range nature it can be percieved to be overpowered in the hands of a crappy player,

    Yet there is no suggested nerf on this forum that would not absolutely destroy the sniper as a class, gimping him to being ineffecient and a waste of player slot.
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    This man makes sense, pay note to him.

    Games are about being skilled not about getting frags handed to you. Play Sniper some time against decent people and you'll see that he only works amazingly well against a bunch of inexperienced people.
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I have said this before I will say it again.

    This game was OBVIOUSLY not intended for a mouse and keyboard.

    Headshots are just entirely too easy to land, the only thing I can think of is adjusting the hitboxes for the PC models..

    Right now it honestly feels like, if I get my crosshairs anywhere NEAR the head its a headshot.. there have been MANY times where I had to say WTF.. so i can only imagine what my enemy was saying..

    I dont think you can nerf the RIFLE itself without taking away its ability to kill bots.. but for gods sake make it harder to aim.

    3 things I suggest, any would make sniper balanced.

    1) Fix hitboxes to make headshots more on par with other PC games

    2) add scope shaking when taking enemy fire (this would make assault the true counter class, right now its not, as I often get WTF head shoted while i'm laying into him)

    3) make ice traps non spammable (1 out at a time, so he actually has to stand IN IT, to be safe, instead of having down multiples blanketst to fall back too

    really anyone of those would do it, but I suggest them in that order from most effective to least.

    any NONE of those would nerf an actual good sniper.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Any Sniper standing inside of a trap is asking for trouble more than anything.

    Penetrating shots make headshots a non-issue I admit that but it ensures that we hit the support behind the botlane so it's quite welcome.

    Scope shaking is taking away control from the player, as long as it is a random sort of shake it would do no good. If it's a predetermined pattern it won't work either because then I can just learn the pattern.

    Random things have no place in competitive games.

    The Headboxes are not entirely huge, it's just that the hitbox is not getting blocked by any part of your body.
  14. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    I didn't say my opinion represents the opinion of the masses at all. I said the game should be adapted to masses and not the other way around. Do not make shortcuts ;)

    We need to stop focusing the discussion on the extremes. A total noob is getting owned by all classes and a fine expert will own all classes as well. There is no message in that. Some people here complaining are not noobs.

    Yes, Games are about being skilled but they are also about fun. That is why I accept with smile my *** being handed to me by skilled players, but came to a conclusion with time that there is something more to Sniper than skill - that is the whole point.

    I totally agree that most provided solutions aren't the best, but this is not our job, the devs do that better. Our part is the eventually share our experience of the game.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Hi my name is grimbar,

    I play the game and skilled people counter me. I spot no inconsistencies in balance other than those induced by the ridiculous tickrate.

    Like that Sigmars?

    This ain't no troll post. I just don't get people who complain about good players doing something against them without having given it the very best in effort to counter it.

    Easy way out ain't the good way out.
  16. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  17. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Introducing sway wouldn't raise the skill ceiling it would raise the skill floor but that aside: you don't have to step into the freeze trap you know that right?

    Freeze traps are binary by nature, either they work or they don't.

    You fly to me in a straight line? I'll shoot you

    Gunner using minigun from any range? I'll shoot you

    People that don't know how to counter ask people to reduce the capability of a Sniper - yeah right.

    How about you people give it your honest best to actually beat a Sniper and come back in a couple of months.

    That would require effort however, something they call "not fun".
  18. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    You mean like the freeze trap?

    As someone already posted, the hitboxes are out of whack. I've been playing more sniper recently to see how he is and I will say this: This class is easy mode. Headshots are very easy to land and I can only get killed if I have 2 or 3 guys on me. My first time playing sniper I had over 4 KD ratio. Mind you, I typically DO NOT PLAY SNIPER IN OTHER FPS GAMES.

    To me, it makes no sense how someone inexperienced like myself with a sniper should be landing headshots with ease and run away/kill when the enemy gets too close. It's quite clear that while porting, Uber didn't consider how fast mouse movement was for snipers. A newbie sniper like myself should not be getting a KD ratio or high cash so easily. I had to learn how to use the tank, gunner, assassin, and so forth. But sniper? Zoom in, shoot something, rinse and repeat.

    If I had it may way, freeze traps would no longer freeze but they would mess up your cooldowns much more then it is now and slow you down a bit more. Flak would remain the same, and reduce the damage of the grapples. Reduce the clip size of the sniper rifle and the ROF. This way a sniper actually needs to land their shots as opposed to spamming like we have right now.
    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  19. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    I can't see the problem here. Raising the skill floor for the sniper is exactly what I want here. I don't give a **** if you can dominate as a sniper, you're actually good so it's not an issue.

    If you people are so afraid of the snipers bot killing capabilities dropping, how about this :

    -50% RoF, +50% bot damage. You don't need high RoF to score headshots. For a good sniper, a high RoF is only there to help him kill bots and turrets, everyone else either dies in one shot, or the sniper doesn't deserve the kill.
  20. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    What's next? raising the skill floor for assassins by nerfing lungegrapple, nerfing tanks so they can't DB all day? Nerfing Gunners Turret wasting capabilities? nerfing the Support Shotgun?

    I mean really, just because Snipers excel seemingly (key-word) easier than other classes it doesn't mean that it is true.

    It all boils down to an aversion about OHKOs, the Sniper gets some chances to pull it off, so does every class with a charge.

    This will be the last thing I'll have to say on this thread: get good and all your problems will vanish.
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