Ideas for units

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by teju__, August 24, 2012.

  1. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I'll confess I haven't read the entire thread so this might have already come up, but suggesting units along the lines of “it would be so cool if...” tends to miss the point. The game needs to be a functioning ecosystem, so each unit should fit into a specific role. Once the roles are defined, then you can think about making them look like a ballet-dancing robot Judy Garland with flamethrowers for eyes.

    FunkOff made a very good post along these lines in the early days of the Kickstarter, I'll find it later when I'm at a computer.
    Last edited: August 29, 2012
  2. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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  3. al3xtec

    al3xtec Member

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    Would this damage the planet?
  4. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    i dunno.

    It's best to keep things blurry when you're tossing around ideas.
  5. nanneraircraft

    nanneraircraft New Member

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    I haven't check the other pages but I think kind of like a death star but scaled down you can put satelites in orbit that have a big laser on them that can blow up bases on the surface. There could be small ones that only take out 1 unit or a few. then one that can blow up multiple buildings.
  6. acey195

    acey195 Member

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    maybe you can only build the small ones and you can merge them (just scaling the model up a bit) and after many merges it reaches max size and could transform in a object on which you can build. (and add an engine to it)
  7. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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    Id like to see one or two hovering [not flying] k-bots much like hovercraft [pelicans didn't count as they swam in TA].
  8. paulzeke

    paulzeke Member

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    Space elevators are a fantastic idea! They would allow for great late-game expansion, they would make "resource farm" planets workable, and they'd provide excellent choke points to fight over.

    as far as them "not being viable in a war", i think it's been established by Uber that fun takes precedent over realism here :)
  9. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    As long as the tanks are cool, I'm happy.

    I would love to see a Fatboy II-esque unit though. I felt like the focusing of role made it a lot better (basically mobile AoE fire support, down from everything-but-the-kitchen-sink in one unit)
  10. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    I thought of two kinds of robots:

    a heavily armed quick one, that is rather fragile and fairly expensive, designed for killing (super) heavy units. It has a jump pack some plasma cannons and deals most damage when it is really close to it's target.

    and a super heavily armed one, that moves very slow, but mounts two railguns, that have a very long range and do a hell of a lot of damage. It is basically is a moving turret, that needs to be defended, as it is only good against heavy and super-hevay units.

    Inspired by this: XV88-2

    btw.: If uber does railguns... they better be the first ones to make it look authentic
  11. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Flying wind gens. It's not as ridiculous as it sounds.

    The concept is that instead of having an enormous windmill, you have a small (prototypes have 3m wingspan ~ 10 feet) flying wing attached to the ground with a cable - like a kite, if you will. As windpower generation depends on how much cross-surface is covered, the wing moving to cover a large surface against the wind.
    The result is a wind generator many, many times cheaper than the giant windmills we see today.

    Ok, that's enough for the boring reality.
    The in-game interest is, that's a flying structure. That can be targeted by anti-air weapons, like early ASF. And the kind that we make farms in the beginning of the game.
    That could be great fun.

    It would also look less iconic but more original than the classical windmills.
  12. teriderol

    teriderol New Member

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    111 posts, sorry for not reading them all.

    But since naval goal is passed, I really hope they put in the ability to create complete bases below water level, including anti-missiles and submerged air defenses.

    Imagine a 500 unit war between the bottom of the ocean and sea level, in 3D.
    maybe the slider would come in handy.

    advanced construction subs, make sure only the current comes through your base.

    amphibious miner bot, get into the mud and create some backup factories for when certain layers of the planet are destroyed or peeled off.

    mole, type A to CX, bom planting or terraforming or scouting or suicidal underground digging units with very small vision of only the ground surrounding them.

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