Idea for how the Metal Planet's main weapon could work

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by iron420, July 24, 2013.

  1. aerospacefanatic

    aerospacefanatic New Member

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    To make them less game-ending, what about giving them a severe weakness? It would need to be something that can be exploited easily, even if you do not have control of the planet or the planet is contested; possibly a building that keeps the planet from exploding. Another idea I had is an energy limit: After a certain amount of energy structures are built, the planet explodes because the planet-destroying weapon activates and hits its own planet. Forcing commanders to go on metal planets to use the weapon would increase the risk/reward factor.
  2. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    Making the huge ammount of incoming metal from the reclaiming of a whole planet NEEDS to be used elsewhere using some resource sharing device, because if not the metal planet's mass will increase till implosion, creating a small blackhole. :D
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    As far as "king of the hill" style games go, that's exactly the kind of outcome it should create.

    The value of a metal world means that fighting over it becomes paramount. It means keeping the weapon's infrastructure out of enemy hands, and destroying anything that gets replaced. Is it OP that activating the world gives the player a massive advantage? Not at all. That's simply a fact of the game type. It's something that all players have to accept going in.

    If you would rather not play with the metal world, treat it like any other world and whack it with asteroids until it's useless.

    I know it's so difficult to understand, but overpowered does not mean unstoppable. Unlike number-driven RPGs and anime, problems can be outwitted instead of hopelessly hammered head on.

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